Cherry Flavor

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The corridors were completely empty, except for the two boys named Jack and Jeff. The only sounds that could be heard in the hall were the muffled noises coming from the classrooms and Jack's silent sobs. 

Jeff's earlier intentions of retrieving the items he'll need for class was forgotten as he stood before the new boy. Step by step, the younger Woods approached Jack. He was silent, afraid of scaring the ginger boy like he was a wild animal. Suddenly, Jack's face popped from where it was hidden between the palms of his head.

Both boys did not say anything. They did not know what to say. In one scenario, it was a boy trying to comfort a complete stranger; the other was a scared boy being approached by a stranger. 

"Those candies looked delicious." Jeff mumbled awkwardly, staring down at the new boy. This made Jack laugh. 

"They were." The ginger wiped the back of his hand across his face, trying in vain to cover up his tears. They were horribly obvious, nonetheless, with tear trails blotching his pale face. "I have one more left if you want it." Jack lifted his body up from the floor, searching through his pockets as he did so. He offered a red candy to Jeff. 

"Heh. It's... my favorite color." Jeff stammered nervously. "If it's your last one, keep it." 

"Nah, have it." Jack went to grab a hold of Jeff's hand that was stuffed in the pocket of his hoodie. Jeff could have sworn he felt sparks when both boys connected hands for a split second. 

"Uh, thanks." Jeff smiled brightly. 

"It's cherry flavor." Jack grinned back. 


After their short, awkward conversation, both boys were back to not talking. The sounds coming from the homerooms in progress suddenly brought Jeff back to reality that he was in school. 

"Crap! I'm gonna be late!" Jeff looked back to his locker that was still open with all his school supplies. Then he whipped his head back to Jack. Well, more like up at Jack; he did not realize how much taller the ginger is. "Do you need help?" 

"No worries." Jack muttered humbly. "I can find my way around." 

"Are you sure? I mean... I don't mind. It's kinda pointless going to homeroom at this point. 

"And for a minute you were worried about being late?" Jeff had no idea if Jack was being sarcastic. All he knew was that comment made him chuckle.  

"Eh, I guess you're right." 

"Don't worry too much about me, I'll manage." Jack went to turn back to his locker and Jeff did the same. Once he had all of his stuff he turned back to Jack to see he was gone. Without realizing it, Jeff was smiling like a lunatic. He felt his cheeks burn but shook it off as he ran to his homeroom. With more joy in his steps than he did all week. And it was just a Monday. 

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