False Labor

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Saturday January 16th. Eddie had just gotten to bed at midnight coming off an 8 hour tour but was woken up by stomach cramps at 3am. She got out of bed and walked around stretching her back out, she just wanted to sleep but it was too uncomfortable. She was 22 weeks pregnant now and getting bigger and bigger by the day.

Jaime woke up to the feeling eddie wasn't in bed anymore. He laid there half still asleep.

"Eddie?" He mumbled.

"Yeah." She said, she was annoyed she couldn't lay down and sleep like him.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Making a smoothie. What do you think I'm doing?" She said sarcastically.

"Come to bed." He said.

"I can't I'm having cramps." She said, which made Jaime wake up more and sit up to see her holding herself up on there dresser and stretching out her back and body. Jaime turned the lamp on next to him and rubbed his eyes.

"Okay well what's that mean?" He asked watching her.

"I don't know maybe I should call the doctor cause it hurts." Eddie said and got her phone. Jaime was a little worried, she was not far enough along to have the baby. He looked at the clock and realized Eddie hadn't gotten that much sleep yet. He got up out of bed and stood at her side rubbing her back while she talked to the doctor. She turned her phone away from her mouth to tell jaime the baby was kicking! She put his hand on the right spot and smiled.

"Wow." He said, normally by the time she gets Jaime to feel it they stop. He kissed her cheek.

"Okay thank you, see you soon." Eddie said and hung up.

"They wanna see you?" Jaime asked, Eddie shook her head yes and got upset she couldn't sleep. Jaime hugged her.

"Let me call someone to come over I guess. I don't know who..." Jaime said pondering his thoughts. Eddie watched him think.

"Just call somome so we can go." Eddie said snarky. Jaime dialed pop.

20 minutes had gone by and Eddie was still having these contractions every 8 minutes or so. Jaime let pop in.

"Hey sorry but they wanna check her out." Jaime said.

"No big deal. I get up early anyway. How long will the little one stay asleep?" He asked and Eddie came out of the bedroom looking uncomfortable and not knowing how to fix it.

"She won't be up until 7ish. If we aren't back for that she has to go to the bathroom and just make her a frozen waffle in the freezer." Jaime said and pop nodded.

"Eddie your doing amazing. They'll probably just gonna tell you it's Braxton Hicks. Your at that stage now." Pop told her, she nodded and agreed.

"Alright well thanks so much hopefully we'll be home sooner then later." Jaime said and they left.

"Jaime what if it's not Braxton Hicks what if I'm in labor?" She asked when they got in the car. Jaime took her hand.

"I really don't think your in labor honey we have a while to go." He said.

"But it's like contractions, there only a few minutes apart." Eddie said.

"No offense babe but I think contractions this close are a lot more painful, remember when we delivered that baby? I mean she was like screaming." Jaime said to her kissing her hand hoping it didn't upset her. He didn't want to down play the pain but he wanted her to calm down, he could tell she was a little tense.

"Jaime that baby was like already coming out of her and she didn't get any drugs." Eddie said responding. Jaime didn't argue back.

They got to the hospital and the nurse put Eddie in a wheel chair while Jaime checked them in, he followed the nurse back to a room and they helped Eddie onto the exam table. The nurse took her vitals and the doctor was in almost immediately after she got out of her pants and put the sheet over her.

"Eddie how are we doing?" He asked and started feeling her stomach.

"It's every 8ish minutes like a contraction but cramp." Eddie explained.

"Yeah I'm almost positive it's false labor, but well check it out." He said putting gloves on. He lifted the sheet and did his thing.

"Yeah you are not dilated or showing any signs of true labor, definitely Braxton Hicks, they should only last a few hours or even less."

"So should I work today?" She asked him. Jaime concerned wanted to hear what he had to say.

"I think if they go away in the next hour or so and you can rest it would be good to get moving and in a regular routine" he told her. She agreed and they headed home.

Pop was asleep on the couch but woke up when the door opened. He told him what they said and sent him home. Eddie went straight to bed and so did jaime. The Braxton Hicks started to diminish when she laid down and went to bed.

She came out of the bedroom at 7:30 in her robe and looked like a hot mess. Jaime was sitting at the table with Emmalyn eating cereal. Jaime stopped and looked at eddie who looked like she hadn't slept all night.

"Hi mommy!" Emmalyn shouted. Eddie kissed her head and went to get coffee. Jaime got up and stood next to her rubbing her back.

"Good morning, did you sleep okay?" He asked her. She looked drab and dead. She glared at him.

"You snored." She said and poured her coffee.

"Aw honey I'm sorry. I never snore." He said and rubbed her back even more.

"Yeah. I know!" She said annoyed that the one night she needed to sleep he kept her up. Jaime took the coffee out of her hand and put it on the counter.

"Go back to bed. I'll call your sergeant. Maybe you can go in later." Jaime told her. She smiled at him and went back to bed. Jaime got his phone off the counter and called mcnichols. She was fine with it.

"Daddy where'd mommy go?" Emmalyn asked when he got off the phone.

"She is going to sleep some more she's really tired." Jaime explained.

"Why?" She asked. Jaime sipped his coffee as she looked at him for the answer. He put his mug down.

"Well the baby that's in mommy's belly is making her really sleepy." He said.

"Oh. Is it a boy baby or a girl baby? Cause boys are mean." She told jaime, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Well we don't know what the baby is yet, why do you think boys are mean?" Jaime asked her.

"Cause the boys in my class are mean to me." She said.

"What do they do?" Jaime asked concerned that his daughter was getting mistreated at school.

"Luke hit me and he took my baby doll from me." Emmalyn said.

"Did you tell your teacher?" Jaime asked her worried she was just letting this kid walk over her.

"Yeah she got me another baby" she said. Jaime didn't like her answer but he didn't want to jump to conclusions because she was only 4.

"But did Luke get in trouble for hitting you?" Jaime asked her. She shook her head no.

"Em you don't let someone do that. You gotta stand up for yourself. Fight back don't let him hit you!" He was mad about this kid.

"I want a little sister so that she's nice to me." When she said that it broke Jaime's heart.

"Your little brother or sister would get in trouble if they were mean to you. And same goes for you" Jaime told her.

"Would they have to take a timeout." She asked.

"Yes they would. Just like when you aren't being a good girl you sit in timeout." He explained. She was content with there conversation.

Jaime had the job to keep Emmalyn quiet enough that Eddie could sleep as much as she wanted today. He was up for the task.

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