New Boy

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"Jeff!" An obnoxious voice rang into the said teen's room. "We're gonna be late again if you don't get up now!!" 

Jeff grunted in reply, though it was muffled by the pillow in his face. He got up begrudgingly, dragging his feet out of his soft bed that was calling his name. When he looked at the clock by his bedside table, he cursed under his breath, suddenly picking up the pace. Twenty minutes was all Jeff had to arrive at his dreaded school. The closest clothing item was a white hoodie laying on the floor. The teen threw that over his head and decided to wear black skinny jeans with it.

Jeff was repulsed by the person in front of his mirror. His brown hair went every which way and the black circles under his eyes seemed worse than usual. Screw it!, Jeff thought, carelessly combing his messy hair. He dashed downstairs to see his brother Liu already waiting for him by the door. "About time, princess." Liu sassed, though Jeff knew his brother loved him nonetheless. 

"Did the parents already leave?" Jeff asked, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. 

"A long time ago, bro." As the brothers were walking out the door, Liu handed him a piece of toast. "Eat your breakfast!" He ordered. Jeff snatched it with his mouth and began running towards school, Liu lagging behind. 

Ten minutes later, and the Woods brothers finally arrived at their school. Jeff was in the tenth grade, while Liu was in his senior year. That did not stop the brothers from constantly hanging out with each other. They were walking side by side into the crowded school corridors. Students were chit chatting by the lockers, others were already heading into their homerooms, probably trying to finish last minute homework. After Liu picked up the things he will need for his first classes, the two boys walked over to Jeff's so he could grab his things too. Jeff's first class of the day is the very much despised mathematics. Who could even solve math problems this early in the morning?! As horrible as it is to say, Jeff's locker looked like a hurricane hit it, compared to his brother's. That being said, it took much longer for Jeff to find his notebooks. While this was happening, Liu was leaning against the lockers, watching the students pass by. Then a certain somebody caught his eye. 

"Shit! It's Randy," Liu whispered. 

"Don't look!" Jeff mumbled back. "It's like you're asking for him to come over here." But it seemed Randy had other plans that day than to steal lunch money from the Woods brothers. 

"Hey!" Randy barked at a kid a couple lockers away from Jeff's. "You new here?" The shouting caught the attention of a ginger boy. Jeff turned subtly to look. The boy was one Jeff had never seen at the school before. This intrigued the younger Woods boy. 

"I am!" The boy said happily. He was wearing a rainbow striped shirt, and besides the color, his hair looked a bit like Jeff's disheveled one. "My name is Jack." 

"I didn't ask for your name," Randy growled. "You got any money, new boy?" 

"Sorry, but no. My mom makes me my lunch!" Jack seemed uncharacteristically happy for someone who is being approached by a bully. "Do you need the money for lunch?" This caused Randy and his goons to cackle. Liu and Jeff were still watching, with Jeff tensing up. He knew what might go down; it has happened several times to him. "Cause if you need food, this is all I have." Jack pulled over several pieces of colorful candies from his pocket. They were even wrapped up in pretty papers. 

"You're so weird!" Randy shouted. He grabbed the beautiful pieces of candy from Jack's palms and kicked him down to the ground. Jeff thought for a moment Randy was gonna step on the new boy's face, but instead threw the candy onto the ground as well, stomping on them till they were nothing but crushed crystals of rainbow sugar. "Let's leave guys."  

As fast as they came, Randy and his boys were gone down the corridor. Then the bell went off, signaling homeroom. Jeff still hadn't gotten all of his stuff from his locker. He was debating whether he should help the new boy or leave to homeroom. 

"Get to class." Liu called to Jeff as he left his brother's side, leaving for class. 

"Right." He stayed by his locker, watching his brother leave like everyone else. But it was already decided by Jeff that he was gonna help the ginger boy crying on the floor. 

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