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    It was finally the day of Ben's Halloween party. The parents, for once, stayed in the house as they got the house ready for their own Halloween party. They welcomed me to stay around to greet their guests. As for Jeff... well they made it pretty clear to the two of us that Jeff wasn't around to mingle around and that he better leave. However, I took that moment to tell them Jeff and I had our own plans. Bye-bye!! 

   It was nearing the time for the party. I was in my room, painting stitches on my face. I was going as Frankenstein. My whole face was painted a pale, sick-ish green. I couldn't find anything for the bolts on the side of the neck, so this will have to do. When I figured I was done, I checked up on Jeff in his room. Gently, I opened the door, sneaking up on my bro. 

   "Boo!" I screeched, grabbing Jeff from behind. He startled for a moment, but then turned around to whack me, a frown on his face. "Aww.. is Jeffy scared?" I laughed to myself but Jeff did not seem pleased. When I got a better look at him, I shook my head. "How is this a costume?" He was in his usual black jeans with a loose white hoodie on top. 

    "I don't even want to go to this stupid party..." Jeff mumbled, crossing his arms. 

    "It'll be fun!" I tried to cheer my brother up. The last few days, Jeff was just a depressing mess. I had to force him to take a shower this morning, because he couldn't even take care of himself since... that day. "Here, let me help." I went into my room to find the bottle of fake blood I, for some reason, have. Probably from last Halloween, if I'm being honest. Hopefully it's not that old. I returned to Jeff, smothering the fake blood onto his hood. 

   "What are you doing?!" Jeff cried, trying to push away my hands. 

    "Getting you ready for the party," I sighed. Jeff kept trying to resist but eventually gave in. 

    "You're going to wash my hoodie when this is all done..." Jeff hissed, rolling his eyes. When I was sufficed with the amount of blood on his hood, I closed the cap to the bottle, marveling at my artwork. 

    "There," I muttered. "Now it looks like you've killed someone." Jeff turned towards his mirror, nodding his head in agreement. 

    "Wait, I have an idea," Jeff said suddenly. He snatched the bottle from me, taking the cap off. He poured some of the fake blood on his hands, carefully wiping it on his face. I watched curiously. When my brother turned around, there was a very creepy bloody smile on his face. "Now I look like some creepy killer," Jeff smiled... the first smile I've seen in the past days. 

   "Looks dope," I complimented. "Anyways, Ben should be here any second. Let's go!" I went to grab my brother's bloody hand, walking down the stairs side by side. The parents were marching around the house, but we did our best to avoid them as we walked towards the front door. The moment we stepped on the sidewalk, Ben's car approached us. 

   "Wow, good costume, Jeff!" Ben was impressed. "What are you supposed to be?" 

     "A serial killer," Jeff replied. 

    "And you?" Ben asked me.

    "Frankenstein's monster." 

    "Oof, you're costume sucks," Ben sighed. "Come on Jeff, let's leave your brother." 

    "What?!" I cried. 

    "I'm kidding!" Ben laughed. "But seriously... you just look like someone who's been through an accident.." 

    "Yeah... Frankenstein's monster," I rolled my eyes. Ben shook his head, still laughing. 

   "Come on... we have a party to go to," Ben said from the driver's seat. 

    "I call shotgun!" Jeff screamed, hopping into the passenger's seat. That left me to go in the backseat. I was pissed. No respect for my costume... shaking my head!! 

     Ten minutes later and we finally arrived at Ben's house. There were a couple of cars parked by the curb. Music was blaring so loud I could hear it already. And spooky lights emitted from the windows. I did not realize how big the party was going to be. I just hope Jeff has a good time. 

    We all got out of the car. Ben led the way into the house. I followed, with Jeff clinging by my side. When I took a look at my little brother, he looked quite tense. The music was even louder inside. At the moment, "Monster Mash" was playing. I saw some people I recognized, like Helen Otis from my art class and Jane, one of my neighbors. Thankfully, Randy and his gang were not present. It's not like Ben was friends with him, but knowing Randy, he'd crash any party he hears of. Especially on a day like Halloween. 

   Ben's parents were not home. They left to another Halloween party held by their friends. That being said, the alcohol supplied was... a lot. There was a huge table just for them. And of course that was the first place Jeff headed towards. I'm probably going to be like the only sober person in the party. I'm just saying now... I'm not holding anybody's hair when they need to vomit in the toilet. Well, maybe my little bro. But that's it. After all, I need him safe in one piece when we get home... not like the parents care. 

    I tried to keep Jeff by my side, but once he hit up the drinks, I lost him in the crowd. People were dancing to the music, swaying their hips. And, of course, Ben was in the middle, catching everyone's attention. He's such a party animal. "Come over here!" Ben screamed towards me. This really wasn't my type of way to enjoy myself, but after some pressure, I joined Ben in the middle of the "dance floor", aka the living room. Awkwardly, I tried to dance, moving my hips around without sync. Sorry, but I have two left feet. 

    Eventually, the Halloween music just turned into music. It did not feel like a "Halloween" party anymore... just any average party. The dance floor started to die out as people flocked over to the beverage table, chugging whatever Ben had. I still couldn't find Jeff. And I was starting to worry. As I was searching the crowd for a certain "serial killer", someone's hand touched my shoulder, startling me. The soda I had in my solo cup flew in the air, falling down onto the carpet. Hopefully there is no stain in the morning. 

   "Oops," a familiar voice cried. "Didn't mean to scare you." I turned around to see Jack. He was dressed in a monochrome clown outfit. His long nose almost poked me in the face as I turned to face him. 

   "That's alright. Cool costume by the way!" I complimented. 

   "Thanks!" Jack grinned. "I made it myself!" Jack took that time to look at my own costume. "And... you're supposed to be Frankenstein?" 

    "Yess, thank you!! Everyone doesn't seem to see it," I laughed awkwardly. "And, technically, it's "Frankenstein's monster."" 

    "Right," Jack chuckled. Jack looked around the party, and so did I. "Everyone looks drunk," Jack laughed, watching everyone as they tried to horribly dance. There was already a person passed out on the sofa. 

    "Yup!" I agreed. 

     "You're not gonna drink?" Jack asked curiously. 

     "Nah. That's not quite my thing." It's true, I never like to drink. I hate feeling sick and not being able to control myself. I've seen my parents like that too many times to ever want to be like them. 

   "Understandable," Jack commented. "Well, I'm gonna get a drink." Jack waved at me as he left to the drinks table. I watched him as he poured himself a hefty amount of vodka before pouring some soda into it as well. Then he disappeared into the crowd. 

    My mind wandered back to Jeff. I had to find him. But then Ben surprised me, as he took my hand. "C-come on!" He slurred. "L-let's play video gaaaames!!" We left to the basement, leaving the party upstairs. 

    "I think we should stay in the party," I tried to reason. But you can never reason with a drunk person. I know this too well. 

    I just hope Jeff is alright on his own.

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