Chapter 5

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It was the next morning and we had woken up really early because Cameron was freaking out downstairs and we could barely notice.

"Holy shit Cameron. Chill." Mickie said rubbing his eyes and taking a seat next to me on the couch.

"I can't just chill! My mom is coming into town and she wants to stay here. I couldn't just turn her down. She's my mom. She's brining my sister too. My mom is like really classy and uptight so by the time she gets here we all have to act mature and such and she wants to have some family visit." He said in one breath.

 "Cameron, we may have a big house but we can't just have like a hundred people come over because your mom said so." Taylor said.

 "Please man,it'll be a couple nights and that's it. She'll kill me if I don't obey her." He said begging Taylor to let her stay a few nights.

"Cameron..." before he could say anything Matt came downstairs and cut them both off and we all looked at him.

"What the fuck is going down here?" He said in a deep raspy voice rubbing his eyes.

"Cameron's mom is coming over on Saturday." Taylor said for him.

"So? It's fucking 8:30am. A guy can't get any sleep just because one of his roommate's mom's is coming over?" He said with an annoyed tone.

 "Matt. This is serious. She hates all my friends and if she finds out I live with a bunch of snotty assholes like you guys, she'd fucking kill me!" Cameron screamed.

  "The problem is, I don't fucking care." Matt said turning around and walking back up the stairs.

 "Forget him. Your mom and your sister can stay for three days and that's it. And she can bring some family over but none of them are spending the night here." Taylor said like a parent.

 "Thank you so much! I'll go call her." He said running up the stairs.

"Okay, who wants breakfast?" Mickie said getting up and walking into the kitchen area.

"I do." Taylor said walking over to the counter top and sitting down at one of the high chairs.

"I'm okay for now. I'll be in my room if you need me." I say walking up the stairs.

"Ok bitch, have fun." Mickie says waving without looking at me but I laugh and just keep walking.

  I hear yelling but it's not as loud because it's coming from behind Matt's door.

  "Dude, I already told you I don't fucking care. Go make babies with her if you want." I think is what I hear coming from what I think is Matt's voice.

  "I don't wanna fucking make babies with her! I like her. Like I mean really like her but I know she a thing for you, you just don't see it because you're always fucking behind a screen or maybe because you don't fucking give a shit about anyone but yourself!" I hear Cameron scream.

I put my ear closer to the door so I can hear better.

"Or maybe because you're a fucking virgin you wants every girl he can't have!" Matt shoots back.

I hear a pause and cover my mouth with my hand at the outrageous comeback.

Cameron's a virgin?

Hmm,who would've thought?

"You're an asshole." Cameron says without telling this time.

I hear footsteps come through the door and I try to think fast but it was too late.

Cameron had already opened the door and they were both looking at me with wide eyes without blinking.



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