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*This takes place the same night as the last chapter* RATED M!**

They got in their apartment and read Emmalyn a story about a puppies first day of school because tomorrow was her first day of preschool and she was so excited.

After she fell asleep they headed to their room and got ready for bed. Eddie finished brushing her teeth and then joined Jaime in bed. She turned off the side table lamp and laid down for about 30 seconds and then sat up and looked at jaime.

"What?" He said unsure.

"Shut up" she kissed him hard and got on top of him.

"Woah okay okay" he was liking where this was going. She took her shirt off over her head as she grinded her body into him. He was turned on instantly by her and ready to get inside of her.

She laid down next to him and he got on top of her kissing her passionately running her nails up his bare back and then down to his boxers. She slipped her hand inside of them and stroked his cock as it was getting harder by the second. He breathed down her neck.

"Ugh Eddie that's amazing" he said in his airy breathy voice. She was so irresistible. She kissed him. He sat up and pulled her underwear down and tossed them onto the floor. And made out with her pussy. She squirmed all around it felt so amazing.

"Ughhh! Enough of that Jaime" she breathed out. He stopped and looked up at her confused.

"Fuck me." She demanded, he smiled loving how she was in bed. She liked it a little rough but not to the extreme, she still liked him to be the dominating one. He sat up on his legs and pushed himself in her, she grasped the bed and was out of breath in pleasure as he started to fuck her.

"Ahhh, your so fucking wet baby" he told her as he sped up.

"Yeah I am don't stop!" She told him and he kept a good speed.

"Ughhhhhh." She let out kind of loudly.

"Shhhh" Jaime told her as he didn't need Emmalyn waking up.

5 minutes later he was cuming and so was she as she helped by playing with her own clit while he kept up his speed.

He quick pulled out and started cuming when all of a sudden


Their front door was kicked in!

Scaring both of them Jaime swiped the tip of his cock off on eddies pussy as it still had cum dripping out. He got off the bed throwing on his pants without any underwear and grabbing his gun from the nightstand.

Eddie shot out of the bed and threw on pants and grabbed her gun too. Both hearts racing, it was a strange feeling. After sex you just wanna fall asleep but they had to do the complete opposite. They went to the door and Jaime opened it slowly pointing his gun down the hall he walked slowly checking the bathroom. He motioned Eddie, she got up on the wall next to him. They were outside Emmalyn's door which was still shut.

Jaime stepped out into the main room that was the kitchen and living room that was joined to the foyer. He cleared the kitchen and walked with Eddie behind him aiming and ready when all of a sudden as he got closer to the half wall that separated kitchen counters from the living room a man jumped up with his gun pointed at them.

"POLICE! PUT THE GUN DOWN!" Jaime yelled, the guys eyes narrowed to shoot, but before he could jaime and Eddie pulled the trigger at the same time, one hitting him in the chest and one in the head he fell to the floor they walked to him with their guns still drawn and hearts pounding.

"Jaime." Eddie said in shock and scared. Jaime looked at her with wide eyes also in shock at what just happened.

"He's dead" he said checking his pulse.

"Call Danny!" She said and went to go check on Emmalyn. Jaime got his phone out and dialed Danny right away. Waiting for him to pick up he was nervous.

"Come on Danny it's only 9 o'clock you gotta be up yet" he said to himself. Eddie shut Emmalyn's door slowly and came back out. She was still asleep thank god. Danny picked up and they both stood there half dressed on the phone.

After they hung up Eddie left to get a shirt on and brought Jaime his.

"There's no ID or anything on him." Jaime said when he saw Eddie.

Danny arrived 10 minutes later with CSI's and a coroner, Jaime had made coffee as it was gonna be a long night for everyone.

They all entered the apartment.

"You guys okay?" Danny asked and they shook their heads.

"Em is still asleep so" Eddie said. Danny was glad. He gave them both a hug.

"Tell you what let's get your statements and then who's working tomorrow?" Danny asked.

"Jaime is so I can stay up if you wanna go sleep honey" Eddie said. He didn't want to leave Eddie but he knew he needed to sleep. So he took advantage of it and went back to bed. Eddie stayed up while they did there jobs and answered whatever questions they needed to know.

"Okay so where were you when he broke in?" Danny asked.

"We were in our bedroom" Eddie said.

"We're you both sleeping?" He asked and Eddie couldn't help but smile.

"No we were um both awake." She blushed and looked down as this was slightly awkward because they just talked about this at the dinner table earlier as a family. Danny laughed it off.

"Okayyyy well good. Alright so walk me through your steps" Danny said changing the subject but after the conversation they had at dinner he was glad they solved their problem. They walked back to the hall to explain all their steps they took.

Frank came by also as he was worried. He ordered a guard to hangout the next few days until this calms down.

"Hey everyone okay?" He asked Eddie and gave her a hug and kissed her cheek.

"Yeah we're good Emmalyn didn't even wake up." She told him, he nodded.

They all left around midnight so eddie shut the door behind them and headed to bed.

"Yup just your typical Sunday night" she said to herself as she walked passed the spot the guy bled that was slightly stained yet, she didn't care she was tired. So she went straight to bed.

Jamko, An Unexpected Night TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now