(69.1) memories

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Himura Seiko could feel nothing. Suspended in this strange limbo, her eyes were dazed as she tried to make out the hell-scape she was surrounded with. Furious shouts were muffled, tearful cries almost silenced.

She couldn't even look ahead of her without squinting her eyes in slight confusion.

But everyone around her was ignited with a strange passion, a select few absolutely infuriated, while others were still pinned to their places in disbelief.

"Take it all in, Enigma."

Shigaraki? Was that Tomura Shigaraki's voice?

Last Himura recalled, the Villain and her were both in tense relations. Their League was floundering for control, and before she knew it, Seiko was out of the loop of recent activities. She thought they were on their own agendas now.

"We are much stronger than before, and it is your time to return." Tomura's voice dropped into a gleeful whisper, and Seiko could make out the twisted smirk stretching across his face. His lips cracked. "These heroes aren't useful. It's time to go back, Enigma."

Seiko numbly stared, the sidewalk below them suddenly shuddering.

Oh, they were outdoors.

"To-Tomura?" Her voice was faint, but suddenly the area around her swelled into silence.

Those muffled screams halted, and even the sporadic thuds and cracks from those battling around them stilled. Because, when the male villain's hands reached out towards Seiko, many of the teachers stared in horror.

"There's no need to hold back, Enigma."

His hand gently took the brown strands in front of her face, carefully latching onto them and sending them into a pile of ash. Thumbing his finger along her—now completely—blue hair, he grinned.

"Master is waiting."


"Watch out!!"

Midoriya's voice echoed over the rest, the small boy flinging himself overhead and violently slamming his fist into an approaching Nomu. Uraraka flinched back from the impact, sighing in relief when the enemy scrambled back from the attack.

"What's going on?" She cried out.

The group of 1-A students were rudely interrupted from their morning classes, this time not ridden with panic when the school's security system erupted into frantic beeps. The licensed students were quick to get geared up and rush outdoors, met with a terrifying force of Nomu's that dragged themselves across the campus fields.

They didn't have time to question how they had gotten in, or what was even the situation, but the students quickly went into action.

1-A and 1-B worked in tandem, unlikely pairs of students grouped together to somehow stop the large monsters that filled the campus.

Angry shouts and cries of attack only continued to litter the battlefield. Although no one was in a deadly condition, everyone was injured to some degree. Still, they fought.

"Where—" Tsuyu's tongue darted out, tripping the stray leg of a gangly Nomu and sending it toppling into the crushing grasp of 1-B's Kendo Itsuka. "—are all the teachers, kero?"

"Creati! Left!"

Kendo sent a, now split, Nomu to the student. With a shout, Momo raised the large cannon from her chest, ducking away just as it shot into the monster.

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