A Reagan is Born

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Tuesday May 25th

It was 10am when Eddies contractions started to intensify. They have been going on the last few days but that's normal. She decided to sit down in the quiet peaceful house as Emmalyn was at school and Jaime was taking a nap on the couch . She took a deep breath.

A few minutes later she got back up to finish vacuuming the bedrooms. She turned on music to take her mind off the contractions. Which woke up jaime. He stumbled in to watch her vacuum.

"Sorry honey." She said and turned off the vacuum.

"Don't be sorry" he smiled and kissed her.

"Want to help me? Clean the bathrooms?" She asked him nicely.

"Huh I guess if you need me to." He said.

"Well I'm really not supposed to handle the chemicals with the baby." She held her stomach.

"Right. No worries babe I got it." He said, kissed her cheek and went to clean.

After a half hour of swiffering the kitchen floor and cleaning out the fridge she was still in pain. An up beat song came on so she decided to dance with the swiffer pole to loosen up. Jaime poked his head out to watch her secretly a second as He loved it.

She started getting tired after a little bit so she put the broom aside and then


Her water broke.

"Oh. My. God." She said to herself, the music still playing throughout the apartment Jaime didn't hear her.

"JAIME..." she yelled over the music not wanting to move because it was just the weirdest feeling. He heard the fear in her voice and came out to see her.

"What happened?" He said to her.

"My water broke" she said in shock.

"Oh. For real?!" He asked looking down at the puddle that her feet were in. She shook her head yes and started to cry she was a little scared.

"Hey. Hey. Eddie, don't cry everything's good!" Jaime reassured her and rubbed her arm.

"We need to clean this up and go." Eddie said.

"Okay okay. We are. Um. Let me get a towel." Jaime told her and went to get a bath towel. Eddie moved out of the puddle and waddled to the bedroom to get changed. Jaime came in to help her get into the yoga pants she wanted to wear.

"You need to call pop, he's going to have to pick up Em." Eddie told him.

A few moments later they were in the car on the way to the hospital. Jaime called frank to let him know what was going on and that he'd keep him updated. He briefly glanced at eddie who was crying of fear.

"Hey I gotta go now dad...yup bye." He said and put the phone down. He grabbed eddies hand.

"Janko look at me. You got this. Your a tough girl." He told her. She breathed in and out to relax.

When they got to the hospital they got right back to the room and into a gown. Jaime didn't leave eddies side.

The doctor was in the check her dilation and everything else.

"Okay Eddie you are 3cm dilated and everything looks great." She said and left the room.

An hour and a half had gone by and eddies contractions were intense. Jaimes hand already hurt from her squeezing his hand with all of them. The doctor came back to check her dilation again.

Jamko, An Unexpected Night TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now