Who would want to be friends with you?

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TRIGGER WARNING: some slurs and domestic abuse.


     There was a loud crashing coming from downstairs. I already knew it was my father and I felt all life leave my body. Why now?! I angerly thought to myself. Why couldn't he stayed in work or even the bars longer?! I did not want Jeff to see this side of the family. 

     "What was that?" Jeff asked, his voice shaking a bit. I chose not to answer. He got up from his spot on the carpet and tip toed toward the door, opening it a bit for him to peer through. Loud screaming was coming from downstairs and more glass breaking. When Jeff came back into my room, his face closely matched my own. I was gazing down onto the floor, embarrassed that this was my life and Jeff had to see it. I invited him over so we could have fun. Now things are just awkward. 

     "..." I felt Jeff look at me, trying to say something as he kept opening and closing his mouth, unsure of what to say. Eventually, a soft voice whispered, "...are they always like this?" I nodded. Jeff cautiously put a comforting hand on my shoulder. This made me smile a bit... but just little enough that if you were not paying attention, you would have totally missed it. 

   All the shouting downstairs quieted somewhat, but was soon replaced with more crashing. Every crash startled Jeff as though it was the first time. As for me, I simply was frozen in place, not even fazed by it anymore. Then the shouting replaced the crashes. But this time, it got closer and closer to my room. 

     This is not good...

     My father kicked open my door with his dirty shoe. His hair and attire were completely messed up and there were veins on his neck and forehead that were visible. "WHO'S THIS?" my father asked me, pointing at Jeff threatening, who was trembling in fear. "Does fag have a boyfriend?" my father growled, getting closer to my face. I can nearly smell the whiskey on his breath. 

     "W-we're just fr-friends." I stammered, refusing to meet my father's gaze. 

     "Don't lie to me." From experience, when he says this it only gets worst. "Who would want to be friends with you?" he added. Then I saw my mother start running towards us, crying for my father to leave us alone. As quick as a hungry predator, my father slammed the door shut and locked it. From the other side I could hear my mother's viscous poundings and howling of agony. 

     Without hesitation, my father went to choke me. He held me easily in place with one hand while he went to undo his belt. "This is what you get," he said, as he whipped my body with the belt.  

     "STOP!" Jeff cried, trying in vain to grab my father's hand with the belt. 

     "This is not your place, bitch." My father pushed Jeff aside. Jeff would not budge though as my father continued whipping me. I was completely surprised when Jeff managed to take the belt away from my father's firm grip and fling it across the room. Though I thought he was heroic...he just made a mistake he'll regret. 

     "FUCKING FAG!!" my father roared, turning his full attention on Jeff now. He gripped the brunette by his hair and slammed his head against the wall. Jeff was crying in pain, tears unwillingly falling from his eyes. I looked frantically around my room, searching for something to stop my father as he went from slamming Jeff's head to kicking his frail body lying on the floor. The screams of my father, Jeff's crying, and my mother pounding the door made my skull feel like it was going to split down the middle. I spotted a glass of water on my bedside table. There was day old water inside, but it wasn't the water I was interested in. I dumped that onto my carpet, not caring about it getting wet at the moment, and thrusted the glass as hard as I could onto my father's head. He momentarily stopped and fell on top of Jeff who was crying from the beatings. Even my mother stopped pounding for a second. However, I knew my father would not be down for long, so I helped pull Jeff from under my father. I made sure the glass shards littering the floor will not harm Jeff's hands. 

     I walked over to the window, opening it up. There was a chill breeze passing through. I looked down, trying to spot a way in which to escape from. There were some bushes directly under my window, and the ledge dropped down a bit. It should not cause serious injury if we were to jump off from the ledge. "Come here," I said to Jeff in a hoarse voice. He slowly walked over to me, sniffling and wiping stray tears. He constantly turned around, afraid that my father will get back up again and finish him. "Hurry, we have to be fast." I said quickly. Jeff nodded, standing next to me by the window. He looked down and gulped nervously. 

     "My shoes are downstairs," Jeff reminded me. 

     "No time for that." I looked behind me to see my father was still knocked out. I must have thrown it pretty strong... probably my biggest accomplishment, really. Then I turned my attention back to the task at hand. "I'll go first." I climbed out and landed on the ledge. It as at an angle, going downwards, so I made sure to take my time. 

     "Be careful," Jeff murmured. I nodded my head yes. As I got to the edge, I tried to aim where I'll land. I was hoping by the bushes. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, opened my eyes again and jumped. I landed into the bushes. There were some sticks that poked me uncomfortably, but other than that I was safe. "Your turn!" I called. 

     Jeff looked at me anxiously. I saw him turned back to look into my room. For a moment he disappeared back into my room. The worst thoughts came straight into my head. And all I wanted to do today was hang out with my new friend. Gosh, the universe really hates me. I felt relieved when I saw Jeff come back into view. It seemed he did not want to jump; I could actually see Jeff shaking in fear from where I stood on the ground... he was that scared. I gave him a thumbs up to try and encourage him. "It's not that bad, really. You got this!" I cheered. 

     This seemed to give Jeff the courage he needed... I mean if he had enough courage to tackle my abusive dad, I'm sure he can jump out a window. Jeff climbed onto the ledge just as I had done, paused for a few seconds, and then jumped off the ledge and into the bushes. I helped him up from his fall, but his thick hoodie protected him from any wandering sticks. His feet was another story though, as he wore no shoes.

     Together, the two of use trudged away from the house. Good riddance!, I thought as I turned around to raise my middle finger at my house. Jeff joined me. And with that, we went to Jeff's home. 

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