Happy Birthday Eddie

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Thursday, June 24th.

Eddie woke from one of the best nights sleeps she's gotten in awhile. It was 7am, Jaime was gone and Scarlett was not in the bassinet. Today was Eddies birthday, She was 27 years old. She got up and made her way out to the kitchen. Jaime had Emmalyn watching Dora, Scarlett in the swing and he was making pancakes and sausage.

"Emmalyn look like who's up!?" Jaime called to get her attention.

"Huh!" Emmalyn let out in excitement and ran to Eddie wrapping her arms around her legs looking up at her. Eddie smiled and was confused looking at her and Jaime.

"Ready...Happy Birthday to you~..." Jaime started to sing and looked at Emmalyn to join in with him.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MOMMYYY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" Emmalyn shouted up at her she was full of energy. Eddie couldn't stop smiling in encouragement that she did such a good job. When she was done Jaime was laughing and walked over torward them. Eddie bend down and gave Emmalyn a big hug and kiss.

"That was so good! Thank you sweetie!" She told her, Emmalyn said your welcome and then went back to Dora. Eddie stood up and grinned blushing at Jaime.

"We practiced all morning. just saying." He said smiling.

"Aw well that was really cute honey. Thank you." Eddie said and kissed him.

"I'm making your favorite." He said sliding his hand down her back.

"Yeah? I smelled it from the bedroom!" She told him and followed him to look at the food he prepared.

"Ugh your amazing

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"Ugh your amazing." She told him, he smiled at her.

"Grab a plate. Em, wanna eat? Come on" he said looking over at her watching tv.

"This sausage looks delicious." Eddie told him as she put 2 on her plate. Jaime automatically thought of it in a dirty way.

"Stop..." Eddie said blushing at him. He laughed and Emmalyn came over to sit down.

"daddy can I have chocolate milk?" She asked him.

"Sure I think we have syrup.." he looked in the fridge and found it. Eddie cut up sausage for Emmalyn as she dug straight into the pancakes.

"Scarlett ate at 6:30 just so you know." Jaime announced.

"Did she take a bottle okay for you?" She asked. He nodded yes. Being only nursed the first few weeks of her life she wasn't a fan of taking a bottle but the doctor said to encourage it as much as possible.

"Yeah she was hungry enough she just dealt I think." Jaime said. He came over with Emmalyn's chocolate milk and sat down.

5 minutes into eating Scarlett started to fuss.

"I was waiting for her to fuss." Eddie said getting up excited to hold Scarlett. She was getting louder by the second as Eddie couldn't get her out quick enough.

"Oh my word...what is the matter peanut?" Eddie said in her baby voice as she scooped Scarlett up, bouncing up and down shooshing her. She bounced her way back to the table but she was still crying.

"How much did she have?" Eddie asked jaime.

"Uh 2 ounces I think." He told her. Eddie looked at Scarlett still screaming in her arms.

"Okay. Okay. Sh. Sh. Sh." Eddie said to the baby, rocking her side to side she put her binky in her mouth and she sucked aggressively on it.

"Oh you are a hungry baby aren't you?!" Eddie walked off to their bedroom to nurse.

Jaime got up and took Eddies breakfast to her in their room. She was sitting up on her phone while Scarlett ate. She looked at jaime coming to bring her her plate.

"Aw, thanks" she said putting her phone down and taking it from him. He sat on the edge of the bed.

"You know you can't hide this from Emmalyn forever" Jaime told her.

"I know. I just don't know how to go about it." Eddie expressed. Jaime sat and thought about it.

"Just like. This is how Scarlett eats. I don't know. I think it's an easier conversation then the sex talk a few weeks ago." Jaime told her and she laughed. He got up and went back out to eat with Emmalyn. She had gotten syrup and chocolate milk in her hair and all over her hands and face.

"Daddy I need a napkin." She said before he realized the mess she made. He got a napkin and went to sit down but then he saw how messy she was.

"Em, What are you doing? How did you get so messy?" He asked and tried to wipe her face but the napkin ripped because of how sticky she was.

"I was hungry." She said.

"Well okay but why is it in your hair and all over your hands? You need to use your fork." He told her but she shrugged her shoulders.

"Come on let's go get cleaned up. Don't touch anything." Jaime said helping her off her chair and she followed him to her room. Eddie came out with no covering as she was still nursing Scarlett, she agreed she couldn't hide from Emmalyn forever. Emmalyn stopped and saw what was going on.

"Mommy what is she doing?" She asked. Eddie bend down so Emmalyn could see.

"Well. She's eating sweetie. This is how babies eat, mommy has milk and I give the milk to Scarlett when she's hungry." Eddie told her anxious about the response.

"Oh." Emmalyn said. I think she was a little surprised and unsure.

"Do you have anymore questions?" Eddie asked her. She shook her head no.

"Okay well if you do you can ask okay?" Eddie told her and she shook her head yes.

"Good, give me a kiss." Eddie said puckering her lips and Emmalyn leaned torward her kissing Eddie on the lips.

"Oh you are all sticky!" She laughed. Jaime said they were on there way to get cleaned up because someone decided they didn't need to use a fork and laughed. They got in her room and she started to run and jump around.

"Ah uh. Your messy come here." Jaime directed her and sat on his knees on the floor infront of Emmalyn.

He pulled off her shirt and threw it in the hamper, he reached for the pack of wipes on top of the dresser. Emmalyn was looking and touching her nipples.

"Daddy can I feed Scarlett?" She asked observing them. Jaime smiled.

"No sweetie you can't. Only a mommy can." Jaime told her and started wiping her hands.

"Cause mommy has big boobs?" She asked, Jaime smiled thinking about his wife's boobs.

"Uhm. Yeah. Only big adult people and mommy's can feed there babies with them." He told her and then wiped her face so she'd stop asking him these questions.

They spend the rest of the morning in a nearby park, it was a gorgeous sunny day. Jaime played with Emmalyn on the playground while Eddie sat on a blanket in the grass with Scarlett. They were living there best life.

 They were living there best life

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Jamko, An Unexpected Night TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now