Hosea Matthews: In Need

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Hosea Matthews X Female Reader

Summary: you just needed some spare change but got caught stealing.

Word Count: 1900

Wrapping your arms around yourself, you pulled your thin coat tighter to your body in an attempt to feel it's warmth. Your gaze flickered around the street, your mind racing to come up with your next course of action. It had been so long since you had eaten, eaten something warm or sustainable. You've been living off of stolen scraps for the last couple of weeks, this time you needed money to get yourself some real food.

You attention finally settled on one man. A lean older man, you assumed in his fifties. He had neat silver hair and a clean shaven face. Admittedly he had a certain charm about him, he was attractive.

He didn't look like a very wealthy man but his clothes were clean and tidy, he clearly had some money, enough to be the person you stole from.

You sighed to yourself, glancing around to make sure that nobody else was around to see you, and started to walk towards the man. You followed him quietly until he reached a more secluded area, that's when you got closer.

This wasn't the first time you had stolen from someone. At first you did have your hang ups about it, not liking the idea, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Luckily, you had never been caught.

You hung your head as you walked past him, subtly reaching for his coin purse, like you had done many times in the past.

Before you could even grasp it, a hand caught your wrist tightly, bringing you to a complete halt. Your entire body tensed as you stared at the dirty ground in front of you, you have lived on the streets long enough to know that this could be the reason you get killed. This could be it.

"I..." was all you said, because you had no idea what you were going to say. Were you going to apologise? Make an excuse? You didn't know and any words you had been going to say died in your throat.

Finally you looked up at him with wide, fearful eyes. The hold on our wrist remained firm but his angered expression faded into something softer when he saw you.

You were a young woman wearing cheap, worn out clothes. You were dirty, as dirty as you would expect somebody living on the street to be, but there was something about you that told Hosea that you weren't just some street rat.

"What are you doing, miss?" the man asked, his voice not exactly harsh but his hold on your wrist not loosening.

"I...I-I'm sorry. I w-wasn't doin' nothing, it won't happen again, I promise" you stumbled over your words, hoping that this stranger would have mercy and let you go.

"If you weren't doing anything, why would you promise that it won't happen again" the man asked and you had no logical answer for that.

"Uh, I...please, sir..." you pleaded, just wanting to get out of there.

"What are you doing?" the man repeated his question.

"I just need some money. Just for food, I swear! I...I haven't eaten all day. I'm sorry but please let me go" you apologised, trying to pull your hand out of his grasp but it was no use. He was stronger than he looked.

Hosea looked over you again and sighed but didn't release your wrist just yet, afraid that you would just run away.

"Come with me" the man ordered softly.

"S-sir? Please, I won't bother you again" you promised him, clearly getting more nervous as you tugged on your arm again.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. Let me get you something to eat" the man told you but you were suspicious, you hadn't met many kind people since your life started to fall apart. "I know that you have no reason to trust me but you can. We'll go to the saloon, you'll never be left alone with me. Okay?" he asked.

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