This School Was a Piece of Shit Anyway.

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TRIGGER WARNING: slight blood mention and slur words


   As I was expecting, I was sent to the principal's office. I was yelled at by him, but I was just too numb to even flinch at the loudness of his voice. I was even numb when he called both my parents. They never care about me or Liu when it concerns our academic... heck they do not even care when it comes to us in general. Little to say, they were ferocious when they walked through the principal's doors. I've never seen them looked this pissed before. 

     "What did Jeff do now?" my father sighed dramatically, sending daggers in my direction. 

      "He used this," the principal gently picked up the bloody knife with gloves on, "to hurt three of my students!" I rolled my eyes, and not one adult in the room looked pleased with me. "I'm having him expelled from my educational institution!" This just made me chuckle internally. 

    "What!" I've never seen my mother looked this shocked before. "Please, he only has one day left at this school! Just suspend him!" Wow, mother of the year!! How about try fending for me next time?

     My principal merely shook his head, a look of disdain present. "It will go on his official records!" My father added, looking pissed. "And I've already enrolled my boys in a private institution across the country." My father crossed his arms, staring down at the principal in front of him. 

    I kept my gaze to my clenched fists on my lap. But I could just hear the tension between all three adults. I could even hear my principal tapping on his desk repeatedly. After some time, my principal agreed. "FINE!" He was not happy by the decision made, which made me very happy. "Your son will be suspended from the school. But," he raised a dangerous finger in my direction, "If I ever see Jeffrey Wood's face on my school campus, I will call the police!" 

    "You don't have to worry about that, "I hissed, getting up from my chair and leaving his office. The adults continued exchanging words as I waited against the wall in the hallway. I could slightly hear their conversation. 

    "Are the boys okay...?" it was my mom's voice. Concern laced her voice and I was disgusted by it. 

     "Randy, Keith and Troy will make a full recovery," my principle reassured my worried mother. "Thankfully the cuts were not deep." Heh, I laughed how they were so concerned for those fucking idiots. In case no one seems to notice, I had a cut on my cheek. But they all were concerned for Randy... I should have known my mother cares for Randy more than me. Especially my father, since that was his boss's son. And according to them both, Randy is the perfect role model. Little do they know how he and his friends are really like. 

    As the adults continued talking about those boys, I couldn't take it anymore and walked away towards the parking lot. It took some time, but eventually my parents arrived by their car. I was about ready to jump inside when my father stopped to give me a skeptical look. 

    "What are you doing here, fag?" my father growled at me. 

      "Getting in the car?" I cocked my head, completely confused. 

      My father pushed me roughly away from his car as he muttered, "You can walk home." He hopped into the car and started the engine with my mother in the passenger seat. They left the parking lot, leaving me behind to fend for myself. I was beyond pissed and flipped the middle finger at the retreating car. I took out my phone ready to play some music. I took a look around where I was, and the first thing I see as I looked back at my old school was the principal standing on the sidewalk. His arms were crossed and he was staring intently at me. I rolled my eyes and began my journey back to home. 

   This school was a piece of shit anyway.

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