Chapter 48

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Looking out the window I see Mandy, Bella, and Chloe all gathered outside of Searra's room. Searra has always lived across my house but we really only met at Kio's party. I wonder if she knew about any of this. Truth is, I kind of liked Searra. A knock on the kitchen island distracts me from my thoughts.

"Hey hun, why are you just staring at the window?" mom giggles. A wipe a tear away waving at her with a small smile. 

"I just wanted some breakfast," I tell her.

The waffles scare me as they pop out of the toaster due to the fact that all I was focusing on was the black on it, the color of Kio's sheets. Me on my knees in front of him. All I see is his lips on my neck but fogged with tears. Taking the waffles out of the toaster I go back to my room staring at the screen.

The letters of this site name bores into my eyes causing pain in every area of my body. How is it not taken down yet? When I scroll through the page there's videos of young girls and looks like the boys are crossed out. I've heard of these girls all around school but never about this. At the top  of the site are names. I click on the bar that says his name. The first video I see is the one with the most views. It's Mandy. So the same thing happened to her? Doubt she even cared.

The video has 30k views, woah. That's honestly so sad to think about, her body has been shown to thousands of people. I scroll down about five videos when I see name I recognize, Sarah. Oh my god. I totally forgot she warned me about this. The tape is with Kio of course, I can't ignore the small sting of jealousy I get. most of my feelings are hate towards him, why couldn't Sarah just tell me the whole thing? 

I scroll down again's me. I bring my hand up to my mouth. It's horrific to see. He got a perfect view and I couldn't see anything. There was one on the dresser to the right getting a side view of everything we did, another one on the dresser in front of us, and one on the headboard. I see as he thrusts into me and only my shaky body is shown. You can only see half of him. The fact that my most intimate thing I've ever been through was posted on the internet to thousands breaks my heart. I breaks my heart to see all these girls just being shown to the internet. When I look at my views the numbers 10k shows. A shiver goes through me again when I slam my laptop closed. I sit there in my chair getting visions non stop torturing my soul. I sit there my body limp escaping into the worst place I've ever been.

It's hell.

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