Movie time!!

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     When we entered inside the house, I was immediately hit by the aroma of food. Needless to say, I was excited!! Upon entering the kitchen, I found no one was there. All that was left in the kitchen was a box of cheap pizza. On top of the box was a note that read, "Your mother and I went on a date night. Enjoy the pizza. See ya soon... and don't make a mess. Love, dad and mom." I took the note off and threw it into the trash bin.

     I turned around to face Jack with a smile. "Guess we have pizza then," I said. I hoped I sounded happy... but in truth I was quite upset that my parents never wanted time with me or Liu. 

    "Yay!" was all that Jack said as he took the slice of pizza and stuffed it into his mouth. I followed suit as I took a different piece and ate it all up in a few bites. After our hunger was satisfied, I gestured Jack to follow me upstairs to me room. Once there. we threw our bags onto the floor.

     "What do you want to do?" I asked. Jack shrugged his shoulders. "We could play games or watch a movie?" I suggested after a long, kinda awkward, silence.

     "Sounds fun!" was all the words that came out of Jack's mouth. Even then, we stood still over the quietness that blanketed over us.

     "Do you wanna change into pajamas?" I asked. Jack thought for a moment before he nodded his head. I tossed him one of my old shirts and a pair of plaid pajama pants. Just as this morning, Jack chose to change in my room. I turned around to give him privacy once again, but I peeked to see Jack changing. This morning, I swore he had terrible bruises covering his body. But now I can assure you those bruises were definitely there, and I was shocked to see them. At first, I thought my tired eyes were playing with me. Now I know they're not. I'll have to bring it up later. 

    When he was done, I told Jack all I wanted to do was change my pants. He asked me where I had water, so I instructed him to find the H2O in the pantry of the kitchen. During that time, I quickly changed my jeans into my other plaid pajama pants. I did not want him to see the scars that littered my legs. Though now that I'm thinking of it, I hope he did not see them earlier this morning...

     It was not long till the both of us were comfortably dressed and watching a movie in my room. We went downstairs to make a bowl of popcorn. I offered Jack to choose the movie, but he told me he'd watch anything I wanted. I argued that he was my guest and I would not mind watching what he wanted. But he kept insisting. So, at 10 at night, Jack and I were watching "The Conjuring" in the darkness of my room. 

    I have to tell you that this boy (Jack) would not stop whimpering the entire time!! He'd keep his face in the crook of my neck, crying like a baby. I offered to change the movie in the middle of the film, but he persisted that he needed to finish it. I'd give him warnings when the worst of the movie was about to come so he can hide behind me again. Though it was kinda annoying, I had to admit I did not regret choosing this movie because Jack completely relied on me for comfort. That felt kinda nice. 

    That was until the movie ended and Jack persuaded me to play truth or dare....

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