For both Jack and I...

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TRIGGER WARNING: slight domestic abuse? And slur words (and cussing!)


    I came back home with a big goofy smile on my face and my cheeks were flustered. I didn't even see the steps on the porch as I arrived to the house; my head was up in the sky thinking about Jack. I tripped, falling back down to earth. I actually managed to laugh at my clumsiness. 

    However, as soon as I entered the threshold into my house, I was brought back to reality. My parents were home early for once... or so I thought. I did not realize how time flew by. It was nearly 8 O'clock. I was surprised I did not notice the sky had gone dark as I walked my way home. But still... they never even came home this early. 

    "Where were you?" my mother cried, tapping her foot impatiently. 

     "I was at the library," I answered quickly. She seemed to buy my lie... I didn't even know I could lie this easily. 

      "Never mind," my mother sighed, dragging me into the kitchen. "Sit down with your brother. Your father and I have some news to share." Oh? A family gathering? This never happens... what are they up to? 

    Liu gave me a smile as I sat in the chair next to him. What is even more suspicious was that we never use this table... only when we have family or friends over and my parents want to put a good impression. Other than that, we mostly just eat in our rooms. Well, me and Liu might have used this table to eat together several times, but we always make sure it is sparkly clean, lest we want out parents to be barking up our asses. 

    My father was sitting across from me, and my mother took the seat next to him, across from Liu. As I looked into my father's eyes, I could see hate in his eyes directed at me. He clenched his jaws tightly. He was tightening his fists so much that his knuckles were turning white. I had to momentarily look away from him, gulping in anxiety. What did they know? Are they suspicious? These were the thoughts that were plaguing my mind. 

   My mother looked at my father, coughing to get his attention. My father saw this and broke his gaze away from me. I waited in anticipation for my father's words. Well, we all were. Eventually, he said, "We are moving." 

    "What?" I cried. No, this cannot be happening. I'm finally, kinda, happy. And the reason for that was because of Jack. I can't leave Jack!! 

    My father shushed me harshly, before continuing, "A great promotion was offered to me. But we will have to move across the country." I looked over to Liu to see even he was upset at the news. My father glared at the both of us, still not done with his talking. "A promotion means a better job and a better salary. We can even move into one of those fancy neighborhoods. I expect the both of you to accept this... moving is not easy, and if everyone got along, the whole adjustment will be much easier." 

    "Yes, father." Liu said somberly. Liu may have accepted this, but I will not. Just as I was about to argue, my father added,

    "And I'm throwing you in conversion therapy when we get there. No gay son will live among my home. We do not raise fucking fags...if this sort of thing happens one more time..." my father did not finish his statement. I'm guessing one more time or I'm getting kicked out of the house. Or better yet, one more time or he'll kill me. Yeah, I think I prefer the latter. 

    "What?" I cried. My parents both gave me the deadliest glares possible. "Conversion therapy?" I laughed bitterly. Liu tried to calm me down, settling a hand on my shoulder. I turned to look at him. His eyes said, "It's not worth it..." I pushed his hand away, pushing the chair back to stand up. "You got to be kidding me," I yelled. 

     My father stood up as well, getting close to my face. "That is no way to speak to your father!" He screeched. He lifted a fist as though he was about to punch me right there. I flinched a bit, but didn't break my gaze full of fury with my father. 

    "Calm down, the both of you!" My mother yelled. She tried to calm down her husband, as Liu had done to me. My father eventually sat down. I didn't even budge. He was breathing like he was about to have a heart attack. How pathetic. "Jeff, go to your room now," my mother said bitterly. I stood there, looking at my parents with absolute disdain. "NOW!" she shrieked. 

    "Just listen Jeff..." Liu whispered regretfully. I looked down at my brother, shock apparent upon my face. Liu was looking down at his hands sadly. I ended up listening, not for my parents' sake.. but for Liu's. 

    As I arrived to my room, I slammed my door forcefully and locked it shut. Then I went to cry my heart out with my face planted on my mattress. As much as I wanted a pity party, I knew I had to find a way out of this mess. 

   For both Jack and I... 

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