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It was another Sunday and another evening spend around the table with family. They had ordered Chinese this week as a nice break from the week.

"Here Em wanna try shrimp?" Jaime asked cutting it up for her. Everyone watched to see if she'd like it. She chewed it and pondered if she liked it or not.

"You like it?" Danny asked her. She kept chewing it and nodded yes.

"She eats just about anything so I'm not surprised." Eddie said watching her. Jaime cut up more and put it on her plate with the rice and chicken she already had.

"How's she doing in school?" Pop asked.

"Um good. Thursday she didn't have a good day. She showed her aggressiveness torward another classmate..." Eddie said raising her eyebrows to see her reaction. She got shy but kept eating the shrimp Jaime gave her.

"Uh oh." Danny said looking at her.

"Yeah so we had a long talk about how we can't bite or hit a classmate when they overstep. Instead we need to use our words." Eddie said knowing her little ears were listening but everyone at the table stood for putting the fear of god into someone was probably more effective. They smiled and nodded not wanting to open there mouths as Jaime and Eddie eyed them all to keep there mouth shut.

"Well good." Frank said. Eddie grinned and kept eating. Everyone dropped the conversation. Jaime changed the conversation to talking about Danny's case he was working.

They headed home and put Emmalyn straight to bed as she was exhausted. Jaime and Eddie got into bed.

"Do you feel okay?" Jaime asked Eddie before he turned the light off.

"Yeah why?" She asked, she hadn't have nausea this whole pregnancy so jaime had caught her off guard.

"My stomach feels weird." Jaime said holding it.

"Oh well do you think it was the Chinese?" Eddie asked him.

"I don't know maybe. I've had Chinese from that place a thousand times though." Jaime said.

"Who knows maybe it was just an off batch." She said. Jaime went along with that, turned off the table lamp and tried to go to sleep.

His stomach was turning and making noises. He slipped out of bed and headed to the bathroom. The door shutting woke Eddie up, she sat up and listened. It wasn't good.

After a few minutes he came out and was fearfully disgusted. Eddie gridded her teeth concerned.

"Everything okay?" She questioned.

"Uh no that was straight up disgusting. It was definitely something I ate." He said.

"Well what-?" Eddie started to ask.

"Shit. That was straight up liquid shit." He said.

"Aw honey I'm sorry. Do you feel better though?" Eddie asked him.

"Ha yeah but I don't need to do that again." He laughed off and laid down. They went back to sleep only to wake up to Emmalyn crying at midnight. They both woke up to it.

"I got her honey I don't work tomorrow." Eddie said as she slowly got up and out of the room. Jaime wasn't feeling that great still he laid there trying to figure out if he was going to throw up or not.

"Jaime!" Eddie yelled from the room but he could also hear her through the monitor. He got up and went to see what was wrong. Eddie was wiping Emmalyn's face and hands with baby wipes, she threw up all in her bed. She was as pale as a ghost.

"Okay so it was something we ate." Jaime said coming over to her. It smelled so bad eddie was so grossed out and it made Jaime queasy.

"I had everything you guys ate. Oh no, I didn't have the shrimp." She said.

"Mommy my belly hurts" Emmalyn said crying.

"I know sweetie let's go to the bathroom." She got up and took Emmalyn's hand to take her to the bathroom. She stopped and turned white. Jaime picked her up and ran her to the bathroom where she just got it in the toilet. He couldn't even handle it on top of his stomach.

"Eddie" he called out as she turned the corner. Jaime turned white and ran out to there bathroom.

"Omg." Eddie said overwhelmed that it was a puke fest and she was the pregnant one, the only one who wasn't sick. She sat on the floor with Emmalyn and wiped her mouth.

Jaime came back a few minutes later.

"Babe just go to sleep I got it." She told him.

"I feel awful" he said.

"Let me take her temperature can you just watch her? She feels warm." Eddie said getting up and walking out past Jaime. He felt his head curious if he had one too.

"We'll check me too." He said. She came back and both of them had a low fever. It was gonna be a long night. Eddie made Emmalyn a bed on their bedroom floor and slept there with her all night while Jaime took their bed.

Eddie hardly got any sleep between Jaime up every hour in the bathroom and her laying with Emmalyn assisting her throw up what felt like every half hour. She talked with an on call pediatrician to see what she should be doing, she's never had to deal with this before. They said keep her hydrated but wait until she goes an hour and a half without throwing up to try. After that phone call she called Jaime out of work as she was already off.

She brought Emmalyn out to the living room so she could keep an eye on her while she looked for pedialyte and she could eat breakfast herself. This baby girl was hangry. Luckily she had pedialyte for hangovers. Emmalyn looked awful as she laid on the couch watching tv. As a mom seeing your child act completely different cause there sick breaks your heart.

She went into their room to grab the thermometer, Jaime was awake just laying in bed.

"Hey, how you feeling?" Eddie asked him. He shook his head no.

"It's like never ending" Jaime said and Eddie ran her hand through his messy hair.

"Aw I know I'm sorry, Emmalyn was up every half hour I bet." She told him and felt his head.

"Sorry I couldn't help you" he said softly.

"Don't be. It's okay I handled it. You still feel warm." Eddie said.

"I'm cold." He told her, she frowned feeling so bad.

"Well that's a fever for ya. I found pedialyte if you wanna try some of that when your up for it." She said and left the room. Emmalyn was looking a little better.

"Mommy I'm thirsty." Emmalyn told her, eddies heart broke she couldn't give her anything yet, it was too soon.

"I know sweetie but not yet okay? Soon. We have to wait until you haven't gotten sick for a little while." Eddie told her and took her temperature. Emmalyn was so sad, Eddie sat with her and watched tv with her.

An hour went by and Emmalyn hasn't been sick for almost 2 hours, Eddie put some pedialyte in a cup and said she can sip just a little bit. She was thrilled. Jaime came out with pants, and a sweatshirt on looking like he was battling a bad hangover.

"I think I'll try to drink somthing now." He said walking to the kitchen. Eddie got up to pour him some. He sipped it and she rubbed his back.

"I should call the house and see if anyone else had gotten food poisoning." Eddie said, Jaime thought it was a good idea. He laid on the couch and covered up with a blanket. He could fall back asleep.

"Hey did any of you guys get food poisoning over night?" Eddie asked frank. He said everyone except Nikki had been sick all night too. After they hung up Eddie spend the day cleaning and nursing her family back to health.

By lunchtime they were both feeling a lot better and had some toast and chicken noodle soup for lunch. Eddie was glad it was only a 12 hour thing, because she was exhausted.

Jamko, An Unexpected Night TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now