Baby Shower

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Saturday March 6th

Eddie was getting ready for the gender reveal/baby shower. She was a little worried how Nikki and the rest of the family would be considering the miscarriage Nikki had. She put in her earrings and just observed her overall look in the mirror. Her bump popping out and her skin was glowing.

"Hey almost ready? Oooo hot mama" Jaime said as he entered the room observing Eddie in a long white dress.

"Yeah I guess." She said with uncertainty. Jaime tilted his head.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he stood behind her putting his hands on their baby and snuggled his head next her hers kissing her shoulder.

"I don't know I'm just a little nervous I guess." She said to him. He picked up his head and narrowed his eye brows confused.

"For what?" He asked her and she turned away from the mirror to look at jaime.

"Just everything that happened with Nikki." She told him.

"Oh. Eddie don't be worried about that. Besides I think everyone deep down is probably thanking god for taking control of that. I know that's terrible to say but everything happens for a reason." Jaime told her.

"I know but-" Eddie started to say but all of a sudden here came the water works. Jaime was totally caught of guard. He doesn't know why it happens every other day usually something sets her off.

"But what?" He asked her holding her arm looking at her.

"She was excited. Yeah Collin was an ass but she was excited." Eddie expressed.

"And if she wouldn't have been excited she would have had to raise the baby knowing deep down she didn't want it and feeling guilty." Jaime told her. Eddie tried to collect herself and control the tears. Jaime stood there rubbing her back and letting her have this moment. He knew in a few minutes she'd be back to normal.

The shower was from 1:30-4 and it was at the church. Beings they knew what they were having they filled a box with balloons to open infront of everyone to reveal it.

There registry was all gender neutral big items with things like a bouncy seat, pack and play, swing, toys, bottles, play mats, car seat, diapers,etc

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There registry was all gender neutral big items with things like a bouncy seat, pack and play, swing, toys, bottles, play mats, car seat, diapers,etc. The only thing people couldn't get them was clothes but Eddie was fine with that. The style that was out for kids these days wasn't her favorite. She'd rather go and get what she liked herself.

They got to the church, Emmalyn held eddies hand while Jaime carried the awkwardly big box inside.

"Oh my gosh! This looks amazing Erin!" Eddie said looking all around. There was a white backdrop with greens hanging at the top, the food was so cute, there was a comfy chair with all the gifts surrounding it. The tables for guests were all filled up waiting for it to start.

"Thank you! Nikki helped along with some of her friends, it really wasn't a big deal to do, it looks extravagant but it's really not." Erin explained. Eddie was so excited and thankful she gave Erin a hug.

"How is Nikki?" Eddie couldn't help but ask.

"She's okay. I think after helping me do all this and seeing how big of a deal having a baby is she's not too upset anymore. I think she's starting to realize god isn't punishing her he's helping her." Erin explained to Eddie who just shook her head agreeing.

"You look amazing by the way you are glowing!" Erin told her when they let go as she stared at her stomach.

"Yeah so...where should I put this?" Jaime asked as he was still holding the box that was as tall as him. Eddie started laughing.

"Jaime just set it over there I think everyone will be able to see it." Erin said pointing in the direction. Jaime listened to her.

"And you look so beautiful miss Emmalyn!" Erin said kneeling down to talk to her.

"Thank you. I want a little sister." She said to Erin who laughed.

"Oh is that why your wearing a pink dress?" Erin asked her and she shook her head.

"Yeah she doesn't know what it is otherwise I don't think this would be a surprise she would blab

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"Yeah she doesn't know what it is otherwise I don't think this would be a surprise she would blab." Eddie told Erin as she took off to go with Jaime. Frank made his way over to them.

"How's my grand baby?" He asked smiling as he went in for a hug and kiss on the cheek. Her bump holding them apart.

"Doing good! Kicking up a storm at night that keeps me up." Eddie told him, they let go.

"It's a beautiful thing. Not to mention you are glowing." Frank smiled and told her.

"Aw thank you, it's been a bit of a roller coaster with emotions as you know but at least I look good." She laughed off. 

"I just hope Jaime has been as supportive as I raised him to be." Frank told her.

"Oh he's been absolutely amazing. He bends over backwards to make sure I'm happy. So thank you." She assured Frank he was so happy to hear it.

"That's Jaime. That's always been Jaime." Erin added. They all shook there heads agreeing he was the softest of them all.

They got the party started by letting everyone get some food and finding a seat. They wanted to do the reveal first and then open gifts.

Jaime let Emmalyn open the box to let the balloons float out and she screamed joy when she saw what color they were. Jaime and Eddie couldn't help but laugh at her as they emerged from the box and everyone cheered and clapped as they saw the pink floating to the ceiling. Everyone was excited it was a girl! There family stood up to give them hugs and then they moved to open the gifts.

There had to be 100 people at this party. They got everything on there registry. They were so grateful.

When they were done there family had helped them take it all back to there house and put it in what was their office/random storage. This week they were going to start to make the nursery now that they had everything.

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