Family Dinner Takes a Turn

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Sunday February 21st at dinner.

It was a month after Nikki broke the news about being pregnant. Everyone in the family was finally accepting of it. They had to be supportive, there family.

Jaime and Eddie were the last ones to get there. They rushed into everyone already waiting to eat.

"Hey! Sorry we're late." Jaime said carrying Emmalyn to her seat and putting her down in it.

"Missy over here deciding to draw all over the wall so we were busy cleaning that up..." Eddie said giving her the raised eyebrow mom look.

"Uh oh." Pop said to her.

"That's not where we color" Erin said to her.

"See Em. Naughty." Jaime said also giving her the eyebrow. Frank smiled and laughed.

"Well everyone has there moments. Let's say grace." Frank said. Everyone bowed there heads and prayed.

"So I've been so excited to eat these mashed potatoes with gravy" Eddie said putting it on her plate. Everyone laughed at her pregnancy cravings.

"You think she's exaggerating the last thing she said to me before we went to bed last night was not I love you. It was - Jaime I'm so excited for those mashed potatoes tomorrow" Jaime said smiling at Eddie, laughing with her and everyone else. Eddie covered her face embarrassed but laughing at herself.

"Hey, you guys don't understand." She said in defense pointing her fork around at everyone laughing.

"Nikki have you had any random cravings yet?" Jaime asked her. She played with the food on her plate.

"Uhm no." She said quietly. Everyone exchanged looks confused.

"It's really nothing that exciting. If anything it's a pain in the butt for Jaime. He's the one that goes out to get me what I want in the middle of the night" Eddie said backing him up. Nikki didn't seem impressed or like she really cared.

"Something on your mind Nikki?" Frank asked her. Everyone waited for her to answer. She didn't though she got up and went and sat in the living room. No one knew what was going on.

"Should I go talk to her? I feel like I started it?" Jaime said looking at eddie. She nodded his head agreeing. No one said he shouldn't so he got up and went to find her. She was sitting on the couch crying. Jaime grabbed a box of tissues nearby and sat next to her.

"Nikki what's going on?" Jaime asked handing her a tissue. He thought it was maybe the fact that the father of the baby left her but Jaime and Eddie were happy and together having a baby.

"I'm not having any pregnancy symptoms." She said through her tears. Jaime thought yes she was hence the reason she's crying about it right now. He rubbed her back, he was getting good at dealing with these rollercoaster emotions with Eddie he thought he had this in the bag.

"Nikki everyone's different. Eddie is also further along then you..." he said still comforting her. She cried more and he couldn't help but hug her tighter.

"Uncle Jaime..." she said.

"What?" He said letting go a little from the hug.

"I'm not pregnant." She said wiping her tears from her face.

"What?" Jaime said as his stomach flipped.

"When I went to the doctor last week they couldn't find a heartbeat." She poured out to him and couldn't stop bawling her eyes out. He was at a loss of words. He didn't know what to say so he just hugged her. He heard High heels approaching the room, it was Erin. Jaime's face read bad.

"Nikki are you okay?" She asked. Nikki hadn't told her mom yet Jaime was the first person to find out. Jaime stood up he was going to leave them alone.

"Where are you going." Nikki questioned. Jaime was confused.

"I think I should leave you two alone." He said. She didn't want that. So he sat down while she told Erin. As mad and angry as Erin was when she found out her daughter got pregnant she cried with her when she broke the sad news to her. Jaime felt awful, he was getting choked up and had to leave the room.

He stood in the foyer to catch his breath and get himself together. Eddie saw him from the kitchen and approached him.

"Hey? Jaime? What's wrong?" She asked concerned and put her hand on his bicep. Jaime looked Eddie straight in the eyes. His eyes cloudy with tears.

"Nikki lost the baby." He confessed. Eddies eyes hugged out and her mouth opened in shock.

"I know." He said as she was at a loss of words. They went and sat back down at the table. Exchanging looks with everyone who sat there wondering what was going on.

"Just tell them." Eddie said to Jaime.

"....Nikki misscarried the baby. She just found out this week." Jaime said. No one said anything, they didn't have anything to say. Everyone was in shock and couldn't believe it.

Nikki came back with Erin following her. Everyone had gotten up and gave her a hug. The rest of the dinner was quiet.

As excited jaime and Eddie were about having a girl, the thought of how upset Nikki was definitely was dwelling in the back of both their heads.

"I feel terrible." Eddie said on there drive home. Jaime shrugged his shoulders.

"I hate to say this but...I think it's gods will." Jaime expressed. Eddie didn't understand entirely as she wasn't as religious as him and didn't know the ins and outs like him.

"God only gives you what you can handle. I think this is him showing Nikki what she isn't ready for." He continued. Eddie just nodded not wanting to talk about it anymore.

The rest of the drive home was quiet.

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