You're a Monster

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     It wasn't hard to locate Jack the moment the boys entered the bathrooms. Loud snuffling could be heard in the last stall. When Jeff tried to open the stall door it was locked. Jack was definitely there. 

       "Who's there?" A scared voice called through the stall. 

     "It's me, Jeff. Jeff Woods?" 

     "Oh." Jack went over to unlock the door, opening it a little to peer at Jeff. "What do you want?" 

     "I just came to check up on you." Jeff followed this sentence with a smile, something that hardly graces his otherwise moody face. 

Jack squinted his eyes in suspicion. "Who sent you? And who's that over there?" Jack brought a shaky hand up to point at Toby. 

     "That's my friend Toby and nobody sent me, I came on my own accord." 

     Jack stood there, the door still slightly open to let him peer at the two boys in front of him. He continued watching Jeff suspiciously. In no time both boys were having a stare down, while Toby was in the background making faces in the dirty bathroom mirrors. Eventually Jack gave in, opening the door all the way and letting Jeff into the stall. Jack sat on the floor, cradling his beat-up lunchbox, and Jeff just observed. 

     "Why are you spending your lunch time in the bathroom with a weirdo when you could be eating with your friends?" Jack asked out of nowhere, his eyes glued to his lunchbox. 

     This just made Jeff laugh, like really laugh. Jack looked up at Jeff, not at all expecting this reaction. For a moment he looked even more hurt than before, but that was before Jeff opened his mouth to speak. 

     "What are you talking about, we're weirdos too!" He pulled Toby away from the mirrors to stand before him. "Look at this cute weirdo!!" 

     "I'm n-not cute!" Toby cried, trying to suppress a tic that was coming on. A bell-like giggle came out of Jack's mouth and Jeff smiled even more brightly if that was possible. 

     "And how many friends do you think I have anyway?" Jeff laughed. 

     "I don't know... 10?" 

     Jeff began having a laughing fit, falling to the ground. Even Toby was laughing at this. Jeff had to wipe away stray tears that were coming out of his eyes due to laughter. When he finally composed himself, Jeff said, "Wow, you think I have ten friends? Dang I must be so popular!" 

     "He's the weirdest out of all weirdos." Toby commented. "He just has me!" The boy added, pouncing on top of Jeff and throwing the boy's hood to cover his entire face. Jack was laughing at the boys' rowdiness with each other, though he kept his entire body against the wall to avoid their shenanigans. "You can be our friend though," Toby cheered while he was suffocating Jeff in his hood. 

     "Really?" Jack's eyes glowed with happiness. "Great!" 

     Finally, Toby let go of Jeff as he was breathing desperately for air. He aimed a blow at Toby's knees, causing the boy to fall onto the ground with the rest. Toby cried in pain. Jeff simply stuck his tongue at him, flipping the finger. In the background Jack was giggling, "You guys are so funny!" 

     All three boys were in a small circle on the floor now, like they were trying to summon something. If anybody were to run into the bathroom at this very moment, that would definitely be the first thing that would pop into their head. "Oh, look what I still have," Jeff said excitedly. He pulled out the cherry candy Jack gave him earlier. This made the ginger boy grin. 

     "Ohhh mine!" Toby yelled. He gripped it from Jeff's outstretched hand, opening the candy's pretty wrapper and shoving the red sweet into his mouth. 

     "Hey!" Jeff growled, thumping Toby on the head. 

     "Don't worry, I have more at home," Jack couldn't stop giggling when he was around Jeff and Toby... but more specifically Jeff Woods. 

     Just then the bell rang, signaling lunch was over. 

     "Noooooo I don't wanna go to class!" Jeff complained, lying completely on the bathroom floor. 

     "Ewww! You don't know what this bathroom floor has seen!" Toby shuddered, dragging his friend by the arm. "And you're going to class or...." 

     "Or what?" Jeff sassed. 

     An evil smirk fell across Toby's face. "...or I'm telling Liu!" 

     "You're cruel!" Jeff cried, but got back onto his feet anyway. "Come on Jack, let's get outta here." A smile was back on his face. 

     "Okay. Let me just get something out." Jack was taking something out from his lunchbox; Jeff could hear the metallic of Jack opening and closing the lunchbox. As all three boys were leaving the bathrooms, Jack passed something into Jeff's hand. It was a swirly lollipop in pastel colors. 

     "Ohhhh it's so pretty!" Jeff blushed. 

     "Heyyyy! Do I get one?" Toby interrupted. 

     "Yeah," Jack grinned, handing Toby a similar lollipop but in bright colors. 

     "Yayyyy!" Toby unwrapped the lollipop, taking big bites out of it until it was nothing but a stick left. 

     Jack gasped, covering his mouth. "You're a monster!" 

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