What about your parents

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     I woke up to someone holding me close. I hesitated for a bit, but when I turned my body around I saw it was just Jack. Then all of the memories from last night popped up into my head. Oh... right. Jack was still sleeping and looked the most peaceful than I've ever seen him, especially from last night. Though I had the urge to use the bathroom, I decided to stay there until Jack woke up. 

     Thankfully, it did not take him long to wake up from his slumber. I felt him flinched instinctively. Then I heard him sigh in relieve. I was shocked to feel him bringing me closer to his chest. He must think I was asleep. I turned around to face him. At first, Jack looked shocked. Which turned into... embarrassment? And then finally, joyful. "You awake?" Jack whispered. I saw his pale face turn pink. 

    "Uh huh.." I mumbled into his chest tiredly. This made Jack chuckle. I slowly pushed myself away from him to get off the bed. I scratched my head and stretched my limbs. Jack got up as well. 

     "It's Saturday," I said, more to myself than to Jack. I totally forgot for a moment. "What do you wanna do today?" I asked Jack as I turned to look at him. 

     "I don't know. What do you wanna do?" I shrugged, my bed head going every which direction. "We should have breakfast first," I stated. Jack nodded, getting up on his feet. When I looked at him I realized we never changed into pajamas and were still in our clothes from yesterday. "Uhh... do you wanna change? You can borrow some of my clothes?" I offered bashfully. 

     Jack took a moment to sniff at his clothes and recoiled for a moment. "That would be great..." he said, his nose scrunched up. I giggled at the face he made... cause I thought it was cute. I walked over to my closet and picked up a random shirt and jeans. It just so happened to be a My Chemical Romance shirt and gray jeans. 

    "Here ya go," I said as I tossed them over to Jack. "You can change in the bathroom. It's down the hall to the right." 

    Jack looked uncertain for a bit. "Uhhh. it's okay. I'll just change here." He began to strip his clothes off of him. I turned around to give him some privacy. Still, I found myself peeking at him. I was in total shock to see the bruises littered all over his body. Some of them looked fresh, as in yesterday. But others were obviously odd. I couldn't stop staring at them. But then Jack announced he was all dressed and I quickly looked away. 

    "You done?" I asked, though I already knew the answer. 

     "Yup!" Jack announced. "Are you gonna change?" I nodded. I pulled myself a random shirt for me and some black jeans. This time it was a Pierce the Veil shirt. When I told Jack I was done I turned around to see Jack blushing madly. I don't know what he saw.. but I hoped he liked it!!

     The two of use started our way down the stairs. We were nearing the last steps, when Jack suddenly stopped. "Is there something wrong?" I asked. Jack shook his head. "Come on then," I laughed, tugging at his hand. The ginger retracted his hand back. "Jack?"

     "What about your parents?" Jack asked, fidgeting with his hands. 

     "Don't worry," I assured. It took a few seconds for Jack to calm down a bit. Then we made our way into the kitchen. Jack stood behind me as we pushed our way through. My parents were both in the kitchen, drinking coffee and talking. When I appeared with Jack behind me, both my parents stopped. 

     "Hello, Jeff. Who is your friend you got there?" My mother asked, looking at Jack curiously. 

     "A riend." I merely stated, no emotion apparent in my voice like I had with Jack just moments before. I only reserve that for people who deserve it...

    "Oh, good." my father reciprocated with the same emotionless voice. "By the way, your mother and I are going to the countryside for wine tasting with some friends." 

    "Oh okay." That was basically the end of the conversation. As I started breakfast for Jack and I, my parents returned upstairs, getting ready to leave. Jack watched them go in wonder as I prepared batter for pancakes. "They really don't mind me being here?" Jack asked. 

     "I could be having ten girls in my room and my parents still would not care." 

     "Oh." Jack looked down at his feet. I couldn't read his expression, but I was too busy making sure I wouldn't burn the pancakes. Finally, after all the batter was used, I set the table for Jack and I to use. We each had 3 pancakes; the rest I saved for Liu. 

     "So... what do you wanna do today?" I asked in between bites. Jack ignored my question, staring down at his food that he barely touched. "...you okay?" I asked hesitantly. 

    This seemed to bring Jack back down to earth. "...I'm okay," he muttered. I could tell he was lying. But I mean, after all that happened last night, who could blame him!? 

    I decided to change the topic. "I know this sounds basic... but do you want to go to the mall? I could invite Toby if you'd like?" Jack seemed to perk at this suggestion. 

    "Sure! That'd be great!" Though he sounded happy, Jack's eyes did not match his smile. 

    "Great!" I said, texting Toby to meet us at the mall. 

     Shortly afterwards, I cleaned the dishes and called an Uber to take us to the mall. 


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