Tequila and Jaime

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It was New Year's Eve. Jaime and Eddie headed to an exclusive rooftop club for the night. They ordered some drinks and some food and hung out on the ledge most of the night.

Eddie came back from the bathroom with two more beers. This was there 4th beer and they had 2 shots when they started. Jaimes face froze when he saw her bringing him more. He could hold his liquor but Eddie can hold it better. He comes from a drinking family. His names Jamison for crying out loud. He was feeling some domination.

She reached him and handed him the beer she was so happy. She was having so much fun.
"Cheers again!" She said and toasted his beer. He smiled and said it back. Then took a sip while Eddie took a big swig.
"Ahhh, man I'm feeling good!" she let out.
"Yeah? Maybe we should slow down." He told her.
"No no I'm good. I'm hardly feeling it. I got time yet" she assured him smiling taking another swig. Jaime followed. He needed food.

"I'm gonna go grab some more food" he told her

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"I'm gonna go grab some more food" he told her. And walked off. Eddie checked the time it was 10:45. "Oh we still got time" she thought as she took another swig.

It was an hour later. They were now both on there 7th beer and 2 shots. Eddie was feeling it a little now but was still aware. Jaime on the other hand was drunk. He was in a very loose and silly mood.

"Man I am getting tired now."Eddie told him.

"Hahaha! Yeah!" Jaime said slapping the table laughing. Eddie realized jaime was maybe a little drunk. "Shit" she thought. She's never been with him drunk. So she didn't know how he would be when it came time to leave. She's dealt with all kinds of drunks. She was hoping he wasn't aggressive.

"Alright I'm gonna go get myself a shot to do at midnight. I think you've had enough probably right?" Eddie told him she wasn't going to stop drinking because he was done.

"Ha! Yeah alright see ya!" Jaime said, he got up and grabbed is coat like he was leaving.

"No no Jaime were not leaving yet. Just sit here I'll be right back okay?" She told him. She got her phone out to call Danny for a ride. Jaime was obviously not gonna work, and she couldn't drive. The bar tender set out her shot and she took it back to the table where Jaime was. He was staring out at the city view. She set her drink down and then Danny picked up she turned away from the loudness to hear him.

"Hey Danny sorry to bother you, were at Harriets rooftop and Jaime had too much to drink and I'm in no condition to drive would you be able to taxi over and come get us? If not we can grab a taxi but then his car is here. And I don't-"

"Wait hold on. Jaime. My kid brother is drunk?" Danny questioned in utter shock.

"Yeah. I've never seen him drunk sooo" she said unsure of where this was going.

"I haven't seen jaime drunk since he got caught in the basement on his 19th birthday by dad. I'll be there in 15 minutes." He laughed and hung up after Eddie said "thank you Danny". She hung up and saw the time was now 11:55. She went back to her table to find Jaime looking awful. She noticed her shot was empty.

"Oh no. Jaime. Did you drink this!?" She started freaking out a little. He didn't answer he was super delayed he just stared.

"JAIME! why would you drink that!?" Eddie asked. He looked at her.

"Well it was here so. You know why not. It's a party now" he yelled to the crowd who didn't take much to it. They were all dancing and having a good time. Eddies eyes bugged out.

"Omg Jaime. C'mon." She grabbed his arm and gave him his coat. She didn't even care if she didn't get to celebrate the new year with her now fiancé. He wasn't even here anyway.

"Where?" Jaime asked following her.

"Home. We're going home." She told him and drug him through the crowd. He was bouncing all around he could hardly walk. They got to the elevator and took it down to the 1st floor. Eddie was out of breathe practically carrying Jaime along. He was so out of it. He just kept smiling and laughing at random things they'd pass by and even people. She had to apologize multiple times and explain he was drunk.

They were almost out the front door, there was a set of 5 steps leading down to it though.

"Oh boy. Okay. Honey. There's about 5 steps we have to go down now okay? Can you help me go down them?" She asked nervously.

"Psh. Ya. Edit. Ha. I am a cop" he laughed of course. She shook her head

"Okay-" she stopped talking when jaime started picking up one leg at a time and stepping forward to "go down steps".

"Jaime not yet....here okay now we're at the steps ready?" She told him.

She started to go down, and he did too but when they got to the 3rd one he stopped and just collapsed, Eddie going down with him, she used all her strength to make sure neither one of them hit there heads. Danny came flying in the front door.

"Ya alright?!" He asked as he helped her up.

"Yeah. He's just, he, i don't even know Danny. We go drink all the time, he never even gets close to tipsy." She explained out of confusion and worry.

"Well What was he drinking?" Danny asked trying to figure out the issue.

"He had a few stouts, and stellas

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"He had a few stouts, and stellas." She told him like it was not a big deal.

"Any shots?" He asked. He started to try and help Jaime up and come to life.

"Oh yeah 2 in the beginning and then 1 right before we came down here. He took it from me." She told him.

"What were they?" He asked concerned.

"Tequila" she told him.

"He doesn't do well with tequila. That's what his problem is" Danny told her as he started slapping Jaime's face around to wake him.

"Hey! Jaime, wake up let's go. Hey!" Danny yelled in his face and then he finally opened his eyes.

Eddie felt awful but she had no idea. So technically it wasn't her fault. And Danny made sure she knew that in the car. Jaime slept basically the whole time.

"Danny if he can't do tequila why would he take the second shot? And most importantly why wouldn't he tell me?" She asked him.

"Were you throwing them back? Maybe he felt emasculated. Maybe he wanted to keep up." He told her. She pondered it. Maybe. But why?

"Guess I'll have to be patient and ask tomorrow" she exclaimed. They got to the apartment and Danny helped get jaime up and situated. He puked before he laid in bed and fell asleep right away. Eddie laid with him in case he'd need help.

Jamko, An Unexpected Night TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now