Life is about to get crazy

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Jamie and Eddie got home to jaimes apartment late after having to say good bye to Emmalyn. Jaime was quiet, Eddie was quiet. They both sat on the couch. The feeling in the room was gloomy. Jaime got a text. It was the realtor Jaime reached out to about talking with sometime. He didn't run it by Eddie yet though.

"Hey so let's talk about where we wanna live when we get married" Jaime said trying to lighten the mood.

"This is random." She said glaring at him not really wanting to talk but curious to what he thinks.

"I got a text from the realtor asking when we wanted to start" he said.

"Oh well sooner then later I guess" Eddie told him not even caring she didn't know he was in contact with a realtor.

"He needs to know specs. How many bedrooms, bathrooms, etc." jaime told her.

"3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, backyard would be nice, garage for your car" Eddie said bluntly.

"3 bedroom!?" Jaime questioned not knowing how many kids she was wanting. He was happy though. He wants a few kids. Eddie looked at him confused.

"Yeah 2 kids?" She said like he should know.

"Sorry honey we never talked about it I'm so happy to here you say that!" Jaime expresses and kissed her. He smiled vaguely after the kiss. Thinking about Emmalyn again.

"What's wrong Jaime?" She asked concerned about what he was thinking about all of a sudden.

"I just thought about Emmalyn." He said and looked down at the floor in thought.

"Okay...what about her?" She asked rubbing his back. He turned and looked at eddie.

"I want to adopt her" jaime finally said. Eddies eyes widened.

"What?" Jaime was shocked. She took her hand off his back.

"Eddie I felt such a connection to that little girl. She reminded me of you as a kid. Even though I never knew you as a kid that's how I envisioned you were." He expressed with his heart. Eddies heart skipped a beat.

"Jaime what about our wedding and honeymoon, getting a house...there's a lot already going on right now honey. And besides we see this stuff all the time. As much as it hurts I think you should let this one go babe." Eddie said.

Jaime didn't know what to say. He wiped his eyes vigorously fighting back tears. Eddie felt awful and thinked more about it.

"Jaime. Are you sure about this?" Eddie asked him. He shook his head yes and looked at her.

"I want to bring her home

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"I want to bring her home. I want to be her father. I want you to be her mother" he said. Eddie took a deep breath.

"Okay." Eddie said and smiled.

"Let's do it". She said. He looked at her and was ecstatic. He gave her a hug and kissed her.

"Are you serious?" He said

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"Are you serious?" He said. She said yes.

"We can go start the paperwork, tomorrow?" Eddie said.

"Ha I mean yeah let's do it! How are we gonna tell my family?" He said to her dumbfounded. She shrugged her shoulders unsure. They sat there both hoping they'd be supportive and excited to be extending the family just a little more

Jamko, An Unexpected Night TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now