Oh Nikki

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A few days later, it was Wednesday night. Jaime was finishing up Emmalyn's bath and getting her ready for bed as 8pm was approaching quickly. Eddie worked until 11 and Then worked again at 4am. Her schedule was a lot for her now and he wanted to look into changing it around.

Jaime carried Emmalyn in her towel to her room to get dressed. He dried her off more and sprayed her hair with this stuff Eddie said helps with tangles and combed it.

Knock* knock* knock*

"Here put your shirt on, I'll be right back." Jaime told her and left to see who was at the door. He looked through there peephole, it was Nikki. He unlocked the door and opened it.

"Hey what's up?" Jaime asked her, somthing was wrong he could tell by the way she wouldn't make full eye contact.

"Uncle Jaime can I talk to you?" She asked him almost in tears.

"Of course yeah come in, sit down." He said shutting the door after her.

"What's going on?" Jaime asked her concerned. Nikki saw emmalyn was still up in her room and the light was on. And Jaime noticed her see that.

"Is Eddie here?" She asked scared like she didn't want her to be.

"No she works late tonight. Care if I quick just put Em down and then I'm all ears okay?" Jaime asked her and she nodded her head yes. He walked to Emmalyn's room nervous about what this was about.

"Alright Emmalyn bedtime." He said and helped her put on her pull-up, pants, and put her in her bed. He left her to fall asleep by herself without a story. He went and sat down with Nikki on the couch who looked super depressed.

"What's going on Nik?" He asked looking at her as she looked down at the floor not knowing what to say.

"Is it somthing with Collin?" Jaime asked just taking a guess. Nikki looked at him tears swelling in her eyes. It was a yes for sure.

"What happened." Jaime asked getting scared and concerned he put his hand on her back.

"He knocked me up." Nikki confesses just spitting it out. Jaimes stomach dropped and stayed there.

"What.!?" He blurted out at her. She may be 22 but to him she was still 15. She just cried.

"I haven't told anyone yet. I can't even look at my mother. Let alone anyone else in the family." She expressed to him.

"Nikki how?" Jaime asked her toning it back a notch and being sensitive to her feelings. She shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know. It just did." She was at a loss of words and felt half embarrassed.

"Were you safe? Please tell me you at least tried to be." Jaime said desperately. Nikki closed her eyes disappointed in herself. Jaime knew the answer.

"Nikki what were you thinking? Your smarter then that." Jaime told her as nice as he could but it made her cry more.

"He said he'd you know..." Nikki started to say.

"He'd what?" Jaime asked, wanting her to finish her sentence.

"He said he'd pull out and it would be fine." Nikki told her uncle. Jaime remembered being 22, guys say anything to get some. He didn't, but he knows most guys do. Heck Eddie was pregnant right now cause the only method they used that night was pulling out.

"Nikki..." Jaime was so disappointed in her.

"I know. I know." She told him. Jaime just looked at her as she stared at the ground crying. He let out a deep breathe.

"Come here." He said and pulled her in for a hug. She didn't let go and he didn't either.

Eddie walked in the apartment, it was 2 hours early. Nikki let go of Jaime quick and wiped her tears not wanting Eddie to see her upset and have to find out. Jaime just looked at eddie. Eddie knew something was up just by looking at her husband.

"What's going on?" Eddie asked with her little belly popped out in-front of her as she made her way over. Nikki got up to run off.

"Nothing I was just leaving." Nikki said heading to pass by Eddie for the door. Eddie looked at jaime. His face showed disappointment.

"Nikki-" Jaime called out and Eddie stopped her. She cried more.

"Who's ass do we have to kick?" Eddie said hard assy and raised her eyebrows. She didn't say anything at first but then she said

"No ones I was just talking to uncle Jaime. Right?" She said looking at jaime with a face of "cover for me".

"Nikki I can't keep this from her I'm sorry." Jaime said and Eddie got even more concerned as she exchanged looks with Jaime.

"Huh." Nikki let out and looked at eddie and then Jaime.

"Sorry Nik she's my wife. We don't keep secrets." Jaime told her, Eddie was getting antsy and waiting for Nikki to say whatever it was.

"I'm pregnant." She said to her aunt, eddies eyes widened in shock.

"What!?" She yelled and noticed Jaime behind her shaking his head like "take it easy". It made her start crying hard. Eddie made her sit down and talk about it.

"Have you been to the doctor?" Eddie asked her. She said no.

"Okay well you need to make an appointment before you tell anyone make sure it's all legit before you come to dinner with the news" Eddie told her.

"I think you should talk to your mom Nikki." Jaime added.

"I can't. She's going to kill me. She already didn't like him." Nikki expressed.

"She would want to know Nikki" Eddie told her. They all sat there in silence.

"Okay well I gotta go." Nikki said getting up. Eddie and Jaime followed and gave her a hug goodbye. She left and Jaime locked the door behind her. He turned around and let out a deep breath looking at eddie who was still in disbelief shaking her head at jaime. He shrugged his shoulders not knowing what to say.

"Well dinner on Sunday will be interesting." Eddie said.

"I just thought she was smarter then that, they didn't use protection. He said he'd pull out..." Jaime told Eddie who shook her head in shock and disbelief.

"I'm sorry but if there stupid enough then.." Eddie said. Jaime wanted to agree but he just felt terrible.

"It's just the moment. It really takes you away from reality when your in it." Jaime explained.

"You think I don't know that? How many times did we sleep together before we even called ourselves and item?" Eddie raised her eyebrows and Jaime blushed.

"Admit you just wanted me that bad." He said still smiling.

"Oh you initiated it and you know it." She told him and he laughed knowing she was true.

"Yeah...Anyway. How was work?" Jaime said pulling Eddie in for a hug, thankful they were stable and in a happy relationship with each other. They talked about their days and went to bed.

Jamko, An Unexpected Night TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now