So I flipped him off

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I'm sad and lonely so here is another chapter X)


     Nothing happened for the rest of that night. We were both getting sleepy so it was bedtime for us. I offered Jack to sleep on my bed while I take the floor. I even offered for us to sleep in the same bed and he could be little spoon.. but Jackie did not want to if weren't boyfriends anymore. *sobs all night long* So I ended up making Jack a bed in the closet. I felt kinda bad, because he'll be cramped in there. But then again, Jack reasoned, if the parents popped in the room, we'll both end up dead. 

   Thankfully that did not happen. Jack woke up long before I was. He was on his phone when I checked up on him in the closet. Since it was Saturday, there was no rush. The parents were drinking mimosas in the kitchen as I searched for the supplies to make toast in the kitchen. My mother and father did not look up once as they were so engaged with their phones to notice my presence. Once I buttered my two pieces of toast, I dashed upstairs to my room, locking the door behind me. 

     "Here," I offered Jack one of the toast. He gingerly grabbed it, smelling it first before taking a bite. He was still sitting in the closet, knees up to his chest. I rolled my eyes at him, but I couldn't stop the blush from tainting my face... he looked just too cute!!! "You can come out of there now," I laughed. Still munching on his toast, he scooted his way out of the closet, stretching the moment he was out. I could hear his bones pop as he did so. He let out a relieved sigh. 

    "Thank god!" he cried. "My whole body felt cramped in there!" 

     "I offered you my bed," I grumbled as I picked up my own toast. 

     Jack ignored me as he changed the subject. "Your parents still home?" I nodded. "Maybe I should go back in the closet then?" 

    I shook my head. "Don't worry, they never check up on me." 

    "Then what was that yesterday?" Jack sassed. 

    I shrugged. "I have no idea!" 

     Jack and I sat on my bed watching random Youtube videos for most of the morning. Eventually, I heard my parents leave the house. I snuck downstairs, leaving Jack behind in my room, to see my parents walking towards the car through the window. They were dressed as one may call "nice", so I'm assuming they were going to another party. Of course! When I got back into my room, Jack was waiting by the door nervously. "Are they gone?" He asked quietly. I nodded my head. "Good.... so I'll be off then." 

    "What?" I was excited to spend more time with Jack without worrying about the parents barging in. "The parents are gone though? And it's Saturday!! Let's do something fun!"I said, bouncing excitedly. 

    "You should do something fun with Liu then," Jack interjected. 

     "No, let's hang out!" I blocked the door so Jack couldn't escape. But this just made Jack look more frustrated. Why did he not want to hang out with me? 

     "Well... I have a bunch of absent homework I have to catch up on.." Jack tried to reason. 

     "On a Saturday?" I asked suspiciously. 

     "Come on," Jack huffed. "Move!" But I stood my ground like the tough cookie I was. 

     "Why don't you wanna hang out with me, huh?" I was going to get an answer out of Jack one way or another. He kept trying to shove me away from the door. I guess I'm stronger than I look...dayum! "Why?" 

     "To do homework! Seriously Jeff, let me out." But I knew there was another reason why. 

     "Why?" I kept repeating that one word. And then eventually I got my answer. 

     "Because I can't see you anymore!" Jack shouted. "Cause then I'll get too attached to you and you are moving in a week! I cannot do this!!" 

    Once again, I feel broken inside. I did not want to let me emotions betray the stoic expression on my face. On the other hand, Jack looked like he was going to break. We both were actually, I'm just better at hiding it. I moved aside from the door. Before Jack could leave though, I threw his lunchbox at him. "Go." I seethed. "And take this with you!" 

   Jack picked up the box that landed close by his feet. He did not say a single word as he marched down the stairs and out the door. Why does this keep happening to me. When I was sure Jack had left, I let the tears flow. The tears were so bad, it was like a dam that had broken... jeesh. 

    Then a face popped into my room. "I heard everything..." Liu said softly. "And damn... you so emo!!" He started to chuckle at the mess before him that was me. 

    So I flipped him off.

**Author's note: Sorry guys for all the angst!! But I had to DX

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