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*** Trigger warning: there will be some domestic violence, I guess... I do not think that is quite the word but you've been warned!!


         I cannot believe I did it!!! I gave Jeff my number.... ahhhhhh!! I don't know why I was so nervous, I hope he doesn't think me weird now. 

       I was sad to see I did not have Jeff in the rest of my classes. But I did have Toby in my last period and I met a nice kid named Helen in my art class. I still felt my cheeks burns all day. I really hope he texts back. 

     In no time, I was back at home. The house was a nice suburban home near the edge of some woods. I thought it was pretty blank though, it needed more colors in my opinion. "I'm home!" I yelled into the house, kicking my shoes off by the front door. I heard rushed footsteps as my mother came to greet me, giving me a big hug. I smiled in her embrace. 

     "How was your first day?" she asked excitedly. Then, quicker than I can comprehend what was happening, my mother moved her hands to my cheeks, inspecting something. "No bruises? Injuries? Anything of that sort?" Her eyes were squinted, trying to see if I'd lie to her again. 

     I shook her off of me. "Of course I wouldn't." More lies. "In fact I actually made friends this time!!" Her eyes went from squinting to nearly bulging out of her eyes. 

     "Oh my gosh!! You've made friends!" she squealed. " This is a time to celebrate!" She ran into the kitchen, leaving me in confusion as I tilted my head, my ginger hair blocking my view. When she came back she had a bottle of champagne in her hands and tore off the cork. The sudden noise from the action made me jump in surprise. "To new friends!" She lifted the bottle up. "And to a better life!" Her smile was contagious as I smiled with her. My mother took a tiny swig from the bottle and I was about to grab the bottle from her, hoping to have a taste. A quick hand slapped mine away. "Not till you're 21," she laughed. 

     The sun was nearly setting. I was up in my room working on some homework. Apparently I had a lot to catch up on. Boxes were still sitting in my room, packed with all my junk from the move. I mean, after all, we just moved into the house over the weekend. I could hear my mother downstairs making dinner very clear from here. Which, although was a bit distracting, I enjoyed hearing my mother's beautiful singing. She was making lasagna, my favorite meal... well technically that would be candy but "that does not count as a meal". Smh. 

     I was just about to finish my mathematics homework when I heard my father come into the house. I could tell he carelessly threw the door open as it hit a wall. "I'm back." he growled. "What are you making for dinner?" There was no "I love you" or anything of that sort from this man. Not ever. I closed my door, afraid of what could happen. Still, I put an ear against the door to hear. 

     "I'm making lasagna" My mother said almost too quietly for me to hear, despite minutes ago I could hear her almost like she was in the same room as me. That's when I heard a plate crash and my mom shriek. 

     "You know I hate lasagna." My dad yelled. I had to pull my ears away from the door from how loud he screamed.

     "But Jack finally made friends. I thought we could celebrate." 

      "I do not care for that faggot. He is no son of mine." I felt tears stream down my face. I could take that from other people, but to hear that from my own father hit differently. That was when the screaming battle started, if it hadn't already. More dishes crashed to the floor. I hid into the closet, whimpering in fright. More tears cascaded down my face. I immediately noticed this closet was a lot smaller than my last one. What a shame. I shut my ears with the palms of my hands, hoping to muffle the yelling. I brought my knees to my chest, trying to make myself as small as humanly possible. 

       Then I felt a vibration in the pocket of my jeans. I did not bother see what it was, probably one of those emails I accidently subscribed for. I'll find out later....

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