Truth or Dare (part 2)

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TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of alcohol use and some cursing!!!!!!


     I only dared Jack to take one shot of vodka. Even then, I was regretting my dare even before he took the shot. But now Jack was taking shot after shot. I did not know whether Jack was a lightweight or if he ever even drank alcohol. I was used to drinking, so I never thought about the consequences alcohol can have on another person. 

     Thirty minutes later, and I can definitely tell Jack was getting tipsy. He laughed more and was very loud. "T-truth or d-d-dare," he slurred. 


     "Oooookay.." Jack laughed. The look on his face was priceless though... he looked so cute as he was thinking, his eyes glued to the ceiling for a moment. Wait... where did that thought pop up from? "H-have you ever kissed anyoneeee?" 

     I felt my cheeks heat up at the question. Looking down at my hands, I muttered, "No." I know, I know. How could I never have kissed anyone... being this attractive and all (**cue the fangirls in the distance)?! 

     "W-well, do you wannaaaa?" Jack got incredibly close... too close for comfort. 

     "What?" I nearly squealed. I placed my hands firmly on Jack's chest, trying to push him away. Jack just laughed. 

     "I was kidding," he chuckled, as he took another shot of vodka. "You're so cute when your pinks are cheeks!" Yup, he was definitely drunk, this boy was mixing up his words. I grasped the bottle from Jack and took a long swig from it, too embarrassed to look Jack in the eyes. "D-don't be mad at meeee!" Jack cried, giving me the puppy dog eyes. I was not expecting as Jack engulfed me into a huge bear hug. 

     "Okay, okay." I laughed, pushing Jack off me. But he stumbled and landed on the floor with me on top of him. This was awkward. I quickly pulled myself away from him, my face burning up. "So.... truth or dare?" I asked Jack, rubbing my neck awkwardly. But Jack just laid there, watching me intently with a big goofy grin on his face. 

     "Dare," he laughed, once again. 

     I pondered for a bit, then said, "I dare you to dance the macarena!" 

     Jack clumsily got onto his feet. I could not tell if he was dancing or having some sort of seizure. It was entertaining, that's for sure. We were both laughing messes when he was done. "Your turnnnn J-Jeffy!!" 


     "What's your sex-ua-lityyy?" 

    Where did that question come from?!! "Uhhh.." I thought for another moment. I know this question should not be hard to answer... I just never really thought about it. "Pass." I finally stated. 

     "That's not fair!!" Jack cried. "A t-truth," hiccup, "i-is a truth!"

     "Fine! I'll do a dare then," I hissed in annoyance. 

     The biggest grin appeared on Jack's drunken face. "I d-dare y-y-you to k-kiss meeee." Jack said happily. Before I can comprehend what Jack said, the ginger pulled me towards him, a hand behind my neck, and gave me a very sloppy kiss on the mouth. It did not last long, but before it ended, I felt myself kissing back. What the fuck?! I was left totally astounded, I couldn't even form words. On the other hand, Jack looked quite pleased with himself. 

     Then Jack came closer to me again, his hand back onto my neck. "I-I'm," hiccup, "going to tell y-you a secreeeeet!!" Jack giggled. For a secret, he was talking pretty loud.  "I-I'm," Jack started, but then distracted himself in a fit of giggles, "I'm gayyyy!" Jack laughed some more. I was not completely shocked. I had some suspicion after what his crappy father said. 

    Jack began falling towards me. At first I thought he was going to try to kiss me again. But then he fell face forward onto my shoulder. His sudden weight knocked me onto the floor. I tried to lift him off me, but he passed out. Right on top of me!!!

     I dragged Jack onto the mattress and tucked him under the blankets. He looked quite at peace in his sleep, even if it was induced by alcohol. I took a seat at my desk, drinking some more vodka straight from the bottle. As I was lost in my head, I gingerly felt my lips where, just minutes ago, Jack kissed it. I don't know what this feeling was... I felt so clueless and scared. 

     Why would Jack kiss me?! I mean, it was a dare and all. Maybe that is all what this was... a dare. Jeff, don't think too much into this!!! All I know was that I was not going to get much sleep. I have to figure out what this feeling was first. Why am I like this?!! I drank more as I watched over the sleeping Jack. 

     Maybe he'll forget about all this in the morning. And then we won't have to ever talk about it. Yeah, that sounds like a great plan... I think. 

     Oh boy, here goes another sleepless night -_-

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