This is Bad.

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TRIGGER WARNING: Alcohol is mentioned.


    I got dressed in my usual attire: black jeans and some random band shirt I could find (this time it was Never Shout Never). I was walking down the stairs, choosing to skip breakfast, because everything that had happened this morning killed my appetite. Liu was already heading out, so I quickly went to follow him. That was until he pushed me back inside the house. "Don't you remember that you were suspended?" Liu chuckled uneasily. 

    "Oh. I forgot." Liu ruffled my hair lightly as he turned to go. 

     "Just take it easy Jeff," Liu advised. I watched him trot down the walkway. He turned again once to wave goodbye. I waved back, a pained smile present on my face. Then I shut the door, wondering what to do. 

    Well, basically, I mindlessly watched youtube videos all day. I made my bed as comfortable as possible, shutting the curtains for the perfect atmosphere. And, I'm ashamed to say, I got quite drunk. When I retrieved my vodka from my closet, I was immediately reminded of Jack. To be frank, that was the last thing I wanted to think of. Still, I drank that vodka straight like a sailor. 

   Around afternoon, a buzzing sound alerted me that my phone received notifications. At this point I was stumbling around the room. I was just watching compilation videos of epic cat fails. In my sober state, I probably wouldn't have found it as funny. But considering my inebriated state, I was cackling like a hyena. I still was as I picked up my phone, wiping away tears from laughing too much. It took me more concentration that it should to see who had written me. 


   All of a sudden my cackling stopped. Anger replaced my good mood. I must add that my mood swings are more intense when I'm drunk. I tossed my phone, not caring where it flew off to. To forget about Jack, I decided the best method was to drink more. Unfortunately for me, I had hardly a mouthful of vodka left. I sighed dramatically, dropping the bottle onto the floor where it crashed. Oops. I decided to ignore the mess and go back to the videos waiting on my laptop. 

    An hour later my phone started acting up again. The constant buzzing was distracting, and after a moment of hesitation, I decided to get up. But, of course it being me, I stumbled onto the ground. I felt a harsh sting as the palm of my hand slid onto the glass from the broken vodka bottle. I cursed to myself, but found the pain to be quite relieving at the same time. I did not bother to clean the blood slowly dripping my hand as I looked around the room for my phone. It was hidden in a pile of clothes between my closet and the wall. When I opened my phone with the hand that wasn't bleeding, I was slightly annoyed to see it was Jack again. 

    Jack: Hey, where are you?? 

    Jack: Are you okay? 

    Jack: You didn't seem well yesterday? 

   Jack: What did Randy do to you? 

    Jack: Please just answer me... 

    Jack: Why are you ignoring me? 

    Jack: I'm really worried okay...? 

    The last message, sent just seconds ago, read: 

    Jack: I'm sorry if I'm bothering you. I'll stop now. 

    Jack wasn't really bothering me, not at all. It was what my parents had said that bothered me. I really like Jack. Like a lot. I just couldn't do this anymore. But, then again, his father treats him worse.. and yet he still talks to me. Am I being selfish? I think I am. But I know there is something I had to do. It is not something I want to do. I just have to do it. It will be better for the both of us. After being lost in my thoughts, I decided to respond to Jack's texts. I was still a tad drunk, so very carefully, I typed: 

   Jeff: Sorry for not texting earlier. I was actually suspended. That's why I wasn't at school. 

    Right away, Jack started typing back. 

    Jack: Oh, good! I mean it's horrible you were suspended... I just thought he didn't show up because of something I've done...

   I laughed lightly after reading the message. Jack is too cute! I felt myself blush... although it might be hard to tell since my face was flushed from drinking. 

   Jack: what were you suspended for? 

    Jeff: Beating Randy. 

    Jack: LOL... he deserved it though. I don't think it was fair to suspend you, however. 

    I smiled at what Jack said. But the my face turned grim as I remembered what I have to say. Just as I was about to let out the news, my phone alerted me that Jack wanted to call. Oh no!! How could I say this to him over the phone. It was so much better just to text it so I did not have to hear what he has to say. I don't think I can do this.... 

    Hesitantly, I hit the answer button, bringing the phone slowly to my ear. "Hello?" my voice cracked a bit. 

   "Hey Jeffy!" Jack nearly yelled into the phone, causing me to flinch in shock. In a softer voice, he said, "How are you?" 

    "Quite bored," I replied, honestly. "Why are you calling... aren't you in class?" 

     "School just finished, silly!" Jack chuckled. I quickly checked the time on my phone to see it was 3:23, just three minutes since school was over. "And," Jack added. "Since you're so bored, I'm coming over to your house. I'm walking with Liu right now! See ya soon!" Before I could protest against that idea, Jack hung up the phone. 

    Oh no. This is bad!! This is terrible!! How will I do it now? Jack's news quickly shook me out of my inebriated state as panic overcame me. Faster than Sonic, I cleaned up the broken glass from the floor and wrapped my palm in gauze. I was thinking of just dashing out of the house. No... I couldn't do that. I was beginning to find it difficult to take in deep breaths. I paced around my room, thinking how to say it. I know the parents won't be a problem... they're not usually home till after dinner on a normal day. But still... 

   I'm just going to have to get over it.

     Then the door to the house flew open.

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