Moving day

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Saturday July 11th. It was one week until the wedding and it's moving day. They got up bright and early (around 5am) to let the movers in and load up the trucks to take over to the new apartment. Eddie stayed back so she didn't have to wake up Emmalyn.

An hour later Jaime helped carry there dresser out, and bumped into the walls a few times on the way out. which caused Emmalyn to wake up. Eddie glared at him and narrowed her eyes.

"Sorry" he mouthed as they got it out the door and down the hall. Eddie went and got Emmalyn from her bed. She carried her to the bathroom to take off her pull up and put underwear on. Jaime came back in the apartment when they were walking to the kitchen to get her breakfast.

"Good morning sweetie" he said and kissed her cheek and kept going with the boxes.

"Ok sit right here and I'll get you some waffles" Eddie pointed to the floor in front of the fridge, so she was out of the way. She sat down and patiently waited for her waffles.

"Are you excited to see your new bedroom em" eddie asked her.

"Yeah! When?" She asked. Eddie put the waffles on a paper plate and ripped it up beings the silverware was packed.

"When your done eating we can go!" She said and handed her the plate and a sippy cup of milk. Eddie put the toaster aside to be packed and then went to fold up Emmalyn's blankets and put them in a trash bag to go. Jaime came back as Eddie walked back to the kitchen holding the bag.

"Here this needs to get over there sooner then later too and is it okay if me and Emmalyn head over and stay over I can maybe start to unpack?" She asked and he said yes that's what he was going to tell her was the plan.

"Daddy look" Emmalyn said, she was standing up now and held out her plate to show him she ate all of it.

"Good job did mommy make a good waffle?" He asked her and winked at Eddie. She nodded yes.

"More?" She asked. Eddie shook her head and said

"Oh baby there all gone, all the other food is at the new house and-" Emmalyn threw the plate straight down on the floor before Eddie could even finish her sentence.

"Emmalyn Nicole Reagan!" Eddie stormed over to her. Emmalyn got scared and kinda jumped and squirmed away from her. There's an obvious sign of child abuse when a kid does that so Jaime and Eddie promised they'd never spank her. Even though they both grew up with it and believe in it they don't want to do it to her. Maybe their own blood but not Emmalyn.

"Pick that up right now!" Eddie said and pointed to the plate. She picked it up and handed it to Eddie. Eddie took her hand then and pulled her to an empty corner in the apartment.

"Time out! Sit down. We are not throwing things!" Eddie told her very firmly. She got up and walked away. Jaime was still there.

"Wow go mama." Jaime said winking. He was proud of her for standing her ground because he knows how hard it is. As much as they want to let her just be free and be happy they both knew she needed discipline.

"Maybe we should talk to a phycologist I mean her temper is just crazy sometimes." She said. Jaime kinda had a face of disagreement.

"I don't know eddie I think she's just a normal 3 year old." He said. She shrugged her shoulders.
By the time they got out and to there new apartment it was 11am. The movers were there dropping off boxes and more stuff. Eddie held Emmalyn in her arms.

"Wait!" Jaime said.

"I have to carry you both over the threshold." He stated. He picked up Eddie and then one of the movers lifted Emmalyn up to sit on eddies stomach.

"Oh my god please hurry and take the picture" Eddie said. As Emmalyn sat on her bladder they all laughed and Jaime walked through the doorway. He set them both down and they walked around following Emmalyn as she explored. There was a small foyer with a bathroom to the right and 2 glass panes of windows. The kitchen over looked the living room where there was a fireplace and big tall windows. A hallway off from the kitchen went back to 2 bedrooms, a bathroom and a laundry room. They even had there own balcony with the sliding door being off the living room sorta separating the kitchen area from the living area.

There were boxes everywhere but it looked like they were all in the right room which was awesome.

"Okay I should probably make lunch and then get somthing set up so she can nap cause I think it's a good day for a nap right?" Eddie said to Emmalyn who smiled. She knew she needed to nap later.

"Knock knock" they turned around and there was Danny, in his detective suit with a pizza.

"Hey! Welcome to the crib" Jaime said.

"I saw you guys in and out when me and Biaz stopped for lunch so I thought I'd bring you guys somthing" Danny said and handed it over to jaime.

"That was so nice thank you I didn't know what we were gonna eat so this is great haha!" Eddie laughed and gave him a side hug.

"Hi Emmalyn, do you like your new house?!" Danny said as he knelt down to her level.

"Ya! Is dat fir me?" She said pointing to the pizza. Danny smiled and said it was for mommy and daddy too. He had to go then and left. They went to there kitchen which was a mess of boxes and random other things.

Eddie opened one of the boxes to find plates and served the pizza. They all sat on the floor beings there table wasn't there yet and they weren't going to eat it on the couch.

When they were done Eddie made Emmalyn a makeshift bed and Jaime read her to sleep so eddie could unpack. The movers were done everything was here.

She fell asleep in no time, Jaime left the room and shut the door. He walked out to find Eddie laying on the couch asleep. He smiled she was so gorgeous. He went and cuddled up with her. Which obviously woke her up. She laughed to herself.

"Sorry" she sighed because she was supposed to be unpacking.

"Don't be sorry honey, moving is a lot of work especially with a toddler. I mean I'm exhausted." Jaime said. They laid there together Eddie couldn't stop smiling at jaime.

"What?" He asked smiling back. She shook her head.

"I'm just laughing at you. Guess your not ready to have a baby of our own anytime soon?" She asked him. His face got a little pale and surprised as he stared at her.

"Ughm-" he cleared his throat.

"Why do you say that?" He was concerned and let go of Eddie pulling himself away.

"Jaime I'm just asking you a question" she said in defense. He didn't know what this meant. Was she insinuating she was maybe pregnant already he thought.

"Oh idk I mean yeah idk." He said and dropped the conversation. He was scared. She kissed his cheek and they sat there in the peace and quiet of there new home. But Jaime's head was spinning.

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