Officer Down

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It was a Wednesday night in the middle of August. Eddie works until 11pm and so Jaime is home for the night. He doesn't go in until 4am.

He tucked Emmalyn into her bed and was finishing up her book, she was almost asleep. He slowly got up turned the night light on that was also a monitor, turned off the main light and shut the door behind him. He looked at his watch, it was 8:30. He decided to turn in for the night. He turned all the lights off except for the light about the stove so Eddie wasn't walking around in the dark. He got to their room and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He came back out and turned the monitor on to hear if Emmalyn wakes up. He turned down the bed, pulled his shirt over his head and plugged his phone in to charge. Setting his alarm for 3:30am. He was exhausted and was not excited to start that early. He laid down and fell asleep almost immediately.

It was 10:30pm, His phone was almost falling off the nightstand, vibrating with a phone call. He immediately sat up and answered not even seeing who it was or what time it was.

"HELLO" Jaime said very disheveled and trying to wake up.

"Sergeant Reagan! Eddie! It's Eddie! She got shot-" Witten said over the phone completely panicked. Jaimes whole body just died. His heart sank. It felt like someone punched him in the stomach a thousand times. He started sweating and got up out of bed to throw on clothes so he could leave.

"WHICH HOSPITAL!?" Jaime literally yelled, he raises his voice when he gets scared. It's just how he handles it. You can always hear how scared he is when he does too.

"It's just her shoulder so don't panic but-" Jaime cut her off as his heart raced.

"RACHEL WHICH HOSPITAL" he yelled again.

"St. Vick's, were getting in the ambulance now" she said.

"TELL EDDIE IM COMING!" Jaime yelled over the phone and hung up. He immediately called his dad.


"Jaime relax! me and pop are coming over right now, he can stay with her! Just calm down she's a tough girl!" Frank said sternly.

"Dad if something happens to her I-" Jaime started to say panicked.

"DON'T. Go there. Ill be waiting out front for you." Frank said firm and boldly. Jaime said okay and they hung up. 10 minutes went by and Jaime was waiting for pop to round the corner he propped the door open as soon as he saw him coming. He was shuffling fast torward the door.

"She's still sleeping, she shouldn't wake up hopefully I'll be back. Call me!" Jaime said and ran down the steps. He said screw the elevator and was literally running down the steps in his sneakers, jeans and a long sleeved grey Harvard t shirt. He bolted out the front doors, Gormley was standing at the back passenger door holding it open. He ran and literally Supermaned it into the vehicle. Gormley slammed the door and got in the passenger seat quickly.

"Hit it!" Jaime yelled at the driver. He was panting. Out of breath, tears started streaming down his face. He couldn't watch the road or look at his dad he put his head down and held it in his hand. He started praying. Frank put his hand on his back and prayed with him.

Seeing the love Jaime had for this girl made Frank happy but this was a scary situation. He knows there's nothing he could say to make Jaime calm down. He cared about her too much.

10 minutes went by Jaime didn't move. He was still in shock and scared, tears still coming.

"Jaime. We're here" Frank said as the driver and Gormley got out to open their doors. Jaime picked his head up and got out as soon as they opened his door. He stormed into that hospital it was packed full of his guys because he was a sergeant just not her sergeant anymore since they were married. Rachel stepped out in front to talk to jaime. She couldn't even talk he started.

"What happened?! Can I see her?!" He stated.

"She went straight to surgery. They said it won't be long it didn't get anything major. She's going to be okay. doctors words." Witten said holding her hands up in surrender. Frank had just got in the building everyone stood at attention.

"As you were" he said and went over to where Jaime was.

"What happened though!?" Jaime asked her. She was so nervous. She had sergeant Reagan ordering her to speak and The police commissioner standing there waiting to hear what she had to say too.

"We came up on a drug deal they all ran different ways. So we went after the one who we saw selling. Chased him down an alley around the corner and then back around to where we started and then pop. Eddie went down I fired back but it wasn't even the guy we were after it was one of his buddies. They both got away." She said all in one breath.

"Did you guys call for backup!?" Jaime asked. She shook her head no and swallowed hard. He was scaring her.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL FOR BACK UP!?" He shouted at her.

"Sarge they didn't show any weapons at first and we didn't think it was necessary for a drug deal." She explained.

"They start running and there's more then 1 you call it in Witten! Gun or no gun!" Jaime yelled.

"Sergeant REAGAN" Frank roared meaning to tone it back. The whole waiting room went silent.

She felt terrible she knows they should've called it in but it didn't seem like a good time to say it was Eddies idea to pursue it themelves. She just let jaime flip on her she can't imagine what he's feeling and understands he's just emotional right now.

"Let's go sit down son. Thank you officer Witten" frank said. He walked away from her and sat down but Jaime went and stood against the wall so the doctor would get to him before anyone else.

45 minutes went by and the doctor finally came out. Jaime jumped out in front of him.

"I take it your Mr.Reagan?" The doc asked.

"Sergeant Reagan. Yes. How is she?!" He asked concerned.

"She's gonna be fine. Surgery went well. We removed the bullet it didn't hit anything major. She's resting comfortably now" he said. Jaime let out the biggest relief and asked to see her. He got escorted back to her room.

She was laying there hooked up to machines with cords coming out of her. Her eyes were shut. He stepped inside and sat down he hold her hand. Her eyes opened right up.

"Jaime" she said and started crying. He lost it and stood up. He rested his head against hers so glad she was okay but it still scared the crap out of him.

"I'm here" he said as they both felt each others tears streaming down there faces. They sat there and just enjoyed the company of each other.

Jamko, An Unexpected Night TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now