I want to ask you something...?

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     It's been a few days since... that day. It was a very boring Wednesday now, and I currently in first period with Jack. Since that day, the two of us had gotten along much better. Like a lot better. I still felt the butterflies in my stomach as I glanced at Jack. The teacher noticed this, as he said, "You better not be cheating, Jeff." Oh yeah, I forgot we were taking a test. And it was a test I was not prepared for. My mind was preoccupied on... someone else. I heard a few snickers in the class as my stupid classmates tried horribly to cover their laughs. Damn, they act more like children... smh. 

   I tore my eyes away from Jack, despite wanting them to linger there longer. As I looked down to my nearly empty test page, I realized I was kinda fucked. We had like 20 more minutes in class. The problems I couldn't answer, I just skipped. Which was basically all of them. In the end, I just blotted random bubbles for multiple choice and wrote random numbers for the others. 

***AUTHOR'S NOTE: Children, just study for your tests. In this case, don't be a Jeff when you could be a Jack or a Liu XD 

    It felt like an eternity, but eventually it was lunch time. My head still hurt from looking at all those equations in first period. Jack was waiting for me by my locker as I retrieved money for lunch and switched my books for the next few periods. 

    As we arrived at the cafeteria, Jack went to claim our table in the back as Toby joined me in the food line. It was supposed to be mash potatoes with some weird meat patty. Looks sus. Another reason why I'm loathing this day. I scurried back towards Jack with Toby following behind. As I sat down I let out a long sigh.

    "You okay?" Jack asked.

     I nodded my head, rubbing at my temples. "Today has been shit!" I cried. Jack patted my back in a friendly manner. I rubbed my eyes... yet when I looked back at Jack, he had a weird smile plastered on his face. "Why you smiling like that," I muttered tiredly. 

   "No reason," Jack said nonchalantly. Yet that smile stayed on his face. 

    "Do you like to see me miserable?" I sassed, pushing Jack's hands away from me. This caused the boy to chuckle, slightly annoying me. Toby doesn't know anything going on between the two of us. But he didn't even seem to notice as he was shoveling the patty into his mouth. "Wow, slow down," I directed my comment at Toby, who looked up at me in surprise. 

    "What?" He cried with the food dangling out of his mouth. 

      "You're gonna get a stomach ache from eating that... I don't even think it's meat," I laughed. Toby shrugged my comment away, continuing to devour his food. I looked down at my own food, giving in to the mashed potatoes. I mean, at least I could tell it was mashed potatoes. 

    "How did you think you did on the test?" I asked Jack before taking another bite of mashed potatoes. 

    Jack shrugged as munched on his skittles. With the amount of sugar this boy ingests, I'm surprised he still has teeth. "Meh." 

    "I think I flunked it," my mood quickly dampened my friends as they saw my frown. 

    "Don't worry, everyone always flunks that stupid teacher's tests." Toby chirped across the table. This just made me feel worse. 

    "Gee, thanks," I muttered. 

     "Your welcome." Toby can be quite dense sometimes...

     I watched as Jack dug into his backpack to retrieve a battered notebook and a pencil. He began scribbling something down. He were sitting next to each other, side by side, so he easily handed me the notebook without Toby noticing much. I read Jack's curly handwriting, "Do you want to go to the park after school?" I wrote down my answer. "Sure." As I handed the notebook back to Jack, the big smile I love so much returned to his face. 

     The rest of the day was, well, shitty. I was given quite a lot of homework and my teacher in last period assigned us a new project. And I was paired with the worst partner to do the project with... Nina. I hate that dumb girl so much. Sigh. 

     Jack was waiting for me once again by my locker. I was sluggish as I put the things I'd need into my backpack. Then Liu bumped into me, waiting by my side expectantly. 

    "You can go home without me," I told Liu. He looked confused for a moment. "I'm going to the park with Jack." Liu nodded in understanding, starting to walk away. 

    "Cool. I'm going to hang out with Ben then."

     "Bye!" I waved to my brother, which he reciprocated before disappearing among the crowd of students. 

    "This way!" Jack said excitedly, guiding us out of the school grounds. I was shoved a bit by students rushing by me, but Jack's enthusiasm dismissed my need to bark at the clumsy teens. Once we were back on public ground and away from peeping eyes, Jack went to grab my hand. His was rather warm compared to my cold hands. For once in the whole day I could feel myself relax. 

    The park was rather empty as we arrived. It was pretty chilly out; after all it was now November. Orange and red leaves shone as the sunlight hit them. Jack ran to the swing set like a little child. "Push me!" Jack cried. I sighed, but not in sadness, instead in amusement. For the next ten minutes I was pushing Jack on the swings as he rose higher and higher. He nearly hit me several times as he came back down too quickly. Then we switched and Jack began pushing me. I found myself to be enjoying this moment. 

   When we were tired from the swings, we sat down on one of the nearby benches. We were silent, with only the rustling of the leaves and the birds chirping to be heard. The breeze began to pick up, and I snuggled further into my hoodie, trying to capture any heat I could. Jack seemed to notice this and pulled me into a side hug. This was very comforting. 

    "You sure you okay?" Jack disturbed the silence between us. I nodded, leaning my head on his shoulder. He was very warm. "Hey," Jack started again. But he did not sound as confident as he did before. This peeked my interest as I hummed to let Jack know I was listening. "...I...uh.. I want to ask you something?" 

    "What is it?" I went to hold Jack's hand in a comforting way. But Jack did not say anything. Instead, he dug into his backpack searching for something. I was utterly confused. Eventually, he took a lollipop out of his bag. He stood up from the bench and bowed down to me rather dramatically as he handed the lollipop over into my hand. 

   "A lollipop?" I was still confused. "You said you wanted to say something?" I observed the lollipop in my hands. It was a large, swirley rainbow lollipop. But then I saw there was a piece of paper wrapped around the stick part. I took off the note and went to read it. 

   "Will you be my boyfriend?" 

    Happy tears suddenly sprang from my eyes. I looked up at Jack, the biggest smile I could possibly muster. "YES!" I nearly screeched as I threw myself at Jack. He pulled away a bit so he could plant a kiss upon my lips. And I returned it confidently, feeling Jack smile in the kiss. 

   What has been quite a shitty day has become one of my happiest days.



       I really hope you guys like it as well :3

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