He probably won't remember... will he?

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    The night quickly turned into the morning. Well, not for me; this has probably been one of the longest nights of my life. I couldn't close my eyes for a second, lest all those weird thoughts popped into my head. So I decided I wasn't going to fall asleep as I cradled cups of black coffee in my hands while watching Jack sleep. Come to think of it, he looks pretty cute when he goes to sleep (haha, cuz it's Jeff's catch line!). 

     The sun was shining bright through my window as Jack began to stir awake. His already messy ginger hair went in every direction. That also looked cute. Jack lifted himself up the bed, but as he tried to get out of the bedsheets, he tripped and toppled off the bed. He let out a whimper as his body crashed against the floor. 

     "You okay?" I tried to keep in a chuckle. I offered my hand to Jack, which he hesitantly took. As I got a closer look at his face, I could clearly see how tired Jack truly was. As Jack stood up, he covered his face from the bright light coming from the window. 

     "Close the curtains!" Jack whined. 

      "Okay, okay! Crybaby!" I put the blinds on the window, blocking the intensity of the sun's rays. I forgot Jack was probably hungover. I'm so used to it I almost forgot how bad hangovers can be. When I turned around Jack was tucked again in my bed, his eyes closed. "Get up!" I took the blanket away from Jack, which he pouted. 


      "YES!" Jeez, it's like taking care of a child. When Jack still persisted to stay in bed, I did the only thing that ever worked. I stomped over to the end of the bed, and with quick hands, grabbed Jack's ankles and yeeted him off the bed.

     "I'm up!" Jack held his hands up in surrender. His eyes were still closed. I bonked him in the face with a nearby pillow. That soon turned into a pillow fight. I did not realize how much noise we were making till Liu popped into the room. 

     "Can you shut up?" Liu growled. The two of us turned to look at him mid-about to bash the other with a pillow. 

     "Sorry," Jack chuckled. "Just one more." I was not expecting when Jack nearly bashed my jaw with the pillow. 

     "That's it!" I threw my pillow at Jack, and another pillow war was started. Liu just looked at me, probably wondering how the two of us are related. He sighed dramatically and left. 

     After the two of us were so tired from the pillow fight that I needed time to catch my breath, I decided to surrender. I gently put my pillow down and held my hands up. 

     "Aw, a little longer?" Jack asked, even though it was obvious he was tired as well.

      "Stop acting like a child," I laughed. 

     "Fine!" Jack whined, not till he hit me one final time with a pillow. "Now I'm done." 

     "Good. Now go get ready, I'm gonna make us breakfast." As Jack turned to go to the bathroom, I took the stairs to go to the kitchen. Liu was already there, sipping his black coffee. I walked towards the fridge, picking some eggs. Then I went to the pantry to grab the bread. The avocado was lying with the fruit basket, and I chose the two ripest ones. All the while, Liu was observing me. 

     "I see you already made the coffee. It was so cold I had to microwave it though," Liu interjected my thoughts. I made a noise to let him know that I did. "Drinking coffee at night? Not a very healthy habit." I don't know where Liu was going with this. So I chose to ignore him as I put the bread slices in the toaster. "Having bad dreams?" Liu asked. 

     This time I decided to give my brother a verbal response. "Yup!" I said as I began cutting the avocado into delicate slices. 

    "Huh.... do you want to talk about it?" Liu asked. I shook my head as I took out a pan and drizzled olive oil onto the surface. "I also noticed you spend a lot of time with Jack these days..." 

     "Yeah, he is a good friend." I said simply. 

      "That's good to know." I felt like Liu wanted to say more. And I feel like he knows something. I mean, he is my big bro and we're super close. It's very hard to get something past him. Unless.... he saw something from last night. I was so lost into my own thoughts I did not realize the toast was done. 

     "Jeff!" Liu shouted. "Jeff?" Liu walked up to me. Right next to my ear, Liu once again shouted, "Jeff!!" I jumped like six feet in the air and dropped my spatula onto the floor. 

     "What?" I said as I got over my scare. 

       "Your toast is ready."

       "Oh." I ran to the toaster with a plate and delicately picked up the toast. The crust was a bit burnt but I could just cut it off. 

     Liu was continuing to stare at me as I prepared the breakfast. I placed the avocado on top of the toast and finished it was a perfectly sunny-side egg. I handed a plate to Liu which he gladly took, digging into the meal like a starving animal. "Have some manners!" I tutted at my big bro. I handed him a knife and fork, giving him a hint. Liu was blushing as he took the utensils guiltily. Just because he is older does not mean he always act like he is. 

     I placed the other two plates on the table and took the seat across from Liu. I wanted to wait to eat with Jack. I'm sure he'll be done soon. Then Liu said something that shocked me. 

     "He probably won't remember... will he?" Liu said with his mouth full of food. I knew exactly what he meant. I felt the heat leave my face as Liu said this. My eyes moved down from Liu's gaze to my perfectly made avocado-and-egg toast.  Hesitantly, I shook my head. Then Liu did something that was even more unexpected. He place his warm hand on top of mine. I looked up, very much confused. "Don't worry little bro." 

     "I-I," I stuttered, cursing myself. "I'm not worried!" I felt myself blush as I whacked away Liu's hand, huffing in annoyance as I crossed my arms. 

     "Okay," Liu said, chuckling. "By the way, great breakfast." I smiled at my brother as he lifted himself from his seat and took his empty dish to the sink. 

     "Where are you going?" I asked Liu as he began to leave. 

      "I'm just gonna head to the library." 

       "But it's a Saturday?" My brother is so freaking weird. Liu just shrugged. 

     "I don't wanna be a third wheel," Liu laughed. Excuse me?! Third wheel??? What was he accusing me of!!? "Oh, and your boyfriend is coming," Liu whispered smugly. 

     "WHAT?!" I was about to come at Liu with the knife on the table, but then Jack appeared just as Liu said. 

     "What's going on?" Jacked asked, brushing some hair out of his eyes, completely confused. 

     "Oh, nothing." Liu said as he quickly left the kitchen. 

     Jack still looked confused as he watched Liu leave. I dropped my knife onto the table and gestured towards Jack to join me. "I made us breakfast!" I said happily. 

    "Oooh, breakfast!!" Jack squealed as he took the seat next to me. 

      Jack is so childish!! Why am I into him?!! 


    Wait what??!

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