Chapter 14

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"Is that really you?" A familiar voice says from behind Taylor.

"Sawyer?" I say setting my popcorn down next to me.

"Oh my god! It really is you!" I say jumping up from my seat running into his arms.

I wrap my legs around him and he spins me around.

"You look great." He says setting me down but not letting me out of his grip.

"Bunny!" I scream running into my best friend's arms.

"C.J!" She screams wrapping her legs around me and I spin her around.

"It feels like it's been forever!" I say setting her down.

"It's been like what, 3 weeks?" She says showing off her beautiful smile.

"You two out on a date?" I whisper in her ear.

"Well, kinda. Not to him but definitely to me." She says smiling looking at him while he's laughing at something Taylor said.

We walk over to the boys and lean our ears in pretending to ease drop.

"Are you guys talking about us?" We say in unison and begin to laugh.

"Actually, yeah. We were talking about the time the four of us jumped off the roof into my mom's pool when it was like a hundred degrees out and Sawyer missed and broke his leg." He said and we all laughed.

"Can we go see the movie now it's almost 8." Cameron said sighing and grabbing some popcorn.

"Yeah, sure. What movie are you guys seeing?" I ask.

She whispers the name of the same movie we're watching in my ear.

"Yay! That's the same thing we're watching!" I say cheerfully. Everyone groans.

"We're not all sitting together!" Matt says absolutely irritated by the thought of us all sitting together. He groans as he grabs his popcorn and candy taking Cameron and Mickie with him.

"Well, I guess we gotta go. The movie's starting in 10 minutes." Taylor says checking the clock on the wall behind him.

"I gotta go. See you after the movie?" I ask.

"Yeah, sure. And if not just text me when you get home." She says waving goodbye.

I turn on my heel and run over to catch up to Taylor who's already halfway there and has my ticket.

I jump up on his back and he carries me into the movie.

I would hate to ruin our friendship.


this is so fucking short


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