Please tell me this is some sick joke....

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    "Jeff! I'm home!" I heard the voice of Liu travel up to my room. "Jack's here, too!" I knew this was coming. I really knew... Jackie told me himself. Yet, I couldn't control the panic that was encasing me. I decided the best thing to do was stay silent... 

   That was till I heard footsteps  approach me. I watched as the door to my room swung up quietly. Jack's face popped through. Physically, I was smiling at my friend's presence; mentally, I was wishing he never came. 

   "Jeffy!" Jack cried. "I missed you!" The door swung open all the way as Jack launched his body at me, engulfing me in a big hug that nearly crushed me against my bed. In a moment we were lying on my bed, with Jack lying on top of me. I felt my heart pulse faster, my cheeks turning pink. As did Jack, apparently, as he quickly brushed himself off of me, rubbing the back off his neck cheekily. "Sorry about that." I brushed it off. 

   "How are you?" I asked, trying to be as formal as possible. 

    "I've been lonely without you," Jack admitted shyly. "But now you are here," my friend added happily, about to hold me in another hug. I held my arms up, pushing Jack away from me. He looked quite taken aback, backing away. "Ummm.." Jack said, unsure of himself, " there something wrong?" 

    I didn't dare look Jack in the eyes. I took a seat at the end of my bed. I was debating of what to say. I wanted to say it as straightforward as possible... if that is even possible? Jack sensed there was something up. We stayed in silence for awhile as I mustered the courage to finally speak up. "Listen, Jack..." I added hesitantly. Jack's full, undivided attention was on me, and suddenly, I felt more insecure than ever before. "We..." the words refused to leave my mouth. I tried to speak once again after taking a deep breath. "We..." I was distracted as my eyes met with Jack's unwavering stare. I had to look anywhere but his blue gaze if I were to speak up. I really wanted to say anything else... but this is for the best. "....we can't be friends anymore." 

     There I said it. The words that I had plagued my thoughts the whole day.. finally said aloud where I cannot take them back. I was expecting Jack to shout and scream, and maybe even hit me. What I heard instead was a loud thud. I looked up to see Jack kneeling on the floor right next to me. His eyes were filling up with tears. He looked broken. "What?" Jack's voice cracked. He looked at me pleadingly, but I chose to look anywhere but at him. I felt shivers run down my spine as I felt Jack's hand linger on my skin, turning my head so I'd have to face his gaze. "Please tell me this is a joke..." Tears began to run my cheeks as well, just hearing his broken voice. I shook my head, despite how much I wanted to take back those words. "Jeff!" Jack spoke urgently. "'re the only friend I've ever had. Please tell me this is some sick joke." Jack practically begged. 

    "I don't think we should be friends anymore," I repeated. 

    But Jack refused to listen to my words. "No!" This time Jack shouted. "I won't have it. You're my best friend!!" I flinched at his shouting, and Jack must have noticed. In a much quieter tone, Jackie added, "We're meant to be together." Those words really hit me. I really think so, too. But I couldn't let Jack convince me... I'm doing this for the both of us. It's for the best. The only way I could make Jack understand is going to kill me, but it must be done. 

    "Don't you understand," I gritted through my teeth. "I don't want to be your friend!" I forcefully pushed Jack off of me. As much as it hurt me, I had to put an angry act on. "I was only "friends" with you because I felt pity." Jack was on the floor, the rivers streaming down his face. "You were basically charity work," I added, shouting now. The most painful sob escaped Jack's lips. I wanted to tear myself apart at that moment. But there was no turning back now. "Just leave me alone!" That was all it took to scare Jack away. He dashed out of my house, grabbing his things and slamming the door shut without a single word. All that was left of Jack were the few tear stains he left on my carpet. 

   I felt absolutely disgusted with myself. I felt like I just killed a man. I felt like I ruined the only good thing I had ever experienced in a long time. I felt miserable... 

   I cried and cried and cried when Jack left through those doors. I cradled myself in a ball on the floor, my tears blanketing over where Jack's tears resided. I stayed like that for hours. And even when Liu called me down for dinner, I ignored him. Even when my parents busted into my room (for once) to see their pathetic son crying, I stayed like that. I stayed in my miserable state on the floor all day till I finally passed out just to sleep.

   Not even good dreams visited me that night. 

   Just nightmares that reminded me of how I ruined the only good thing to ever come into my life. 


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