I never thought Jeff could hurt this badly...

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     I felt bad for having to leave Jeff behind. But he was suspended after all. Not that I agreed with the school; Randy deserved what he got. It was about time someone gave Randy his own medicine. 

     The walk was pretty lonely. I arrived to school with a lot of time to waste. I was about to go looking for Ben when I spotted Jack waiting by Jeff's locker. I was about to approach him, but then Ben found me, tackling me from behind, startling me like a deer caught in the headlights. "Yo!" Ben laughed. "I scared you, didn't I?" I pushed him off me, chuckling. When I looked back to see Jack, I saw Toby had already got to him first. At least he wasn't totally alone. Still, I felt like I should tell him that Jeff was suspended, but then he and Toby walked away. "What you looking at?" Ben asked noisily, trying to see what I was looking at. 

    "It's nothing... I guess I'm just worried for that exam for last period." 

    Ben totally bought my lie as he put me in a headlock, ruffling my hair. "Calm down!" Ben said. "You're the smartest kid in class. You got this." Ben did not let go of me till I promised him I'll calm down. 

   "Fine!" I held up my arms in surrender. 

   "By the way, you're going to my Halloween party this weekend, right?" Ben asked, changing the topic. 

    "Sure," I nodded. 

    "Yasss!" Ben jumped up and down excitedly. "And you have to dress up... or you're gonna be kicked out." Ben gave me a stern look to which I just nodded along. 

    "Okay okay." 

    I shared no classes with Jack at all. But between classes I tried to search for Jack in the crowd. It wasn't very hard as he was like super tall and had a mop of jet black hair. I noticed as each class passed, Jack's expression turned from happy-ish, to worried, to sad. I decided by the end of the day I was going to approach him. 

   And I did. He was all lonesome, and the walk home was going to be just as lonely for me. So I decided to invite Jack over. I mean, Jeff must be bored by himself and the parents are never back till late. 

    "Hi," I said softly as I stood in front of Jack. 

    "Hey," Jack said tiredly. "What's up?" 

     "Oh, you know, school..." I said awkwardly. I never knew how to talk to people. "Uh, so listen.." Jack perked up as I started talking again. "Do you want to come over to the house?" I asked.

    "Uh, sure. Will Jeff mind?" 

     "Why would Jeff mind?" I was honestly curious. Jack shrugged, unsure of himself. 

     "Sure, I will come!" Jack said happily, smiling bright. 

     "Cool, let me just get my stuff." I skimmed through the mass of students, trying to get to my locker which was located a few hallways down. Jack followed behind. When we got there, Jack was suddenly texting on his phone, looking rather ecstatic. The worry I saw in his eyes earlier vanished. Then he started calling someone. From the sound of it, it sounded like Jeff. I was trying not to noise in on their conversation as I finished putting my calculus book in my bag and zipping it up. 

    I signaled for Jack to follow me again as we headed out the doors. Jack quickly ended the call, racing towards me as he was lagging behind. 

    During the walk back to my house, Jack and I were mostly silent. It wasn't totally awkward.... well kinda. Jack was keeping his gaze down, his hands holding firmly to his backpack. 

    "So..." I started, not quite sure what I wanted to say. Jack peeped at me through his black bangs. "..um." I turned to look straight ahead as I began talking. "..so what are you doing for Halloween?" I asked curiously. 

   "Nothing much." The younger boy responded. 

    "A friend is throwing a Halloween party this Saturday... would you like to go?" When I turned to face Jack, he looked pretty excited. 

    "Yess!" Jack said through a huge grin. "...wait, whose house is it at?" 

     "Ben's house. I'm sure you'll like him." Jack's grin remained on his face. "Oh, and you have to wear a costume," I added. 

    "Was planning on it anyway," Jack laughed. 

     The rest of the walk home was in silence. This time it wasn't as awkward as before. When I unlocked the door, I announced my presence. "I'm home! Jack's here, too!" Jack quickly thanked me for letting him into the house, and then ran straight towards Jeff's room, bouncing in excitement. I silently laughed at how happy Jack was to see my brother. Jeff had friends, sure, but I don't think he's ever had a friend like Jack. And I was glad for that. 

   I walked up the stairs as well, planning on working on my calc homework in my room. However, as I was passing Jeff's room... I heard.... tension. The door was closed, so I hesitantly put my ear to the door. "I don't think we should be friends anymore." It was the voice of Jeff. I was completely dumbstruck. I thought Jeff loved having Jack around? Then I heard Jack shout, "No!" The sudden scream made me jump back in surprise. "I won't have it. You're my best friend!" Oh no... I think I understood what was going on. 

    I tried to listen more, but everything was silent for a while. I decided to mind my own business and return to my room. For now at least. Just as I was about to shut my door closed, Jeff's door opened with a loud thud as it hit against the wall. Jack appeared as he ran down the stairs. I couldn't see his face, but I could hear the loud snuffling of his tears, even from where I was standing. The entrance door opened as Jack left and closed with another slam. 

    Puzzled, I entered the hallway. I quietly popped my head into Jeff's room. I was absolutely heartbroken when I witnessed my little brother on the floor, crying. I've never heard such pained howls of misery. In that moment, I wanted to comfort my brother. But I figured he needed some space, so I let him be. 

   I was hoping Jeff would be ready to come out for dinner. With the amount of money I saved up for a game, I decided to use it to order some sushi: Jeff's favorite. I was certain this was the best way to convince Jeff to join me. He'd never turn down sushi. But, alas, I was wrong. He hadn't left his position curled up in a ball on the floor. I did not hear anymore cries, though. In fact, he didn't move at all. Panic rose inside me, thinking the worst case scenario that he somehow died. "Jeff?" I called into his room. "Jeff? Dinner is ready..." Nothing. "I got you sushi..." As I was approaching my brother, he began to squirm on the floor, holding himself into a tighter ball. Oh good, he's still alive. I let out a relieved sigh. "Well..." I did not know what to do. "...dinner is ready when you want it." With that, I let him be. Maybe Jeff just needed some more time alone. Sometimes I do and Jeff respects that. 

    I've never expected today to be as such. I never thought Jeff could hurt this badly. And that even explains why Jack was quite upset the whole day. He turned out just as bad as Jeff is right now when he fled the house. That's it. I'm going to make it my mission to get those two back together... I cannot stand Jeff being so depressed. Jack as well, of course. And I had the perfect plan.

     I just have to somehow convince Jeff to go to the Halloween party....

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Yo... I'm going to have to work on Halloween!!!!! DX 

But we get to dress up that day... so I might dress up as Jeff the Killer (if I'm able to dye my hair black on time!!!) 

Anyways, I really hope you guys enjoy the story so far :3

Sweet Like CandyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin