What did that kiss mean...?

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     The next day, I felt there was something wrong with Jack. He seemed more tired than usual. Most of the time, he walks normally. But today he was slouching so much as though he's been sitting in front of the computer for days. Let's not forget how he seems dragging himself, each step a challenge. And of course, the ever so present smile was absent. 

     "Hey Jackie!" I approached my friend. I put a friendly hand on his shoulder and for a second it seemed he flinched away. 

     "Hi," he said numbly. Yup, something was definitely wrong. 

     "You okay?" I asked, concern pouring through my voice. Jackie shrugged. 

     "My parents just gave me a big lecture on not running away like that again," Jack said quickly, rubbing the length of his arm. I did not buy it for a second, but as more students were piling into the school, I decided to drop it for now. I could see my friend was drowning with sorrow, so I hesitantly wrapped him in a hug. I wanted to see Jack's reaction, and if he would flinch again. If yes, then my dreaded thoughts would be correct...

    I did feel Jack flinch. Then he gave into the hug, gently putting his long arms around me. The halls were becoming full of people, and when I spotted Randy staring at us from down the long corridor, I decided to end the hug. I held the glare he sent my way. There was a bit of a staring contest, but when I saw his arm was in a cast, I could not help but smirk at the masterpiece I've created. Jack noticed me sending daggers at Randy and muttered, "Let's just go." I held my position for a few seconds more before following Jackie as we left to chill in the bathroom. 

    I came pretty early to school that day, don't know why. I was quite glad Jack came early too, so we could hang out for a while before homeroom. I jumped onto the sink, letting my legs dangle in the air. Jack was leaning against the sink by my side. We were enveloped in a comfortable silence till I heard Jack cough lightly to get my attention. I turned my head a tad bit to get a closer look at him. 

     "Uh...uh. Hmm, how should I put this?" My full attention was on Jack now as I tilted my head. "Erm.." He was beginning to turn pink. Now I really wanted to know what he was going to say. He continued rubbing his arm nervously. 

     "Just spit it out," I laughed, shoving his shoulder lightly with my own. 

     "A-about... about that kiss?" It was my turn to blush. "What did that kiss mean to you...?" I left him with silence. What did it mean after all? I don't know. I guess it was in the rush of the moment. I turned my head away, playing with the strings of the hoodie. "Oh." There was so much sadness in his voice. "...I see." 

     I turned my attention back to Jack. This time it was him trying to avoid my gaze. I felt like I screwed up. Especially since it was me who kissed him first. I spent all night just trying to figure out why I even kissed him in the first place. I decided, the hell with it, just say it. "I like you." 

    Apparently this was not the response Jack predicted. His recent dull eyes actually sparkled for once. A wide grin graced its presence on my friend's face. Several emotions played, as Jack was first shocked, then happy, and finally relieved. "I was worried for a second..." Jack murmured. "...cause I like you, too." 

     We were both about to go in for a kiss. It was supposed to be like in one of those cliche romantic movies.

    But then Randy and his gang showed up. 

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