Christmas Time

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Jaime and Eddie got back from the Christmas Eve church service, it was cold and snowy. It was also one year ago that they had gotten engaged. Jaime carried emmalyn to her room as she was passed out asleep. Eddie followed. Her belly was growing, she was in that cute stage now.

Jaime woke Emmalyn up by needing her to stand to get changed out of her nice Christmas dress. She was so tired she whined the whole time. Jaime took off the dress, stockings, shoes and then made her go with him to the bathroom.

"Don't have to go potty." She said angrily at jaime he was putting her on the toilet.

"Just try and then we can go to bed, daddy's tired too." Jaime told her. He opened the cabinet under the sink to get a pull up but there were no more.

"Eddie do we have more diapers I hope?" He called out to Eddie who was in Emmalyn's room hanging up her dress.

"We should..." Eddie said coming into the bathroom to look in the closet behind the door.

"I don't want one!" Emmalyn said out of exhaustion she was being stubborn.

"You need to wear a pull up Em-" Jaime started to tell her nicely but she bit his head off before he could finish explaining to her.

"NO!" She yelled at him, Jaime jumped back she scared him a little.

"Excuse me! You do NOT yell at daddy!" Eddie intervened and got down to her level, telling her how it was. Emmalyn put her head down. Eddie put the pull up on her and told her she needed to say sorry or Santa wasn't going to bring her presents for being a good girl.

"Sorry..." she told jaime as they all still stood in the bathroom together.

"It's okay Em. Ready to go to sleep? Santa will be here soon but not until your sleeping!" Jaime told her trying to get her excited. He carried her back to her room and Eddie helped him dress her. They tucked her in and left the room. Eddie took a deep breathe, Emmalyn certainly gave her a run for her money sometimes. Jaime knew it too, he wanted to ease her stress away.

"Alright Mrs.Reagan, let me help you out of that dress and you let me know how far you wanna go tonight." Jaime whispered in her ear as they walked down the hallway. She smiled and felt better already. Jaime shut the door behind him and they locked lips intensely. Eddie has been teasing him all night so he knew this is what she wanted and needed.

Eddie took off the suit coat he was wearing and then unbuttoned his shirt underneath. All the clothes falling onto the floor. Jaime grabbed her hips and turned her around, he moved her hair to one side and slowly unzipped her dress all the way down. He helped her out of it and then turned her back around to face him, he kissed her neck and stopped at her ear.

"How far you wanna go tonight?" He asked teasing her. She giggled and said

"All the way." It made Jaime turned on even more. They were both hungry for sex and got started real quick.
It was Christmas morning now, Jaime and Eddie put out the gifts before they went to bed last night. It had snowed about 3 inches over night and was still coming down.

They cuddled up with coffee on the couch when they woke up. Jaime liked to rub eddies baby bump and playfully talk to the baby.

"Eddie I just realized something just now." Jaime expressed with a face that looked like he was deep in thought.

"well what?" She asked.

"If the baby can hear us now...that means everything I say to you or vise versa it's hearing." Jaime talked in a circle.

"Ha um yeah so? what's so bad about that?" Eddie asked him.

"All our horny sex talk!? That's not right, some of the things we say to each other during... I mean Eddie c'mon, we're kind of animals. Remeber last night!?" Jaime said to her. She laughed.

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