Midnight Cravings

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It was 11pm on a Wednesday night. It was mid November. Eddie came home from work and Jaime was already asleep as was Emmalyn. Jaime had work at 4am, she tries to sneak in every time she works late but Jaime sleeps with one eye open and wakes up every time to ask how her tour went and kiss her goodnight.

"Hi honey, sorry. I'm sorry. I should get a shower though care to join?" She winked and asked him. He laughed half still sleeping but propped up on his side looking at her.

"Um not tonight babe I'm dead. Emmalyn was a brat tonight she didn't go down until 9." He explained, because usually when he works early in the morning he tries to go to bed no later then 9.

"Aww really!? Man... I'm sorry." She said as she stood there. He shook his head like it wasn't a big deal anymore. Eddie stood there just giving him a look.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Jaime questioned.

"Come here." She teased.

"Huh Eddie I'm tired." He dangled his head back in laziness. Eddie got irritated she just wanted some quick sex.

"Fine your dick is small." She said storming into the bathroom. Jaime flung his head back up and looked at her shocked.

"No it's not! You sure didn't seem to think that the other night!" He said in defense. Eddie poked her head out.

"Prove it." She said winking with a smile. Jaime laughed and got up and joined her for some hot shower sex.

When they were done they were both out of breath from the activity and the hot water. They dried off and got into bed.

"Okay sexy, now goodnight" Jaime said kissing her cheek and then turning away to fall asleep. Eddie laid there on her back.

"Jaime." She called out into the dark.

"Hm?" He said like he was already sleeping as he was even more exhausted now. Eddie sat up a little and put her hand on his back as she tried to get his attention, but he was looking the opposite way.

"Jaime?" She called out again. He rolled over to see her, she was propped on her side looking down at him.

"What Eddie?" He was annoyed, he just wanted to sleep. She could sense it so she tried to be sweet and trace her fingers on his stomach and around his pecks.

"How are you still horny!?" He assumed.

"No...I'm hungry..." she said unsure of his response.

"Well there's food in the kitchen. Goodnight" he said and rolled back over.

"No I want like fries, or a burger, ooo McDonald's! I could go for a Big Mac with fries." She said daydreaming.

"That's 10 blocks away, I'm not going to McDonald's Eddie. We have food here." He told her firmly. Without saying anything she started to cry, these hormones were something. Jaime laid there for a second feeling so guilty.

He sat up, got out of bed and put on his clothes, put on his gun and left the room with his car keys and wallet in hand. Eddie felt bad but she couldn't help but smile. She knew she had him wrapped around her finger.

10 minutes went by and Eddie sat in bed waiting for Jaime to get back. She heard the door open and footsteps coming for the room. He smiled and handed her the bag of food she had asked for.

"Thank you Reagan, I'm sorry I just have a lot going on I guess with my body" she assumed. Jaime put his gun away and keys.

"It's okay, I just have to get used to it. I'm sorry I gave you a hard time." He said as he got back into bed for the 3rd time. Eddie took a bite of her burger. Jaime watched her.

"Maybe when you go to your appointment tomorrow see what they say about your random craving for food and sex. Just see what they have to say" Jaime laughed and so did Eddie. He kissed her on the cheek and laid down for hopefully the last time tonight.

She finished up the delicious food and fell asleep next to jaime, full and sexually content.

In the morning jaime was gone already and Eddie had to get Emmalyn to school so she could get to her appointment at 9:45. They got there just in time and kept it short and sweet with Miss.D, and then she was off to her first obgyn appointment for this baby. She was nervous, she wished Jaime could've come with but she knows he's busy with work.

She arrived and signed in. She waited in the waiting room and filled out paperwork. There was so much information it was overwhelming. She didn't know the answers to a lot of it. Her family history was unknown. She was about to cry when all of a sudden she looked up at someone who walked into the building it was jaime. He turned and sat next to her, he had his uniform on still.

"What are you doing here?" She asked confused.

"You think I'd miss this?" He asked and then seeing her eyes teary.

"What's wrong?" He asked and put his hand on the back of her head. She smiled at the fact he came to be with her.

"I just don't know the answers to these family history questions and it's overwhelming. I don't know if I have anyone in my family with heart problems! Or your family!" She expressed very frustrated and upset she stared at the papers blankly. Jaime was so caught of guard by eddies hormones the past few weeks. She went from being stubborn and strongly independent to sensitive and emotional. It was crazy.

"Let's just do one at a time okay? Here let's look." Jaime said taking the clipboard from her and helping her fill it all out.

10 minutes had went by and they finally got called back to a room. They did all the tests and initial exams done. Now it was time for the ultrasound.

The doctor moved around looking for the baby and found it within a few seconds.

"There it is." He said. Jaime and Eddie both in shock this was for real.

"So by the size of the sac and fetus itself it looks like you are 11 weeks along that puts you due end of May" the doctor said. Jaime and Eddie were surprised at how far along she was.

"So question when does that mean around when we conceived?" Jaime asked. The doctor pulled up a calendar.

"that would put you at the end of August first week in September" he said.

"Oh that's when we had the intruder I bet." Jaime said like it was no big deal meanwhile the doc is looking at them like there crazy.

"We're both cops, so. You know. We were actually having sex and I guess conceived a baby while they kicked open the door." Eddie told him. Jaime was laughing at eddies humor and the doctor was shocked.

"Okay well then. Any other questions?" He asked as he seemed ready to go.

"Yeah I have one. So she's been very hormonal whether she's crying, hungry, or horny, it just seems like it's non stop..." Jaime said.

"All completely normal. Just deal as best you can and know she has no control." She said to Jaime who just nodded along.

They finished up the appointment and went on there merry way with their first ultrasound picture. They couldn't wait to tell everyone at Thanksgiving dinner next week.

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