New wheels

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Saturday August 1st. It was exactly 2 weeks after the wedding. They were back to normal life now. They had a set schedule that worked for them perfectly.
Both off

Eddie off
Jaime 9am-5pm (8 hours)

Eddie 4am-12pm (8 hours)
Jaime 3pm-11pm (8 hours)

Eddie 3pm-11pm (8 hours)
Jaime 4am-12pm (8 hours)

Eddie 4am-12pm (8 hours)
Jaime 3pm-11pm (8 hours)

Eddie 3pm-11pm (8 hours)
Jaime 4am-12pm (8 hours)

Eddie 9-5 (8 hours)
Jaime off

With a schedule like this they didn't need a babysitter. One of them was home at all times with Emmalyn. It was better then they ever thought it could be.

It was 8am in the morning they were all up eating breakfast.

"Did you figure out if your picking me up to go to the appointment or should I come home first?" Eddie said chewing her eggs and toast. Jaime swallowed what was in his mouth.

"I think I'll come pick you up. That way we aren't late." Jaime explained and Eddie shook her head agreeing.

"Where we going daddy?" Emmalyn asked taking a drink afterward.

"We are going to talk to a doctor! Sounds fun right?" He asked her. She made a disgust face.

"For what?" Emmalyn said Jaime at a loss of how to tell her it was for her temper.

"Honey it's a doctor for you! She's gonna ask you all about yourself and maybe play some fun games I think you'll like it!" Eddie told her which made Emmalyn smile and seem more excited.

They really didn't wanna jump right into seeing a child psychologist but the past few weeks it just seems like she's getting worse and it can't hurt to talk to someone. Being brought up in the household she was brought up in has to mess with her head at least a little if not a lot. Just the other day jaime was letting her color before going to bed and when it was time to clean it up she broke 2 crayons in half and threw them at jaime and across the room. He was so caught of guard he didn't even know what to do. After that he told Eddie, he agreed and thought talking to someone would be a good idea so here they are.

"Shoot I gotta go" Eddie said getting up and putting her dishes in the sink. She walked over to Emmalyn and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"I'll see you later okay? Be good for daddy!" She told her and then headed to grab her purse, Jaime stood up to say goodbye.

"Be safe out there okay? I love you" Jaime told Eddie who smiled. Emmalyn interrupted their moment by saying "I don't want this". Jaime turned away from his wife's beautiful face and looked at Emmalyn.

"No you need to eat breakfast remeber? Or no tv." Jaime put his foot down. He turned back to Eddie who kissed him and said not to worry about her as she opened to leave taking a glance at Emmalyn once more. Her face growing with anger. She could see the temper coming. Eddie pointed a finger at her.

"Ah! You be good missy." She said as she shut the door. She heard it almost instantly...the first tantrum of the day.  She let out a breathe hesitant to leave Jaime deal. She looked at her watch. She had to go, so she did. She felt bad but she handled the tantrums alone too.

"Do we need to go sit on the stool already?" Jaime firmly said to Emmalyn who answered by screaming no at him.

"Okay. Let's go" he went and took her to the timeout stool they had sitting against the wall near their back door. She continued to scream no but sat on the stool.

Jamko, An Unexpected Night TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now