Chapter 21

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   "Fuck fuck fuck!" I yell.

"Maybe you shouldn't have such an attitude," Kio says. His voice usually calms me but it's making me really fucking irritated right now.

"Shut up!" I scream surprising us both. He jokingly raises his hands up and shuts up, thank god.

"What do we do?" I ask Searra, she doesn't look bothered at all as she shrugs.

I manage to put all the papers in a stack as we all help except for Kio of course. Once we do that I set them to the side. I pick up the folder everything is still in there thankfully. Mr. Phillips doesn't really decorate his desk so we're in luck. I put everything together and pick up the lamp, it's still perfectly lit. I sigh in relief and slump down.

"Um we have a problem," Nick says from beside me. I sit up and look to my side. The computer is in pieces, and the wires are torn from the monitor and the screen itself is destroyed.

I scramble to my feet quickly and bend down to the computer not even knowing what to do. We could just run out of here at and pretend that nothing happened. I raise my head up to talk to them, but I raise my head up to see...Mr. Phillips.


"Mom! I'm home," I exclaim when I get into the house. She comes into the grand foyer with a pink robe, her hair perfectly straight. But I can tell by her face she's not happy.

"Why did I just get a phone call from Mr. Phillips?"

"Well did he not tell you?"

"I wanna hear the explanation from you," I hate when she does this. Did he tell her about the cheating part?

"Well basically I knocked over his computer and he got mad and I got detention for 2 weeks on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I also have ISS for 3 days," I say bored pretending like I don't care when I really do.

"And...," she waits for me.

"And I cheated," I shrug and go upstairs quick.

"I better not see this again!" she yells when I close my door.

I plop down on my bed and stare at the ceiling. Kio vs Nick huh?

The next day goes by fast by the time it's detention. It's Wednesday which means we have 5 more days of this torture. I mean I knew I wasn't gonna get away with this either way. We were given this stupid packet yesterday of work we have to complete her the course of our d-halls. He makes us keep them here so unfortunately we can't do them at home.

He enters the room and writes the directions on the board. He passes the packets out and I get to work. A paper gets thrown on my desk and I look beside me to see Kio smiling. I roll my eyes and open the note,

You're the one that got us in here

it says. Ugh I fucking hate him. I roll the note back up and throw it at him before lying my head down on the desk.

I get woken up by Mr. Phillips' loud voice.

"How about a deal?" All of our heads and ears perk up.

"There's a community center down the street and they need volunteers to rake the elderly station. So here's the deal, next week you do that instead of working in here," he says.

I mean it's a great deal. It's better than working here. Plus I actually like helping out, maybe he'll even note it down for my professors or something. I look around the head and everybody shakes their head, Kio shrugs and leans back in his chair.

"We'll take it," I smile speaking for everyone.

"Great!" he exclaims and goes back outside somewhere.

A rake, a Nick, a Kio, and a me. We'll see what next week brings towards me.

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