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It was the end of jaime and eddies tour on a late Friday night around 10pm. They met outside the locker rooms to drive home together because jaimes car was in the garage getting a new transmission.

On there way home the rain and wind really picked up they could hardly see. Jaime looked up the weather in his phone concerned about Eddie driving home. It showed it would be like this and getting worse into the night.
"Janko this isn't gonna slow down until the morning and it's supposed to be hitting even harder any minute"
"Okay? So?" She said to him as she parked along the side walk for jaime to get out. Jaime didn't move at all to even get ready to leave the car. He just looked at her in uncertainty and confused by the fact she didn't get what he was saying to her.
"Eddie your not driving home in this." He told her like she should know that.
"Oh stop Reagan. I can drive home in this I'm a cop for gods sake haha" she laughed off at him. He still just looked at her.
"Eddie. No. It's like flooding, come in. You can crash here for the night you gotta take me to the garage anyway tomorrow." She didn't argue too much with him because it was pretty crazy out. So they ran into his apartment building together and got soaked immediately. They laughed hard though because they almost fell. She followed him up to his place. It's not the first time she's been there but it's the first time she's staying.
"Jaime I don't have clothes" she told him.
"You can wear somthing of mine." He told her.
She was dumbfounded.
"You want me to wear your underwear?" She laughed and asked him jokingly.
"Well I mean there clean if you want. Or I can just give you some sweat pants and a t shirt?" He asked her realizing what he got himself into.
"You don't have any girl clothes that were ever like accidentally left here?" She said confused.
"Um no?? What do you think I just sleep around? Haha" he asked her seriously but trying not to be awkward.
"I mean maybe every now and then?" She informed him. He shook his head no as he opened his dresser drawers and got out sweatpants and a t shirt for Eddie.
"Janko I haven't slept with anyone since my engagement ended 2 years ago" he told her. She was shocked and at a loss for words. He laughed at her reaction and threw the clothes at her. "I'll leave you to it" he said as he left and closed the door behind him. She got dressed in Reagan's clothes. It felt weird. She had no underwear or bra on. Her nipples poked through the shirt but she didn't care. She went to the mirror and threw her hair up in a ponytail. She proceeded to walk out to the living room area. Where jaime was making a bed on the couch.
"Oh jaime you don't have to do all that I'm good with just a blanket. He looked up at her.
"I'm sleeping here janko you take my bed." He told her. She was blindsided and shocked.
"What?! No! Reagan I sleep out here, it's your bed!" She argued.
"Your a guest in my home, take my bed please." He told her. They went back and forth a little bit but then Eddie gave up. Jaime thought she looked cute with his clothes on and no bra. They said goodnight and went off to bed.

Eddie woke up at 2am on the dot with awful cramps in her stomach and lower back. She sat up and felt it. Yup. She got her period. She flipped the blankets back in jaimes bed and saw it all over where she was laying. She ran to the bathroom to clean up and realized she had nothing with her so she stuck a bunch of toilet paper in her pants. And went out to get her purse. Jaime woke at the sound of her footsteps and the door opening and saw the blood on her (his) pants and stood up in distress. She was trying to be quiet and not wake him but, he's a cop he sleeps with one eye open.
"Eddie are you okay!? What's going on!?" He got up and went to go after her.

"I got my period it's everywhere and I left my purse out here

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"I got my period it's everywhere and I left my purse out here." She told him. She was so embarrassed. He was feeling a little awkward.
"Don't worry about it, it's okay, I can wash it all" he reassured her. He put his hand on her bicep as he talked. She was digging through her purse for a tampon. She stopped abruptly and bent over clenching her stomach in pain. She dug through her purse for Advil.
"Is this normal Eddie you seem like your in a lot of pain for a period?" Jaime said.
"This is normal however I wasn't expecting it otherwise I'd be on top of wearing somthing and taking somthing so it wouldn't get this bad but I'm early." She told him. He was in shock this was normal for her.
"So it's just bad cramps and heavy bleeding?" He asked her out of curiosity.
"Basically, and my back kills." She added as she touched it and finally found her Advil. Jaime just listened to her and tried to understand. She got her stuff and went back to the bathroom. Jaime couldn't fathom Eddie in so much pain and blood. He went into his room and saw all the blood and began to take off the sheets. It was a lot of blood he was a little surprised women had to deal with that much every month. Eddie unaware of Jaime being in the room, she opened the bathroom holding the bloody sweatpants of his, but stopped and hid her naked bottom self behind the door when she saw him in the room.
"Sorry sorry, I'll get you another pair of pants" he said quickly in the awkward moment he realized he was in.
"You didn't have to touch all that jaime! Oh my god that's gross stop, I'll get it. Seriously stop"
She said in shock of what was happening. As he stopped to get her pants out of his drawer.
"No janko it's not gross, it's human nature. It's just blood." He reassured her and threw her a pair of sweatpants.
"JUST blood!? Reagan it's blood from my lady parts, it's a different level of blood" she said to him in disarray. He smiled at her.
"I'm not going there janko." He looked back at the mess and picked up the sheets to take to the laundry and walked out of the room. Eddie just stared at him and watched him not care and smiled to herself about it. As she put the new pair of pants on, she thought to herself "damn I need a man like that".

Jamko, An Unexpected Night TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now