I Can Answer the Question...

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Jeff tried to sneak into his homeroom, but was immediately called off by his teacher. He was threatened to spend another day in detention if he could not make it to class on time. This caused the class to snicker. Jeff's happier mood was instantly deflated as he made the walk of shame to his desk at the back of the class. The moment he sat down the bell went off again, signaling first period. As fast as he could, Jeff sprang out of homeroom, making sure to give his teacher a mean face as he walked past him. 

Math was on the other side of the building. He never manages to make it first to class, no matter how much he Naruto-runs. Luckily, everyone knew not to take Jeff's claimed seat at the back of the class by the window. It must be apparent now that Jeff likes seats at the back. He can easily avoid the teacher's gaze by hiding behind students, and he is less picked on by the teachers. Some of the time. And it's just a plus that most students avoid bothering him.

Jeff kept his head down as he walked towards his seat. He was surprised when he saw a pair of bright red shoes in front of him. When he looked up, he saw someone claimed his seat. And it was the new boy. 

Jeff stood watching the boy as everyone else around him were taking their own seats. He was just shocked to see the ginger there, and a tinge of happiness blossomed within  him. The other boy, on the other hand, felt intimidated by Jeff's stare down. "Oh, um, sorry. I-is this your seat?" The new boy stammered nervously. "I can move!" 

Jeff did not realize the boy was talking. When he comprehended what he just said, he shook his head. "Uh, no worries. You can take it!" 

"I don't wanna be a bother," Jack muttered quickly. "Here, take it!" The ginger stood up, grabbing his bag as he dashed over to a seat closer to the front. Everyone else was in their seats and the bell just rang again, indicating class time was about to start. Strangely reluctantly, Jeff sat in his usual spot. 

"Class time has started!" The teacher at the front yelled. "I should not have to tell you to start your warm-ups at this point of the semester." The sounds of backpacks opening and the rustling of papers could be heard. "Oh, I almost forgot," the math teacher quickly said. "We have a new student joining us. Jack, can you please stand up?" 

Jeff watched as the ginger head stood up from his desk very hesitantly. All he could see from his perspective was a mess of ginger hair, but somehow Jeff could also tell he was nervous. His head was down, preferring to stare at his beaten-down desk, and his fingers that were exposed from Jeff's angle was shaking. Everyone waited to hear what Jack had to say, but not a single word left the new boy's mouth. 

"This is Jack, everyone." The teacher said boredly. "I hope you all treat him well. Now get back to your warm-ups." When pencils scribbling on paper was all that was heard for a moment, Jack went to sit back down. Jeff was trying to start on his warm-ups like everyone else, but his eyes stayed glued to Jack's head. So that was his name.... Jack. Jeff liked it. They both even started with J's. 

Jeff kept his head down so the teacher thought he was working, too. But no matter how hard he tried to concentrate on the math problems in front of him, his attention was spared only for Jack. He was watching as the teacher approached the new boy. He was kneeling by Jack, whispering things into his ear so as to not distract the class. A huge textbook, the one everyone had for the class, was also passed down to the boy. When the teacher left to go back to his desk at the front of the class, Jack stammered out a "T-thank you." 

By the time warm-up was finished, Jeff looked down to his paper to see he had nothing to show for the work. The teacher began calling names,  and of course on all days, Jeff had to be called. "Can you put your answer for the fourth problem on the board?" All eyes turned to look at him, including Jack's still slightly red ones from crying earlier. It is kinda hard to avoid the stares when you are at the back of the class. Jeff felt his cheeks turn a bright red. 

"Uh.... actually no." Jeff said. 

"And why is that?" The teacher asked in annoyance. 

"I was distracted." The Woods boy said bluntly. Unconsciously his eyes lingered on Jack for a split second, but enough for some people to notice. It is not hard to put two and two together. Some people began laughing and "ooh"ing. Jack must have noticed, too, for his cheeks started matching the color of Jeff's. 

The teacher sighed very audibly. "If there are so many distractions back there I'm going to have to move you up." 

Jeff was about to sass something back, but not before Jack interrupted. "I can answer the problem for Jeff, if you don't mind." The teacher stood observing the boy for a second, then nodded his head. 

"It's a shame the new boy is willing to answer a question you should already be able to," the teacher attacked Jeff. "Maybe you should learn something from him, huh?" The class watched as Jack went up to the board, slightly trembling. When he sat back down, the teacher cleared his voice. "Correct answer." 

Class went on as usual. The math being presented just went in through one ear and out the other. Cause all Jeff could concentrate on was the new boy a few seats in front of him. The teacher was right, Jeff wanted to learn things from Jack... everything. This thought passed through his mind as he played with the cherry candy in his hoodie pocket. 

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