Everything had froze...

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     After school on Friday I walked with Jack to his house. I told Liu I wouldn't be able to come home with him. My parents... not so much. It's not like they'd even notice I wasn't there. 

   As we were walking I instantly recognized the neighborhood. I did not live in it, but it was close enough to my own that I'd used to treat-or-treat here when I was little. "You live here?" I asked. Jack nodded. I noticed his hands that was hanging on tight to his backpack straps clenched. I chose to ignore it. 

     We eventually arrived to a house near the edge of the woods. I instantly liked the house... I don't know why, it just looked "homey". "Welcome to my home!" Jack announced as we entered through the front door. "And please excuse all the boxes, I haven't quite finished unpacking yet," Jack added cheekily. I shrugged. 

    "No big deal," I said, smiling. I looked around the home, thinking this house looked beautiful. Jack was watching me as I did so. I couldn't read his expression though. "Do you want me to take off my shoes?" I asked hesitantly. My parents hated it when I walked into the house with my shoes on, after all. 

     "You don't have to worry about that," Jack responded. Still, I felt obligated as a good guest to take my shoes off, leaving my black Converse shoes by the entrance. I heard footsteps approaching us when I looked up. In a flash, I was tackled into a hug, tensing up. What the fuck was going on?!!

     "At first I thought Jack was playing games with me. But he really has a friend!" A random voice right next to me screeched. I looked to see it was a middle-aged woman who was speaking. It was also coming from the same voice who unexpectantly caught me in a hug. My eyes zoomed over to Jack, silently begging for help. Jack had his hands over his eyes, shaking his head in embarrassment.

     "Mom, please don't scare the only friend I have away," he pleaded, but there was a hint of amusement in his voice. His mom immediately let me go, laughing bashfully. 

     "I'm sorry," his mom said. "I'm just so glad to meet Jackie's friend!" I smiled at her... a bit awkwardly. "Oh, where are my manners?! My name is Claudia (author's note: I named her Claudia... get over it!!). Pleased to meet you!" She held out a tiny hand and gladly shook her hand. 

     "My name is Jeff Woods," I greeted. "No need to be sorry," I added hastily. "Your son is a great person!" I don't know why I said the last part, it just had to come out of me. I felt my face burn bright red. 

    "I'm glad you think so!" Jack's mother seemed so nice. I was wondering where the father was, but then I remembered what Jack said about him... maybe it was better not to meet him. 

     "Please, come into the house!" Jack's mom cried, as she pulled me into the living room with Jack following behind, giggling. The next several hours was spent with me, Jack, and even at times his mom, playing board games and just chatting. In the middle of our games, Mrs. Claudia came into the living room with some snacks. But then, as the sun began setting, my stomach grumbled so loudly that it caught Jack's mother's attention. "Are you hungry, sweetie?" she asked. I shook my head no. But she did not take that as an answer. "What do you want to eat?" she ignored my rejection to food. 

     "Um... I should probably be getting home anyways, so please don't worry about me." I looked over to Jack who looked quite upset. His mother looked the same. I felt kinda guilty. But even though my parents don't care, I'm sure Liu does. 

    "Too bad, there are no such things as hungry stomachs in this house!" I looked a bit uncomfortable, but Jack put a comforting hand on my shoulder. "So.." his mother continued, "What is your favorite food?"

    Jack looked at me expectantly. "Umm... I guess sushi?" I shrugged. 

    "Gotcha." That was all his mother said. 

     As we were playing video games in Jack's room, Mrs. Claudia all of a sudden with a platter of sushi. I was completely shook. "You didn't have to do this," I cried. His mother ignored my comment as she placed the platter between us. 

    "It was my pleasure," she smiled at me. If I were straight, I would think she would have been the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, at least for her age. Hehe. 

     "Thank you so much!" I smiled back. "Yeah, thank you mom!" Jack added, giving his mother a kiss on the cheek. 

     "Please eat boys." And with that Jack's mother left Jack's room, closing the door behind her. 

     "Yeah, " Jack added, "Ya better eat now!" He stuck his tongue at me in a playful way. I took a piece of sushi from the platter and stuffed it into Jack's mouth, which he happily ate. "You're missing out," Jack laughed. "This sushi is really good, Jeffy!" 

    I couldn't deny the sushi and began eating it as well as we continued playing Super Smash Bros. Everything seemed absolutely perfect and I felt I could not be as happy as I was right next to Jack.. and the sushi and playing games. But then a loud crash came from downstairs. 

   It felt as though everything had froze. 

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