Chapter 44

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"Answer my question Matthew."

"Yes." He says with hesitation.

"I've been with her, but what do you expect? She's all I had left. I don't talk to my parents, all my friends hate me and are on your side. She was my last destination. I had to go see her."

"Matt, we could've just talked it out."

"But I was angry. I wasn't thinking right so how was I supposed to talk to someone who broke my heart?"

"I know. And I'm sorry. But it wasn't my fault." He looks up at me. The softness in his eyes, disappearing. His eyes darken.

"Of course it wasn't. All of this was my fault. Lucy using me for sex then leaving me. You, making me think you liked me then wanting to have-"

"I know what you're gonna say so you should just-"

"No, I'm not finished." He retorts.

"You having sexual relations with multiple guys then lying to my face about it. But then again, it's all my fault."

"I didn't mean-"

"Mean for what? Mean for all of this to happen? Mean for you to just play around when you were supposed to be with me?"

"We went on one date! You rejected me! How was I supposed to react? I've never had someone like you in my life and I thought, is living together and us liking each other, a lot, would mean it was time for us to, you know, take the next step. Further our relationship."

"But, you couldn't have just waited. Not til I was ready. Because everything we do has to go by you and only you. We don't have to talk about it. Just go for it. Its fine."


"It's fine." He storms out of the room.

"Are you just gonna leave again? Just like all those other times?" I follow him to his room.

"If you want me to stay here, you're gonna have to give me some space." He says slamming the door in my face.

I sigh and walk back to my room.


The next morning I wake up to loud music and people talking.

"What's going on?" I say to the boys gathered around the table after getting freshened up and walking downstairs.

"We're just eating and catching up with Matt. After all this time, him being gone and all, we just wanna sit down and talk. No yelling, no fighting, just talking." Nate says then turns back to his meal.

"I made some for you too. Just incase if you wanted some." Sammy says getting up and grabbing a plate setting it down next to where he was sitting.

"I hope you like eggs." He pours me some juice and sits back down next to me.

"Are you guys okay?" I ask confused. They're all acting nice. This is weird.

"Yeah, just eat." Sammy says putting a hand on my thigh and squeezing it.

I grab his hand and move it back to his.

After everyone gets up, I notice Matt had looked up at me several times while everyone was talking about some new video game. He gave me so many dirty looks that I think I need a shower.


I hear a muffled knock on the bathroom door. The water was so loud, I could barely hear anything.

I step out of the shower and grab a towel. On my way out the door, someone opens it.

"Oh my god." I scream.

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