Chapter 47

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My whole life falls in front of my face while the video plays. The sound bursts out of my speakers but I lower my the volume fast enough. After I confirm it's what I think it is I throw my phone across my room and bury my face in my hands.

Why, how, just why? Why would he do that to me. Is this what the book is? A way to make me seem like a slut to the entire school while Kio fucks me like his life depends on it. And how could he do this to me. After all of the moments we've had, he's perfectly cool with putting this up. The feeling my heart felt when we looked into each other's eyes making love to each other. The way I entered English and he said my name so slow it gave me butterflies for days. After I fell in love with him he did this. He lied.

He's been lying since the day he pushed me against that wall in gym. The way he left hideous but beautiful red marks on my neck. The way I cheated on Nick with him several times and he let me. No, I've known this ever since I saw him. This is what he does, I knew that. But in my head there was something that told me he's a good guy. In my head I made our perfect love story but messed up love story. It was all in my head.

To think about it, he's the slut. He's a fucking man whore that does this because he's bored with his life and needs a woman and sex to make him feel pleased. I was just the woman that fell for the slut. And Josh created this? They're all disgusting, and can all go fuck them selves with as good of a pussy as mine.

I wipe my tears away and turn on the shower. I let the hot water rinse down my body. Every drip of water and every blink I make flashes an image of Kio and I. It's like the movies you see where the two break up then they make up and have an epic love story. Instead, my love story won't be epic. For as long as I can think of this will scar me for life. Our love story ended when I felt love for him.

Wrapping a towel around my body I remember I had just taken a shower a few hours ago. More tears come out for some odd reason of 'water wasting.'

I look at my pathetic self in the mirror crying even more, after a few minutes of judging myself I walk outside to my room. I see a notification that says 2 missed calls. From Nick. Oh god.

I call him back and by instinct his voices warms me.

"Hey Em," he says through the phone.


"So I know we're not in the best place right now but I kind of need a friend," I let out a breath of relief.

"Why? Are you okay?"

"It's my grandma. Can you meet me at the hospital?"

"Uh yeah of course give me a few minutes," I tell him

When I hang up I throw a hoodie on with some ripped jeans that were laying around. I realize the fact I don't have a car means I have to walk.

The rain is harder than ever as I walk to the bus stop. Not many buses come around this late but I'll be lucky if one does.

When I arrive at the hospital I go to the room Nick gave me and my heart drops when I see his eyes red standing in front of the bed his grandma is on. When I enter he sits down on a wooden chair beside him the bed.

"Oh my god, Nick is she okay?"

"No she's not okay. She's dying Em," my heart stings at the way he says Em. It feels like that was always Kio's thing. The way it'd slowly run off his tongue.

"I'm so sorry," I tell him rubbing his shoulder.

His phone rings and he looks at me suspiciously before giving me a finger and going outside to take the call.

When the phone hangs up I look over to him and he stares at his phone, his eyes bleeding. Oh shit, this can't be happening. Not while his grandma's fucking dying!

I run outside and see the site open. He immediately closes it not daring to look at me.

"Look Nick, I can explain," I say, my tears threatening to come out

"When was this Emma?"


"That was at the cabins wasn't it? Who took you first?" he asks tears pouring out of his eyes.

"You did Nick! It was you!"

"So when the fuck was this Emma?!" he yells. 

"The day after," I sob.

He covers his face with his hands and when he looks up at me, all I see is rage in his eyes.

"Go," he says.

"Nick it was a stupid choice I know, but-"

"Can you just fucking leave!" he yells again.

A blond eyed lady comes up from behind Nick, Mrs. Austin. 

"Emma dear, is something wrong here?" she says looking at our tear soaked faces.

"No ma'am, I should get going now," I tell her.

"Oh well you can stay if you'd like," she smiles.

"No um actually it's late so I should get going," I say turning my back to her.


The cool wind hits me as I walk back to my house. As the rain falls onto my already damp hair I notice no more tears come out, I've ran out.

It's not that I'm sad we can't get together or anything. I would never use him as my "rebound" but I needed a friend like him. A friend that has seen me go through everything. I knew I lost that now.

Stopping at Rosa's I wait in line but look all over, I see the table where Kio and I got in a fight but later made out in the bathroom. I laugh to myself remembering the marks he made on me. I also see the table where Mandy and I were sitting but Kio got tired of it and took me to the fair. When we made out on the Ferris wheel and the rain started pouring down us. The large table I remember sitting at to play Fugitive. The aftermath of that. A single tear drops out of my eye but it's not sadness. More of happiness in love, guilt, regret, Kio.

I arrive back at my house around nine am. I drove out to the beach and sat there for hours just reflecting. When I get inside the house Josh is sitting in the foyer chair, I give him a finger and sprint upstairs. Changing into some new sweats I leave my bra on and go to all of Kio's shirts I have. I take a pair of fabric scissors and cut open 3 of them. I leave 4 of them hanging in my closet but put the others I cut in a box. I spray my perfume on it then grab a piece of paper taping it to the box.

For your dick of a friend, give this to him with my love - I write on the paper.

I put it by Josh's room and leave back to my room. I check my phone seeing a thousand texts letting me know about the video, along with tweets about me and my Instagram comments filled with a bunch of things.

I set my phone down going to my computer instead. I type in the site name and prepare myself for a long morning.

Author's Note:

Sorry it's been awhile since I last updated but I did finally! So I know these chapters didn't have much to it but the next last chapters coming out will have a lot. We have about 10 more chapters coming out so yay! Lots of secrets will be revealed so stay tuned. I wanted to say thank you for all the support again cause it means the world, we're at 120k !! Okay I love you so so so much and I'll talk soon. Please keep leaving votes cause it helps out a lot and I love hearing from y'all. Byeee love you <3 

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