I wonder what Jeff knows...

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TRIGGER WARNING: Slur words and some mild cursing


     I watched in shock as Randy and his crew barged into the bathroom. What's worse was that he was recording us on his phone!! 

    "And over here, the local fags are making out," Randy spoke like a person on an animal documentary show. "Couldn't even wait to get a room," he laughed. Keith and Troy chuckled along. I felt my whole face burn bright pink. "That's going on facebook," Randy continued, eyeing Jeff beside me with hatred. 

     Jeff hopped off the sink and basically pounced on Randy. There was a moment of confusion as to who was beating who. I just stood there. It's like my limbs were frozen. Keith and Troy were on the sidelines, giving encouraging shouts to Randy. After a moment, Jeff was able to snatch the phone away from Randy. He threw it onto the floor and stomped on it to the phone was left in pieces. 

    Randy's face morphed into that of someone about to commit murder. I wouldn't doubt it for a second. "You're gonna pay for that!" Randy shouted, getting close to Jeff's smug face. 

     "Try putting it on facebook now," Jeff sassed victoriously.  

      A grin I learned not to like on Randy's face appeared. "I've got back up," he seethed, turning to look at his goons behind him. 

     I had no idea what that meant, but judging by the looks, it does not seem like a good thing. Even Jeff looked taken aback. Jeff momentarily snapped out of it though to give Randy a hard punch in the face. The punch forced Randy's head to hit against the wall behind him. That was all it took to knock out Randy. This boy needs to stop doing that or it'll be the death of him. I think Keith and Troy learned not to mess with Jeff as they backed away from the boy, putting up their hands in surrender. Just then the bell rang and Jeff stomped out of the bathrooms without me. 

    When my senses finally caught up, I ran out of the bathroom, avoiding Keith and Troy. When I exited, Jeff was nowhere to be seen. There was a stream of students dashing to their respective homerooms and I decided to do the same. I can speak to Jeff later. 

I had first period with Jeff. Usually we'd be passing notes when the teacher wasn't looking. But this time Jeff was sulking at his desk, hiding his face in the crook of his arms. He ignored the first couple notes I passed to him, so I decided to stop. What was his problem??!! He wasn't even paying attention to the lecture... at least I think he didn't? He looked lost in thought, more so than usual... 

   That was how the rest of the classes I had with Jeff went. To say today was pretty boring was an understatement. He didn't even show up at the cafeteria. I did spot Toby though, so it could have been worse. 

     "Where's Jeff?" Toby asked, taking a bite out of a stale pizza slice. I shrugged. "Heh. Must have had a bad day then." 

     "That's for sure." 

     "So you know what happened?" Toby asked.

     "Well, Randy came in--" Oh wait, I should watch what I say. "Erm, Randy started bothering Jeff and I and they got into a fight." The past events flashed in my mind and I felt butterflies in my stomach. As I said this I tried to keep a straight face. 

   "Well, seems like a pretty shitty day then... but still... Jeff seems pretty off it?" 

    "I guess." 

    Don't get me wrong, Toby is a cool guy. But apparently when Jeff is not around, things are kinda awkward and the conversations just die. So after some small talk, the two of us just ate our food in silence till the bells rang. 

    I thought by the time school ended I might be able to catch up with Jeff. He wasn't even around. I had to walk home all alone. My walk allowed me to think over thoughts that bothered me. Something happened between Jeff and Randy in the bathroom. I don't know what it is, but it must be something bad. 

     I wonder what Jeff knows that he isn't telling me...

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry this chapter is kinda short. My battery is low and I'm kinda losing motivation in everything!! DX

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