Too Much for One Day

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Thursday January 28th

Eddie took the day off for this special day. Jaime didn't work until 4. They both took Emmalyn to school and then headed to there doctors appointment. They were going to find out what they were having and they couldn't wait. They held hands the whole way.

"Are you nervous?" Eddie asked jaime but he shook his head no even though you could tell he was a little.

"I don't care what it is I just want it to be safe and healthy." Eddie told him.

"That's all we need." Jaime resounded and kissed her hand as they pulled up to the hospital.

They got in and got right back to the room. Eddie was so nervous but Jaime stood next to her as they watched the doctor run the Doppler over her stomach, listening to the heartbeat and seeing a 3D ultrasound for the first time was pretty cool.

"Alright I can see the gender do you want to know?" The doctor asked.

"Yes!" Eddie said smiling at jaime as she got nervous. Jaime kisses her forehead.

"Okay well congratulations your having a little...Girl!!" The doctor said smiling. Jaime and Eddie both just happy and surprised.

"Jaime it's a girl!!" Eddie was so excited she kissed him hard as he was just so happy.

"I love you" he whispered in her ear.

On there way home they got some lunch at there favorite diner.

"Sooo now we can actually talk about names." Eddie winked at jaime as they waited for there food. Jaime smiled as he played with the straw wrapper.

"This is true. Do you have any in mind?" He asked Eddie, she sipped her water and thought.

"Well I've always liked S names. Like Sutton or Summer. Scarlett." She rambled off a few Jaime nodded and she asked about him.

"Well if we're sticking to S names I like Shannon or Savanna." He said but Eddie scrunched her nose at them not digging it. Jaime laughed.

"Okay well what about middle names? Like Faith, Elaina, or Grace?" He asked. Eddie nodded like she liked them.

"I think we could work with those." She said

"Good." Jaime smiled and held her hand across the table.

There food eventually came out and Eddie finished eating before Jaime was halfway done. She was so hungry.

"You make me laugh Janko." Eddie said smiling at her.

"Why?" She asked.

"You love food and I just think it's funny." Jaime told her, she hung her mouth open and she playfully hit him across the table.

From lunch they picked up Emmalyn at school and headed to the hardware store for paint, Eddie wanted to get started on the nursery now that they knew.

They stood there staring at the wall of paint colors. They had no clue what to pick. Emmalyn was picking up random colors and handing them to Jaime and Eddie.

"This one?" She would ask every time. All of them were way too bright and just not something you should paint a nursery. They wanted subtle.

"No Em I don't think that's a good choice." Jaime would tell her.

"What about this pink?" Eddie held out a light yet bright pink to show Jaime.

"Pink? How bought this?" He showed her a light purple.

"How bought yellow!?" Eddie exclaimed pointing to a bright yellow. Jaime shook his head and gritted his teeth.

"I don't like yellow." He said.

"Well are you sleeping in the room?" She asked frustrated but he laughed.

"No but-" Jaime stopped talking as he realized Eddie was over whelmed. Emmalyn showed them both an ugly orange that looked like fire.

"This one mommy!" She enthused, Jaime tried to redirect Emmalyn's focus on something else that wouldn't make Eddie feel more over whelmed. He told her to count to herself all the paintbrushes hanging up at the section next to the samples. He went back and stood with Eddie.

"Babe. Let's just pick a neutral color. That way if we would have another baby down the road it would work." He said.

"Okay so like this?" She showed him a light greyish, brownish neutral color.

"Perfect. Let's do it." Jaime said, he turned around to the service counter to tell the women what color they'd like and paid for it awhile.

"Jaime! Where's Emmalyn!?" Eddie panicked looking around the area they were in. Jaime turned around and scanned the area with his eyes, his heart started racing.

"She was standing at the brushes!" Jaime said and started to race off looking around the store.

"You go left I'll go right!" He yelled and took off running looking down all the aisles calling out to all the other customers in the store he passed

"Anyone see a little girl!?" He was panicked. Eddie was on the other side of the store doing the exact same thing.

"Blonde hair?" A man questioned Eddie as she ran by him. She stopped and approached him out of breathe.

"Yes! 4 years old!?" She asked. The guy said she was down the aisle he just came out of pointing in the direction.

"Thank you!" Eddie said and ran off to hope she was still there. She was walking down the big aisle minding her own business looking around.

"EMMALYN!" Eddie yelled and got up to her. She got out her phone to call Jaime. Emmalyn turned around. Clueless that she gave her parents a heart attack. Eddie was out of breathe and Jaime picked up.

"I found her, were in aisle 24. She's fine." Eddie said over the phone and then hung up. She got down to Emmalyn's level and grabbed her arms.

"Emmalyn Nicole! You cannot run off like that! We didn't know where you went!" Eddie yelled at her. Still trying to catch her breathe, and her heart was still pounding out of her chest. Emmalyn put her head down turning shy and upset Eddie was yelling at her. Jaime came flying around the corner disheveled and out of breathe. He stopped to catch it. He knelt down and hugged Emmalyn happy she was okay. He let go and looked into her eyes.

"You don't leave mommy and daddy when we are out somewhere Emmalyn." He explained to her.

"You scared us! Something could've happened to you!" Eddie was still angry and scared. Emmalyn started to cry because Eddie was yelling at her.

"I was looking for more paint brushes." She sniffled. Eddie was still just so disappointed this happened. Jaime intervened.

"There are only paint brushes where I showed you Em. Let's go back to that aisle so we can get the paint and go home okay?" He said standing up and taking her hand. Eddie stood up staring into space still trying to wrap her head around this. Her emotions caught up with her as she started to cry. Jaime put his arm around her neck and kissed her cheek.

"C'mon. It's okay. She's okay." Jaime said looking at Eddie. She looked back at him and nodded agreeing and they walked back to the paint aisle.

Jamko, An Unexpected Night TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now