I Understand you must be Scared...

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     Jack stopped eating his breakfast to give me his full, undivided attention. At the moment I felt very self conscious as I tore my eyes away from Jack to look at the floor. "Um..." At first I knew what I wanted to say.. but Jack's gaze distracted me. 

    "What is it?" Jack asked with food still in his mouth. He looked seriously concerned and that just made me even more anxious. How could I possibly say this...? 

    "Well, you see..." I began to start, nervously tugging at my shirt. "Well, you see..." I tried to begin again. I tried to avoid Jack's stare as I kept on being distracted. But this must be said. "Well... you see," I diverted my gaze to the caparted ground. "....my parents are homophobes," I blurted out, but not loud enough to wake up my parents. I was expecting some sort of reaction from Jack.. a negative one. But he simply went to grab my hand, rubbing circles in around my knuckles. 

    "Is that all you wanted to say?" Jack asked carefully. I nodded me head. 

     "...I'm just trying to say.." I started again, ".. is that I'm not sure we will be able to be anything. I don't--" Jack stopped whatever I said by grabbing my face and planting a kiss upon my lips. I was startled by the action, but quickly returned the kiss back. When the kiss was broken, Jack looked at me with glistening eyes, like he was about to cry.

     "I know what you are about to say," Jack whispered. "And I understand you must be scared. But I think we can make it through." He was caressing my face in his warm palms, inches away from my face. "Who cares what your parents think," he added a tad harsher. I felt tears slip from my eyes, which Jack quickly swiped away. "Nobody needs to know about us... if you don't want them to" 

    I was shocked by Jack's response. I was expecting him to run away for some reason. I'm just too much to handle, sometimes. I thought he might not want have anything to do with me. But he was the one who kept me around... I realized this now. At first I thought I was selfish.. now I realize I am. I mean, I know Jack's father is homophobic as well, but that did not stop Jack from staying by my side. At this moment, I know I must do the same for him. 

   I surprised myself by initiating the kiss with Jack, which he gladly returned. We stayed kissing till we were out of breath, with me on top. When we broke apart, I whispered, "I love you." 

     "I love you, too."  

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry once again for the short chapter DX I suppose I can only write in short bursts at the moment... motivation is being a bish!!! 


   Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this cute, yet short chapter 

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