Secrets Out

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January 24th Sunday.

Jaime and Eddie got home from church and didn't have Sunday dinner until 5. Emmalyn went down for a nap after they ate lunch.

Jaime came out to the kitchen and watched Eddie clean up the dishes that were left from lunch.

"So are we gonna talk about the plan." Jaime asked Eddie.

"I don't know jaime. My stomach is in knots I just don't think I can face her." Eddie said nauseated.

"Eddie, Nikki is an adult. If my sister has a problem with her sharing something like this to us over her I'll handle it. Her of all people should understand." Jaime said.

"Why's that." Eddie asked.

"She's an ADA... and she's the most liberal of us all." He explained. Eddie agreed.

"I still just feel awkward if we already know. And your family is going to flip there lids. It's not going to be an easy conversation with her. I just keep putting myself in her shoes and ugh." Eddie expressed and got a little emotional. Jaime massaged her shoulders.

"Eddie it's not our problem. As mean as that may sound. We're doing this the right way." Jaime told her.
A few hours later they were headed out the door for dinner. When they got there Nikki was waiting for them outside.

"Just so you guys know my mom still doesn't know. I'm waiting for the doctors appointment I made for Thursday." She told them as they walked to the house.

"Okay we can be civil with that I guess." Eddie said and patted her on the back. They all got inside and dinner was on the table and everyone was ready to go.

Dinner was going great until...

"What's going on with you?" Danny called out to Nikki as he had noticed her wine glass was still full.

"Oh just not in the mood for it today." She told him. Jaime and Eddie exchanged looks like "oh shit". Everyone had eyes on Nikki waiting for an explanation.

"What can't I just not drink?" She tried in defense.

"Nikki you just love your wine that's all" Erin said and then Eddie decided to try and help.

"Yeah I mean I don't have to be the only one." Eddie added. Jaime looked down he didn't think that was a good call but he prayed to himself it would slide. Eddie thought the same thing after she said it.

"Yeah but you have a reason." Pop said. Nikki stopped and took a deep breath as everyone had still been looking at her. The silence made Jaime look up and scrunched his face nervous to how she was gonna do this. Eddie brought her glass to her lips. As Nikki looked straight at her mom across the table.

"I'm pregnant." She said and looked down. No one said anything. They just stared at her and each other in shock. Jaime covered his face by putting his hand on his forehead and closing his eyes. Eddies eyes froze and she just kept drinking her water and set it down. They couldn't believe it was coming out now. They both felt awkward already knowing. Eddie could've thrown up.

"What." Erin said Staring into her daughter with those angry mom eyes.

"Yeah I wasn't gonna tell anyone until I got to the doctor to get a for sure answer, but sitting here in a family of cops and detectives I guess I had it out for me." Nikki said defending herself right to her mothers face. She started to cry and got up from the table. Erin looked at frank, who had the same shocked eyes she did. She got up and stormed out of the room after her.

Jaime and Eddie didn't look up they kept eating slowly.

"Daddy where did they go?" Emmalyn asked. Jaime got uncomfortable.

"Em just eat your dinner." Eddie said quietly still not looking at anyone.

"You two knew." Frank said looking at jaime. He swallowed his food and sat back in his chair and then looked up at his dads face.

"She came to me earlier this week." Jaime admitted. Frank had no words.

"You didn't think Erin should've known?" Pop questioned. Jaime automatically got defensive.

"She's 22. If she doesn't want to share information with someone but shares with me I have no right to tell the other person, especially when I was told not too." Jaime said.

"Also I want to add...if she would be 16 or 17 we would've talked to Erin. But we didn't think it was our place." Eddie said. Frank agreed and so did pop after they explained there point.

"Is this for real?" Danny asked still in shock looking at jaime, who shook his head yes.

"But how..." Danny asked still just do surprised.

"Well I mean didn't dad ever talk to you?" Jaime kinda joked.

"Not the time Jamie." Frank shot him down.

"Sorry." Jaime said. Danny started to make a scene by getting up grabbing his coat.

"Where are you going?" Frank asked him.

"I'm gonna go find this kid and bring him to this table. I wanna hear it from him." He spewed out of his mouth.

"Sit down." Frank ordered him. They all looked at Frank a little scared. Danny sat down realizing he couldn't do what he wanted.

"It sounded like she trusted the guy a little more then she should've is all I'm gonna say" Eddie explained. Erin came in and stopped at the archway.

"Can I talk to you." She said to Jaime with those mom eyes, pissed.

"Look. Erin. You can't be mad at me. It's Nikki's decision to tell who she wants to tell. She's 22. Not 16. If she was 16 I would've came to you but she's not. Case closed." Jaime said and took a drink. Erin for once didn't argue back. Instead she stood there, broke down and cried.

Jaime got up and hugged her.

"It's gonna be okay." He whispered to her.

Jamko, An Unexpected Night TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now