Just don't let my parents find out...

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TRIGGER WARNING: alcohol and mentions of abuse.


     I was not sure if I was imagining it, but there stood Jack looking back at me outside. I was definitely sure I was not dreaming when he yelled, "Hey!" I gave a small wave. "Let me up!" he shouted. 

    "S-stay there," I began to slur but desperately tried to sound sober. I ran, or more like stumbled, down the stairs. My parents were not home, but I did not know when they'll be back from the party. So I tried to quickly get him inside. I opened the door to be greeted by the cold November breeze. I went around the side of my house to where Jack was waiting, still looking up to my window. "Hurry!" I shouted, catching Jack's attention. The two of us ran back into the house, and scurried into my room. As soon as Jack passed through my door, I quietly closed the door and locked it. If my parents were to find out Jack was in their house... oof I'm dead. 

    When I turned back around to face Jack, I could see Jack was eyeing the bottle of whiskey lying on my bed. "You want some?" I asked softly. Jack hesitantly nodded his head, reaching for the bottle and taking a swig. We didn't say anything at first as we sat side by side on the end of my bed. So I decided to break the silence myself, "You okay?" I muttered, taking a sip from the bottle as well, clenching my jaws as the bitter substance entered my mouth. 

    Jack shook his head. And that was when I noticed the tears that were silently making its way down his face. His face was hidden under his hair and he turned his head so I couldn't see him sobbing. As gently as I could, I cupped Jack's face, making him face me. And was when I noticed the purple bruise that littered his beautiful face. "Did he do this to you?" I asked darkly. It took a long time, but eventually Jack nodded. "...I'm gonna kill him," I said this more to myself than to Jack. 

    Jack looked absolutely bewildered. He looked at me, locking gazes together. I saw fear in his eyes. Pure fear. "You can't, Jeff!" He cried. 

     "I'm gonna anyway," I replied, shaking with anger. I picked up the bottle again, taking a huge gulp of whiskey. Jack snatched the liquor from me to relieve his craving for the poison. Then I remembered the lunchbox, stumbling over to my desk to pick it up. "You f-forgot t-this by the way." Jack closed the bottle as he took his lunchbox from me. He took a piece of candy out of the box and popped it into his mouth. "Is that why you didn't show up to school?" I blurted out without even thinking. Jack looked at me, confusion written on his face. I tapped my cheek, trying to help my friend better understand what I mean. I could see the moment it clicked in Jack's mind, almost like those cartoons when a light bulb turns on over their head.

   Jack just shrugged. "Kinda," Jack said. "I don't think this will be easy to cover with concealer," Jack let out a bitter laugh, avoiding my gaze as he let his eyes fall on his lap. "...but" Jack began. I hummed to let my boyfriend know I was listening. "...I came because I think we should break up.." Now that was something I was not expecting. My jaw nearly dropped to the floor as I looked at Jack like he was growing a second head. 

    "Why?" I cried. Jack flinched away from me at the sound of my raised voice. In a softer tone, I pleaded, "Was it something I've done? I'm sorry I did not tell you sooner..." Tears began to tear through my eyes. 

   "Of course it was not something you've done!" Jack said softly, turning to face me. "But you're moving away, your parents are homophobes, my dad is a homophobe, and I just don't think we'll make it. I don't think a long distance relation will work out." Jack seemed pained as he said this. "I think we should end it now before we end up in heart break." 

     "I'm heartbroken right now!" I assured Jack. "We'll make it through!" I tried to reason with him. "I'm not going anywhere..." 

    "Yes you are!" Jack argued, raising his voice. "You're moving next week and that's just reality!!" 

     "Please don't do this!!" I was on the ground now, crying my eyeballs out. Jack looked down at me as I tried in vain to wipe the tears away. He was crying, too. We were both crying messes. 

    "I'm sorry," Jack sat on the ground with me, "but I have to." This scene looks all to familiar... 

     I was both sad and angry at Jack. "Well, if all you came here was to tell me that we are over, then leave!" I shrieked, pulling myself away from Jack's side. I crossed my arms angrily, not daring to look at Jack's retreating body. But I did not hear a single sound. There were no footsteps, no unlocking of the door, and no door creaking open. I slightly turned around to see Jack was standing in the middle of my room. You can clearly see the bruise and his tear stained face from this angle. "Leave." I gritted through my teeth. But Jack still wasn't listening. 

    He rubbed his arms nervously. His gaze was down to the carpeted floor. "...can I stay the night?" He asked weakly, almost to quiet that I couldn't even hear him. I was staring daggers into his soul. "...my father.." Jack couldn't finish the sentence before sobbing once again. Though I was mad at Jack, and he was technically my "ex" now, I still loved him. His sobbing was uncontrollable as he gasped to breathe. In an instant, I got up and hugged Jack tightly. Eventually, he was hugging back.

    "Of course," I whispered as Jack's cries began to fade. "Just don't let my parents find out..." 

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