I was doomed.

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TRIGGER WARNING: violence and slur words and suicide


     It was the next day, Thursday. The half of the house was nearly packed as I left with Liu to go to school that morning. Honestly, I don't even see the point in going to school ESPECIALLY if I wasn't even going to see Jack. Everyday this past week I was hopeful that Jack would appear. But as I walked through the doors and searched for my friend, alas he was not present at school. Why am I not surprised?!

    I did get to see Toby, of course. But he was super close friends and promised that he'll come visit me in our new home over the winter break. It was Jack I was afraid of losing. That morning, Toby met me by my lockers as Liu departed with Ben. I basically just went to my locker to kill time... I wasn't going to bring my books to class if my last day was going to be tomorrow. Like what's the point?! So the two of us waited by my locker as we talked about anything and everything. Toby brought Jack into the conversation once, but by the upset look on my face, he quickly dropped the topic. And I was very glad for that. 

     Even though it was my second to last day, it still felt like a relatively normal day at school. When the bell rang, Toby and I said our good-byes as we departed to our homerooms. And then first period. And then second period. And then third period. Nothing interesting happened, just the boring lectures. I got told off by... okay, all of my teachers for not doing the homework. "What's the point? My last day is tomorrow!" I retorted as they demanded to know why the homework was incomplete. They just sighed dramatically, shaking their ugly dusty heads at me before continuing the lesson. Meanwhile, I was bored out of my mind, doodling random things in my notebook and secretly checking notifications from my phone, praying Jack would at least send me a text message. The way he left my house that day was just heartbreaking. 

    Finally, it was lunch time. I skipped lunch that day, my mind wandering on someone else, if ya know what I mean, to care for food. Plus the lunch of the day looked absolutely dreadful. Toby sat across from me at our usual table... at least usual for now till tomorrow. Toby looked like he was eating some sort of egg and ham sandwich with some chips that he packed. "Aren't you hungry?" Toby asked in between bites. I shook my head tiredly, setting my head on the greasy cafeteria table. Even though it has been days, it still feels weird without Jack at the table eating with us. But Toby did not seem to notice my melancholy feels as he devoured his food like there was no one else in the world. I watched my friend intently, trying to catch his attention. His hands twitched around a bit as his ticks appear to worsen, making it harder for him to smoothly glide the sandwich into his mouth.

    After some time and still no interaction with my friend across the table as he dug into his chips, I got up from my seat. "I'm going to the bathroom," I called over my shoulder as I left the table. 

    "Okay," Toby chirped behind me, seemingly not bothered by my absence. I quickly walked through the cafeteria, several times ducking away from the annoying hyper students as they pranced around the tables. The constant bickering of the teens around me made it hard for me to clear my head, but the moment the cafeteria doors closed, I could finally hear myself think. I slinked away into the nearest men's bathroom. When I arrived, I approached the sinks where I splashed cold water onto my face. When I turned off the faucet, I glanced into the mirror, staring myself blankly in the face. I never realized how tired I look. It was very clear to see the dark eye circles under my eyes that just progressed worst than ever before. My hair drooped dully over my eyes. And my chapped lips seriously needs moisture. You have to do it soon, I thought to myself. You know you have to do...it. I shuddered at what I'd have to do. It made me feel sick... but at the same time I knew I would feel satisfaction. This plan is the ONLY way I could ever stay with Jack. As crazy as it sounds, I'd do anything for him. ANYTHING. 

     As these thoughts plagued my mind, someone in the mirror behind me caught my eyes. I turned quickly around so my back wasn't exposed to my intruders. I glared daggers at the person before me. 

     "Where is your little boyfriend?" The cold voice of Randy called out to me. How did I not hear him and his goons coming? And now I'm left completely alone with them. Great. 

     "He's not my boyfriend," I growled. Saying those words aloud really hurt me to hear coming from my voice. But Randy did not seem at all convinced. This just made him and his idiot followers cackle. Randy's arm was completely healed, with no cast in sight. I thought he would have learned his lesson by now... no one messes with Jeffrey fucking Woods. 

    "He's been missing from school for so long," there was a mockery in Randy's voice as he strutted towards me. "I wonder why...?" He looked over to his boy standing behind him. "Even you are too disgusting to keep a fag like him wanting to hang out with you." I felt my muscles tense, ready for a fight. But I stood my ground as he came even closer to me. "Or maybe he's not here because he killed himself... finally!" This made them all of them laugh hysterically in the musty bathroom. This kid is really pushing my last button. I watched cautiously as Randy' hand entered into the pocket of his ripped jeans and hesitantly pulled something out. There was a devilish grin on his face. Something glinted off whatever was clasped tightly in Randy's hand. 

   A knife! 

     He scooted closer to my face, bringing the knife to rest gently under my chin. "Maybe you should finally kill yourself, too?" 

     I can't remember what happened. It was like a white flash of rage took over me. Like a demon was controlling my body. All I know was that when I finally got out of this trance, there were the bodies of Randy, Troy and Keith lying on the ground. They weren't dead, as I rushed to check their pulses. But there were some cuts on their arms. Tiny droplets of blood clotted at the fresh cuts. The knife I was shakily holding was the evidence of their injuries, as it was covered in blood. There was even a cut on my cheek. But I cannot remember any of this happening. I knelt by their unconscious bodies, repeatedly hitting my head on the floor. What did I just do?!! 

    And then there was a student standing by the bathroom door. He was too shocked to let out a single word. I looked at him, begging him to stay quiet. But then before I could reach him, he dashed out of there, still too scared to scream out. 

    I was doomed. 

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